2024 Chinese Drama List

The Tale of Rose – Liu Yifei, Tong Dawei

The Tale of Rose is a life, romance drama directed by Wang Jun, starring Liu Yifei and Tong Dawei, with special appearances by Lin Gengxin, Wan Qian, Lin Yi, Peng Guanying, Huo Jianhua, and Zhu Zhu.

The series is adapted from the long novel of the same name by Yi Shu. The story follows the growth and emotional journey of Huang Yimei over more than two decades, deeply portraying urban emotional life. The drama focuses on numerous social phenomena and trending topics, vividly depicting the splendid moments of contemporary women bravely blooming.




The Tale of Rose

English Title: The Tale of Rose
Chinese Title: 玫瑰的故事
Genre: Romance, Life
Tag: Multiple Couples, First Love, Strong Female Lead, Heartbreak, Break up, Brother-Sister Relationship
Episodes: 38
Duration: 45 min.
Director: Wang Jun
Released Date: 2024-06-08
Broadcast Website: MZTV Exclusive, WeTV, Viki



Born into a scholarly family, Huang Yimei grew up with great care and displayed artistic talent from a young age. As she entered the workforce, Huang Yimei quickly gained recognition and became indispensable. She met and fell in love with her partner, Zhuang Guodong, but they ultimately missed their chance to be together. This professional experience gave her a clearer plan for her life, leading her to return to school for further education. After graduation, she married her senior, Fang Xiewen. However, their life paths diverged, and they eventually chose to divorce.

Huang Yimei then started her own business and carved out a niche in the art curation field. During this time, she met her soulmate, Pu Jiaming, but he had only a few months left to live. Their love story ended with his passing, yet Huang Yimei did not succumb to despair. She continued striving to live her life to the fullest, as always.


The story takes place on the special day of July 13, 2001. The International Olympic Committee will announce the results of the Olympic bid at ten o'clock today, and Beijing is one of the candidate cities. The whole country is eagerly anticipating Beijing's success in winning the bid.

Guan Zhizhi specifically chose this day to register her marriage with her fiancé, Zhou Shihui. Colleagues and close friends are waiting at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau to celebrate with them. Guan Zhizhi couldn't contain her joy and filled out the registration form cheerfully, immersed in happiness and oblivious to the fact that Zhou Shihui, sitting next to her, was acting strangely.

Zhou Shihui looked worried and restless. The staff confirmed that both parties' submitted documents were accurate and were about to stamp the marriage certificate when Zhou Shihui suddenly stopped them loudly. Guan Zhizhi was immediately infuriated and embarrassed. She had been in a relationship with Zhou Shihui for seven years and never expected him to back out at the last minute.

Huang Zhenhua, Zhou Shihui's colleague, had been waiting outside for a long time but didn't see Guan Zhizhi and Zhou Shihui come out. Sensing that something was wrong and recalling Zhou Shihui's unusual behavior that morning, he tried to comfort him about his fear of married life. As expected, Zhou Shihui changed his mind at the last moment. Guan Zhizhi was unwilling to let it go.

She had spent seven years of her youth on Zhou Shihui and angrily scolded him, forcibly dragging him to get the certificate, even if it meant divorcing the next day. Zhou Shihui resolutely refused, and Guan Zhizhi's close friends rushed in to punch and kick him. Huang Zhenhua, seeing this, drove Zhou Shihui away to escape.

Huang Zhenhua advised Zhou Shihui to return and apologize to Guan Zhizhi, but Zhou Shihui had to admit that he had fallen in love with Huang Zhenhua's sister, Huang Yimei. Hearing this, Huang Zhenhua became furious and beat up Zhou Shihui, who did not fight back despite being bruised and battered, insisting that his love for Huang Yimei was true.

Huang Yimei, 22 years old, is a top student at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Naturally beautiful, cheerful, and with a wide range of interests, she exudes an enchanting charm that attracts many admirers who often fight over her. Three months ago, Huang Zhenhua brought Huang Yimei to the architectural institute for an internship, where Zhou Shihui fell in love with her at first sight.

Huang Zhenhua even had Huang Yimei follow Zhou Shihui to learn from him. From that day on, Zhou Shihui's heart was filled with Huang Yimei, leaving no room for anyone else. His admiration for her became uncontrollable.

Huang Zhenhua parked the car by the roadside and sternly warned Zhou Shihui not to harbor unrealistic hopes about Huang Yimei. However, Zhou Shihui was convinced that Huang Yimei had feelings for him. They had dined and watched movies together, and he had given her a necklace, which she did not refuse.

