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HOME Forums News / Gossip R1SE announced that it will be officially disbanded at 00:00 on June 14


  • R1SE announced that it will be officially disbanded at 00:00 on June 14

     °reminis updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Post
  • °reminis

    June 2, 2021 at 12:25 pm

    “Hello everyone, we are R-1-S-E, R1SE“, we will officially say goodbye to you on June 14 at 00:00.

    At the beginning, We don’t know how many times we had to repeat this self-introduction

    At the end, every moment under the name of R1SE will seem like yesterday.

    From today onwards, we will use “12” as the scale to mark the final end of R1SE.

    The story of R1SE is that we know the ending is set, but we still want to go together.

Original Post
0 of 0 posts June 2018