Zhou Shihui was determined to break up with Guan Zhizhi but couldn't bring himself to say it, delaying until the moment at the Civil Affairs Bureau. He suddenly realized he wouldn't marry anyone but Huang Yimei. Seeing Zhou Shihui's stubbornness, Huang Zhenhua angrily ignored him.

When Huang Yimei returned home from work, admirers delivered flowers and gifts, which her parents refused to accept, being fed up with the attention. Her father, Huang Jianzhi, and mother, Wu Yuejiang, both professors at Tsinghua University, hoped she would pursue further studies after graduation, but Huang Yimei wasn't interested in graduate school. Huang Jianzhi received countless calls daily asking to meet Huang Yimei, which he declined with various excuses. Huang Yimei was accustomed to this.

Guan Zhizhi went to a bar to drown her sorrows, with her close friends comforting her. She called home to cancel the wedding banquet, claiming Zhou Shihui was hit by a car and died. Huang Zhenhua drove home and called Huang Yimei down, telling her about Zhou Shihui's decision to break off the engagement for her. Huang Yimei was indifferent, and Huang Zhenhua forbade her from seeing Zhou Shihui again, wanting to give him time to reflect. Huang Yimei felt the matter was irrelevant to her.

The family compound suddenly became lively as everyone celebrated Beijing's successful Olympic bid. Huang Zhenhua rushed home to watch the live broadcast, followed by Huang Yimei. Guan Zhizhi came crying to Huang Zhenhua, suspecting Zhou Shihui had another woman in his heart. Huang Zhenhua tried to cover it up, but Guan Zhizhi, recalling that Zhou Shihui had called out the name "Rose" in his sleep, concluded that the woman was Huang Yimei.

Huang Yimei explained that she and Zhou Shihui were just ordinary mentor-student relations, only having tea and watching movies together, but Guan Zhizhi didn't believe it and accused Huang Yimei of seducing Zhou Shihui. She demanded Huang Jianzhi and Wu Yuejiang back her up.

After much persuasion from Huang Zhenhua, Guan Zhizhi finally left. Huang Jianzhi and Wu Yuejiang were already exasperated by Huang Yimei's admirers and were furious that she was now involved with someone else's fiancé. Despite Huang Yimei's numerous explanations, they blamed her and locked her in her room.

Early the next morning, an angry Guan Zhizhi came to confront Huang Zhenhua. Huang Zhenhua, with a forced smile, tried to appease her, but Guan Zhizhi threatened to report Huang Yimei to the school.

Huang Zhenhua apologized repeatedly out of fear. Wu Yuejiang prepared a meal and sent Huang Jianzhi to call Huang Yimei, only to find that she had escaped through the window.

At work, Yuan Zheng eagerly tried to get close to Huang Yimei, but she didn't reciprocate. Guan Zhizhi saw Huang Yimei through the window and wanted to confront her, but Huang Zhenhua desperately tried to stop her.

Guan Zhizhi was yelling in Huang Zhenhua's office, causing a stir among the colleagues. Ignoring Yuan Zheng's attempts to stop her, Huang Yimei went upstairs to confront Guan Zhizhi. Guan Zhizhi, already blinded by anger, became even more furious upon seeing Huang Yimei and charged at her.

Huang Yimei suggested they talk privately at the downstairs café and pulled her along without giving her a chance to refuse. Huang Yimei clearly stated she had no interest in Zhou Shihui and even advised Guan Zhizhi to leave him.

Guan Zhizhi was unwilling, as Zhou Shihui was her first love, and she had spent seven years of her youth on him. Huang Yimei patiently persuaded her, laying out the facts and reasoning, and even ordered desserts to calm Guan Zhizhi's emotions, who then slightly eased her mind.

Huang Zhenhua hurriedly arrived and, seeing from the window that Guan Zhizhi and Huang Yimei were enjoying desserts together, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Zhou Shihui, having dressed up carefully, prepared a large bouquet of yellow roses and went to the architecture institute to find Huang Yimei.

When he found she wasn't there, Huang Zhenhua pulled him aside. Zhou Shihui, deeply in love with Huang Yimei, allowed Huang Zhenhua to berate him, but Huang Zhenhua scolded him harshly. Zhou Shihui, undeterred, wanted to go to Huang Yimei's school to find her.

Zhou Shihui went to the school with flowers to confess to Huang Yimei, but she rejected him outright and advised him to cherish Guan Zhizhi. Zhou Shihui didn't listen and, upon learning that Guan Zhizhi had caused a scene at the architecture institute with Huang Zhenhua, promised to break it off completely with Guan Zhizhi so she would no longer bother Huang Yimei.

Uninterested in his ramblings, Huang Yimei walked away angrily. Zhou Shihui went to find Guan Zhizhi and saw her moving out of what was supposed to be their new marital home. Feeling guilty, he wanted a peaceful breakup, but Guan Zhizhi mocked him and left without looking back.

Huang Zhenhua called Huang Yimei, trying to persuade her to return home and apologize to their parents, even tempting her with delicious food, but Huang Yimei refused to relent. Huang Jianzhi secretly brought food to Huang Yimei, and while she ate heartily, he took the opportunity to urge her to reconcile with her mother, Wu Yuejiang. Huang Yimei avoided the topic and asked him to comment on her artwork instead.

Huang Yimei saw a job listing for CRAN company and applied for the position of assistant to the general manager. While filling out the application form, she accidentally spilled ink on her shirt and borrowed a scarf from Su Gengsheng to cover the stain. Su Gengsheng, unable to refuse, gave her the scarf.

During the interview, Huang Yimei recognized Su Gengsheng as the interviewer. She spoke confidently and appropriately, impressing the interviewers. However, Su Gengsheng asked a sharp question about her choice of the scarf. Huang Yimei accurately described the designer's details and style, satisfying Su Gengsheng, who told her to wait for further notice.

Huang Zhenhua, having heard that Huang Yimei had given up graduate school for the interview, preemptively warned her about their parents' potential reaction. Huang Yimei returned home happily for dinner. Wu Yuejiang had prepared a large meal, and during dinner, Su Gengsheng called to inform Huang Yimei about the second round of interviews.

Wu Yuejiang was very upset upon hearing this. Huang Yimei was enthusiastic about the company, which dealt primarily in the trade and exhibition of artworks. She believed she could excel there. With Huang Zhenhua speaking in her favor, Wu Yuejiang reluctantly agreed to let Huang Yimei give it a try.

Huang Yimei arrived on time for the interview, and Su Gengsheng took her to meet the general manager, Jiang Xueqiong, briefly introducing the company. Jiang Xueqiong hurriedly arrived at the office and touched up her makeup in front of Huang Yimei, who offered her some reasonable suggestions, leaving Jiang Xueqiong pleased.

Huang Yimei asked Huang Jianzhi to buy her a cellphone. Unable to resist her persistence, he used his private savings to buy it for her. After being heartbroken, Zhou Shihui decided to sell the house, resign from his job, and return to his hometown.

Before leaving, he asked Huang Zhenhua to meet and requested him to pass a message to Huang Yimei: he would never forget her. Huang Zhenhua, anxious and at a loss, could do nothing as Zhou Shihui remained stubbornly unrepentant.

Shortly after buying a cellphone, Huang Yimei received a notification from Amy in the HR department of Qingting Company that she had successfully passed two rounds of interviews and could officially start work the next day. Overjoyed, Huang Yimei immediately shared the good news with her parents.

She had made a bet with her mother, Wu Yuejiang, that if she passed the interview, she wouldn't have to take the graduate school exam. Wu Yuejiang, determined to see Huang Yimei further her education, believed that she wouldn't be able to handle the job of the general manager's assistant and would be eliminated within the three-month probation period.

Wu Yuejiang poured cold water on her excitement, but Huang Yimei was confident she could pass the probation period. They agreed that if she succeeded, Wu Yuejiang would buy her a bag, but if she failed, she would have to apply for the graduate program Wu Yuejiang recommended. The mother and daughter made a pinky promise on the spot.

The next morning, Huang Yimei dressed up beautifully and went to work. She imagined being greeted by male colleagues at the entrance, but in reality, only Su Gengsheng was there waiting for her.

Su Gengsheng introduced her to the job and responsibilities of the general manager's assistant and detailed Jiang Xueqiong's preferences. Finally, Su Gengsheng gave her a harsh reminder that her beauty was an advantage but could also bring unnecessary trouble. Huang Yimei took all this to heart.

Wu Yuejiang, through her colleague Professor Liang, introduced Bai Xiaohe, a current PhD student, to Huang Zhenhua. Huang Zhenhua was pleased with her photo and proactively sent messages full of sweet talk to Bai Xiaohe, but she remained unmoved.

Jiang Xueqiong was organizing the China-France Exchange Exhibition but was having difficulty securing the participation of collector Mr. Teng. She harshly scolded her secretary, and Huang Yimei used all her skills to calm Jiang Xueqiong down.

Huang Yimei then sought information from Su Gengsheng about Jiang Xueqiong's troubles. Su Gengsheng advised her not to get involved and just do her job well. Huang Yimei gave Su Gengsheng a scarf as thanks for lending her one during the interview, and Su Gengsheng accepted it reluctantly.

Huang Yimei researched Mr. Teng online late into the night and found out he was attending a banquet at the China Hotel. She wanted to meet him but didn't have an invitation. Huang Yimei came up with a clever plan and went to the China Hotel, pretending she needed to see Manager Zhao from the sales department about hosting an event in the hotel's banquet hall.

Manager Zhao believed her and took her on a tour, which she used as a chance to slip away. After carefully touching up her appearance in the restroom, she successfully entered the exhibition hall. Huang Yimei's stunning appearance attracted many men who tried to strike up conversations, which she politely handled. She mistakenly took assistant Zhuang Guodong for Mr. Teng and introduced the China-France Exchange Exhibition.

Zhuang Guodong then led her to Mr. Teng and persuaded him to attend the exhibition. Mr. Teng mentioned he was leaving for Hong Kong that night and had no time to meet with Jiang Xueqiong. Huang Yimei pleaded for half an hour of his time and called Jiang Xueqiong, who rushed over immediately.

Jiang Xueqiong and Mr. Teng had a pleasant conversation, and Mr. Teng agreed to lend his collection for the exhibition. Huang Yimei thanked Zhuang Guodong for his help, and Zhuang Guodong, having fallen for her at first sight, wanted to continue seeing her.

Suddenly, Jiang Xueqiong, clutching her stomach, hurried out and asked Huang Yimei to drive her home. Huang Yimei had to leave quickly, bidding Zhuang Guodong farewell.

Jiang Xueqiong was in severe pain and sweating profusely. Huang Yimei insisted on taking her to the hospital despite Jiang Xueqiong's refusal and discovered that Jiang Xueqiong's stomach ulcer had flared up due to drinking alcohol and eating cold food.

Su Gengsheng, having dozed off at her desk and woken up from a nightmare, went to the gym to relieve her stress. Huang Yimei called her, and she rushed to the hospital. With the medical staff's efforts, Jiang Xueqiong's condition stabilized. Huang Yimei asked Su Gengsheng to stay with Jiang Xueqiong and called Huang Zhenhua to pick her up.

Huang Yimei couldn't stop thinking about Zhuang Guodong and regretted not getting his contact information. Meanwhile, Huang Zhenhua, frustrated with his difficulties in winning over Bai Xiaohe, thought Huang Yimei was criticizing him.

He vented his frustrations to her, and Huang Yimei immediately arranged a meeting with Bai Xiaohe. Huang Zhenhua went to her school, and after she finished her experiment, they went to the cafeteria for a meal together.

Bai Xiaohe is introverted and prefers spending her days in the lab rather than actively engaging with others. Huang Zhenhua desperately tried to find topics to get Bai Xiaohe to talk, and she was able to rationally analyze and articulate her thoughts. Huang Zhenhua developed a liking for her and arranged to meet again.

Huang Yimei stayed up late working on the planning proposal for the China-France Exchange Exhibition, hoping to continue following up on the project. Jiang Xueqiong noticed her desire to use this opportunity to get closer to Zhuang Guodong. Huang Yimei openly admitted this.

It was her first time doing such a large-scale event planning proposal, and though her ideas were quite naive, Jiang Xueqiong reluctantly agreed. Su Gengsheng didn't understand Jiang Xueqiong's decision, but Jiang Xueqiong didn't want to stifle Huang Yimei's enthusiasm and wanted to give her a chance to prove herself.

Huang Zhenhua wanted to continue his relationship with Bai Xiaohe, so he proactively added her on QQ. Huang Yimei officially took over the China-France Exchange Exhibition project. Zhuang Guodong gathered the relevant personnel for a meeting.

He was efficient and orderly in his work, and Huang Yimei gradually developed feelings for him. However, Zhuang Guodong maintained a strictly professional demeanor. Accustomed to being the center of attention, Huang Yimei felt disappointed for the first time and vented to Huang Zhenhua, who offered her advice.

At the discussion meeting, Huang Yimei wore a striking outfit, catching the attention of Zhuang Guodong and the attendees. Following Huang Zhenhua's advice, she frequently challenged Zhuang Guodong to draw his attention.

After the meeting, Zhuang Guodong asked for her contact information, leading Huang Yimei to believe he was interested, but Zhuang Guodong remained indifferent towards her.

Female colleague Han Ying brought macarons for everyone and boasted about having dinner with Zhuang Guodong, mentioning his invitation for her to the next Venice Biennale, leaving Huang Yimei feeling down. Huang Zhenhua, upon learning about Huang Yimei's initial setback, encouraged her to take the initiative.

Zhuang Guodong couldn't stop thinking about Huang Yimei but lacked the courage to contact her. Since their first meeting at the banquet, he had fallen for her but couldn't figure out her thoughts, so he tried to hide his feelings and acted aloof in front of her.

Han Ying asked Zhuang Guodong out for dinner, but he kept checking his phone, hoping for a message from Huang Yimei that never came. Zhuang Guodong inquired about Huang Yimei from Han Ying and bought macarons for her colleagues. Wu Yuejiang had something to attend to and didn't cook, so Huang Zhenhua accompanied Huang Jianzhi to Tsinghua University canteen to buy food.

Bai Xiaohe happened to be eating there. Huang Zhenhua quickly went over to greet her. Since their last meeting, Bai Xiaohe hadn't contacted Huang Zhenhua, who thought things were over between them. However, Bai Xiaohe had developed feelings for him and wanted to continue their relationship but didn't know how to express it. Huang Zhenhua was overjoyed.

Zhuang Guodong came to Qingting Company to discuss cooperation and invited everyone to dinner. A male colleague at the next table kept flattering Huang Yimei, which made Zhuang Guodong uncomfortable.

When he learned that Huang Yimei couldn't drink alcohol, he ordered a beverage for her. Han Ying suggested they go to a French restaurant next time, and Huang Yimei, while seeing all this, pretended to be indifferent.

Da Liu tried his best to curry favor with Huang Yimei. Zhuang Guodong suppressed his anger and approached Da Liu, asking him to toast with other members of Qingting Company. He then smoothly sat next to Huang Yimei and made friendly overtures. Suddenly, Huang Zhenhua called Huang Yimei to pick her up. As Huang Yimei stepped out to take the call, Han Ying approached Zhuang Guodong, trying to get close to him. Seeing this, Zhuang Guodong dismissed everyone, telling them to go home. Han Ying pretended to be drunk and leaned on Zhuang Guodong, acting coquettishly, asking him to take her home. Huang Yimei was infuriated but masked her feelings with indifference.

Huang Zhenhua arrived to pick up Huang Yimei. Their colleagues mistakenly thought Huang Zhenhua was Huang Yimei's boyfriend, making Zhuang Guodong uncomfortable. He wanted to message Huang Yimei for clarification but restrained himself, only sending a greeting message instead. Huang Zhenhua suggested pretending to be Huang Yimei's boyfriend to prompt Zhuang Guodong to pursue her, and in return, Huang Yimei agreed to help him court Bai Xiaohe.

It was the weekend, and Huang Zhenhua took Huang Yimei and Bai Xiaohe to the countryside for fishing. Bai Xiaohe, uninterested, sat under a tree reading a book. Huang Zhenhua tried hard to find topics to please her. Bai Xiaohe complimented him as the most suitable marriage partner. Huang Yimei spoke highly of Huang Zhenhua in front of Bai Xiaohe. When Bai Xiaohe accidentally fell, Huang Yimei urged Huang Zhenhua to play the hero. However, Huang Zhenhua slipped on a rock and fell badly, injuring his foot. Bai Xiaohe was unscathed, and they accompanied Huang Zhenhua to the hospital for bandaging.

Early the next morning, Bai Xiaohe visited Huang Zhenhua at home. He was pleasantly surprised and tried to tidy up his messy room, only to fall again. Bai Xiaohe helped him clean up, acting like his girlfriend. Huang Zhenhua was moved to tears and held Bai Xiaohe's hand tightly. Bai Xiaohe bought a lot of fruits and even cooked for him.

Zhuang Guodong convened a project team meeting only to find out that Huang Yimei had gone to Shanghai on a business trip with Su Gengsheng, leaving him feeling disappointed. Bai Xiaohe meticulously took care of Huang Zhenhua while also finding time to write her thesis. Su Gengsheng took Huang Yimei to an art exhibition, broadening Huang Yimei's horizons, though Su Gengsheng remained indifferent. Huang Yimei casually opened a jukebox, and the event organizer, hearing about it, rushed over. The song playing was his favorite, and Huang Yimei was the first to activate the jukebox. He shared this good news with foreign guests at the exhibition and took a commemorative photo with Huang Yimei.

Wu Yuejiang called Huang Zhenhua, asking him to move back home, but he politely declined. He invited Bai Xiaohe for dinner at home, but Bai Xiaohe felt uneasy. Huang Zhenhua didn't press her, but before leaving, Bai Xiaohe gave him a light hug. Huang Zhenhua was surprised by the typically reserved Bai Xiaohe's sudden display of affection.

Jiang Xueqiong wanted to groom Huang Yimei to be a curator, but Su Gengsheng felt it was too early. However, Jiang Xueqiong saw potential in Huang Yimei. Su Gengsheng took Huang Yimei to various art exhibitions in Shanghai, strongly recommending her to the organizers. Huang Yimei learned a lot and was grateful.

As Huang Zhenhua's injury gradually healed, he visited Bai Xiaohe in the lab, wearing a sharp suit. He formally invited her to meet his parents, but Bai Xiaohe was caught off guard and didn't know how to respond. Huang Zhenhua, thinking she had refused, left disappointed. Bai Xiaohe couldn't bear to see him leave so dejectedly and hurried out to explain.

Bai Xiaohe revealed she had a boyfriend of five years. After he graduated, he returned to Anhui to be closer to his parents. Not wanting to be too far from her own parents, Bai Xiaohe stayed on for her Ph.D. Unexpectedly, her boyfriend started dating someone else three months later. Bai Xiaohe hadn't fully recovered from the breakup, and Huang Zhenhua understood her predicament.

Since Zhuang Guodong could remember, his parents frequently quarreled in front of him. It had become routine. His mother accompanied him to study in France, leaving his father, Zhuang Taiwen, in Beijing.

When his mother returned to finalize the divorce, Zhuang Taiwen called Zhuang Guodong for a meal. Reluctantly, Zhuang Guodong went. His mother urged him to return to France soon, which angered Zhuang Taiwen, leading to another heated argument between his parents.

Mr. Zhuang Taiwen and his wife always argue as soon as they meet, using sharp words to attack each other. Mr. Zhuang, facing a table full of delicious food, finds it hard to swallow and can only bury himself in his phone. The louder his parents argue, the more disturbed Mr. Zhuang becomes, eventually leaving the room to find some peace. As he tries to calm himself down, he notices two waitresses eavesdropping at the door. Angered, he scolds them and leaves.

Outside, the rain has stopped, but his heart feels heavy. He recalls Huang Yimei, whom he met on a business trip in Shanghai, and decides to text her, hesitating to ask if the person who picked her up that day was her boyfriend. Huang Yimei, though reluctant to initiate contact, feels delighted when she finally receives his message. She calls him and admits that Huang Zhenhua is her brother, relieving Mr. Zhuang's anxiety. They express their mutual longing over the phone, eager to meet each other again.

Upon returning to the hotel, Huang Yimei notices Su Gengsheng loudly talking on the phone. She silently stays by her side as Su Gengsheng decides to hand over the Shanghai exhibition to Huang Yimei upon returning to Beijing. Mr. Zhuang eagerly waits for Huang Yimei at the airport, and their reunion is filled with excitement. Unable to contain their emotions, they quickly become intimate.

Huang Yimei returns home late, and when questioned by Huang Zhenhua, she lies about having dinner with her boss. Suspicious, Huang Zhenhua interrogates her further, but Huang Yimei escapes to her room. The next day, Huang Zhenhua confronts Su Gengsheng at work, unaware of the relationship between Huang Yimei and Mr. Zhuang. Angered by Su Gengsheng's response, he storms off.

Huang Yimei apologizes to Su Gengsheng, who advises her not to mix personal matters with work. From that day on, Huang Yimei and Mr. Zhuang's love blossoms, and they want to spend every moment together. However, a misunderstanding arises when they meet at a restaurant, leading to Huang Yimei storming out.

Meanwhile, Huang Zhenhua, hiding the breakup from his parents, delivers dumplings to Bai Xiaohe. Seeing Huang Zhenhua downstairs, Huang Yimei learns about his breakup and empathizes with him. Despite their recent argument, they console each other.

Unable to reach Huang Yimei, Mr. Zhuang feels dejected. His mother senses his distress and warns him not to let emotions cloud his judgment, reminding him of the consequences of his father's actions. Determined to reconcile, he sends flowers to Huang Yimei, but she remains aloof, ignoring his advances, much to Su Gengsheng's observation.

Wu Yuejiang pressures Huang Zhenhua to deliver mangoes to Bai Xiaohe, who is delighted. They agree to keep their breakup a secret from their parents. Meanwhile, Su Gengsheng buys breakfast for Huang Yimei, who shares stolen wine with her colleague Jiang Xueqiong, bonding over their shared experiences.

Working late into the night, Huang Yimei finds Mr. Zhuang waiting for her outside. They embrace without hesitation, deepening their connection.

Mr. Zhuang Guodong takes the initiative to apologize to Huang Yimei, who forgives him readily. The two reconcile, and Mr. Zhuang's mother has returned to France. He wants to take Huang Yimei to meet his father, Mr. Zhuang Taiwen, but she is hesitant about meeting parents. As long as they truly love each other, it's enough for her.

Huang Zhenhua and Bai Xiaohe agree to keep their breakup secret from their parents. Bai Xiaohe's parents want to meet Huang Zhenhua, who visits them as scheduled, dressed sharply and bearing gifts. Bai Xiaohe's father, Bai Erru, a renowned entrepreneur, is impressed by Huang Zhenhua's manners and takes him to see his collection of paintings, including Bai Xiaohe's childhood doodles. After dinner, Bai Xiaohe sees Huang Zhenhua off and gives him a bonus, which he accepts reluctantly.

Mr. Zhuang and Huang Yimei are inseparable, longing to be together every day. Mr. Zhuang accompanies Huang Yimei home, and they share a passionate kiss in the hallway, only to be caught by Huang Zhenhua. Feeling jealous, Huang Zhenhua offers to drive Mr. Zhuang home, and Huang Yimei, worried, joins them.

Huang Zhenhua insults Mr. Zhuang, who can only smile awkwardly. During a restroom break, Mr. Zhuang buys drinks for Huang Zhenhua, and they subtly compete by tossing the empty cans into the trash. Learning about their shared love for basketball, they make plans to play together, leaving Huang Yimei behind. When she returns, she hurriedly catches up with them.

Huang Zhenhua and Mr. Zhuang have a pleasant conversation and exchange numbers, leaving Huang Yimei feeling happy despite not being able to participate much in the discussion. Later, Bai Erru visits Huang Zhenhua at work, and they have a working lunch. Bai Erru learns about Huang Zhenhua's job and invites him to a family vacation in Guangxi. Huang Zhenhua readily agrees.

Mr. Zhuang picks up Huang Yimei after work, and Han Ying learns about their relationship, feeling a pang of jealousy. Mr. Zhuang takes Huang Yimei home and gives her a spare key. Meanwhile, Huang Zhenhua packs his bags, and Wu Yuejiang expresses surprise at Bai Xiaohe's family wealth, wanting to meet her. Huang Zhenhua promises to marry Bai Xiaohe soon, despite her attempt to dissuade him.

Jiang Xueqiong asks Huang Yimei to help introduce Mr. Teng, who is coming to Beijing next month, to Mr. Zhuang. However, Huang Yimei politely declines, not wanting to mix feelings with work. Jiang Xueqiong warns her not to have unrealistic expectations about love and advises her to use it wisely. Despite Jiang Xueqiong's persistence, Huang Yimei remains firm, not wanting to involve feelings in her work.

Feeling down, Huang Zhenhua picks up Huang Yimei and pours his heart out to her, sharing his past relationships and feeling resentful about being dumped for the first time. Huang Yimei comforts him with kind words.

Huang Yimei announced her relationship with Zhuang Guodong to her parents. Her father, Huang Jianzhi, and her mother, Wu Yuejiang, were both shocked. Huang Yimei, as beautiful as a fairy and with a lively and cheerful personality, had been pursued by many since childhood, but she paid no attention to them. They were curious about what kind of man could win Huang Yimei's heart. Huang Yimei briefly introduced Zhuang Guodong and showed her parents a photo of him.

Huang Jianzhi was highly critical of Zhuang Guodong, while Wu Yuejiang was very satisfied and couldn't wait to meet him. Six months ago, Zhuang Guodong applied to be the Marketing Director at the headquarters in France. After six months, he finally received the employment notice from the head office. Zhuang Guodong was ecstatic and immediately shared the good news with his mother in Paris. His mother was also happy for him.

However, as Zhuang Guodong thought about being separated from Huang Yimei, his excitement turned into sadness. Huang Yimei went straight to Zhuang Guodong's home after work. He had been waiting for her for a long time. They hadn't seen each other for two days and had endless sweet words to share. Zhuang Guodong, not wanting to ruin the mood, didn't tell Huang Yimei about his new job in France; he just mentioned going to Paris.

Huang Yimei thought Zhuang Guodong was taking her on a trip, as she had long wanted to visit where Zhuang Guodong studied. Huang Yimei wanted to take Zhuang Guodong home to meet her parents, but he found various excuses to avoid it. Huang Yimei was very angry. Zhuang Guodong coaxed her desperately and promised to visit her home after his business trip to Guangzhou, which slightly relieved Huang Yimei. After Zhuang Guodong left for Guangzhou, Huang Yimei cleaned his house thoroughly.

She casually opened his computer and found his visa application for going abroad in his email. Huang Yimei thought he was preparing for a trip to Paris and was secretly pleased. During a video call with Zhuang Guodong, she mentioned it, and Zhuang Guodong had no choice but to admit that he was being transferred to the Paris headquarters. Huang Yimei was furious, realizing that Zhuang Guodong had kept this from her.

Zhuang Guodong, not wanting to miss this great opportunity for promotion and a raise, insisted on going to Paris. Huang Yimei felt that Zhuang Guodong didn't care about their relationship and shouted at him. Zhuang Guodong, impatient, hung up the phone, using an excuse. Huang Yimei grew increasingly angry. She kept calling Zhuang Guodong, but he, in a hurry to meet a client, left his phone in his room.

Huang Yimei, who had been adored all her life, had never experienced such cold treatment. She checked hotel after hotel but couldn't find where Zhuang Guodong was staying. When she tried calling him again, his phone was turned off. Feeling both aggrieved and angry with no way to vent, she resorted to drinking and quickly got drunk. Fueled by alcohol, she continued to call him, but his phone remained off.

In a fit of rage, she smashed his house to pieces. The neighbors, unable to sleep due to the noise, called the police. The police called Zhuang Taiwen, who recognized Huang Yimei and repeatedly explained to the officers and apologized to the neighbors, eventually gaining their understanding. Su Gengsheng rushed over upon hearing the news and tried desperately to comfort Huang Yimei.

Zhuang Taiwen, unable to reach Zhuang Guodong, thought he had wronged Huang Yimei and tried to console her, but Huang Yimei couldn't express her pain. Su Gengsheng took Huang Yimei home, where she poured out her grievances. Su Gengsheng, who had long given up on love, was surprised that Huang Yimei was so quickly hurt by it. Not wanting to worry her parents, Huang Yimei asked Su Gengsheng to help her lie and cover it up.

When Zhuang Guodong woke up early, he realized his phone was dead. After changing the battery, he received a call from Zhuang Taiwen and learned about Huang Yimei's outburst due to being unable to contact him the previous night. When Zhuang Guodong returned from his business trip to Guangzhou and saw his house in disarray, he quickly went to find Huang Yimei. She ignored him and, out of spite, threatened to break up with him. Without explaining, Zhuang Guodong left without looking back.

Huang Yimei was naturally intelligent and as beautiful as a fairy. Her parents and brother, Huang Zhenhua, treated her like a treasure. She was pampered since childhood and surrounded by countless admirers as she grew up. Never having experienced any grievances, she began a passionate relationship with Zhuang Guodong. However, when Zhuang Guodong decided to take a job at the Paris headquarters without consulting her, Huang Yimei was heartbroken.

She proposed a breakup out of spite, but couldn't let go, feeling depressed, losing her appetite, and crying in secret. Zhuang Guodong didn't want to be separated from Huang Yimei but also didn't want to miss the promotion and raise opportunity. Being proud by nature, he was unwilling to reconcile with Huang Yimei but couldn't control his longing for her, so he exercised strenuously at the gym until he was exhausted.

Zhuang Taiwen promised to take Zhuang Guodong to apologize to Huang Yimei, but unable to reach him, he invited Huang Yimei out for a meal to apologize on Zhuang Guodong's behalf. However, Huang Yimei didn't accept the apology. Zhuang Taiwen tried to persuade her to reconcile with Zhuang Guodong, citing various examples, but she remained firm.

Huang Zhenhua learned from Zhuang Guodong during a basketball game that Huang Yimei had wrecked Zhuang Guodong's house in a fit of anger and proposed a breakup. Huang Zhenhua advised Zhuang Guodong to make up with Huang Yimei, and Zhuang Guodong admitted he still liked her but didn't want to sacrifice his career prospects for their relationship. Zhuang Guodong then brought up Huang Zhenhua's past breakup, infuriating him.

After the game, Huang Zhenhua, feeling sore, realized he needed more exercise and decided to buy a pair of dumbbells. He found a seller on a forum and arranged to meet, only to discover that the seller was Su Gengsheng. After exchanging the dumbbells for money, Huang Zhenhua walked a few steps when the box gave way, and a dumbbell fell on his toe.

In pain, he cried out, and Su Gengsheng, amused by his pitiful state, helped him to the hospital. Fortunately, he didn't break any bones. Despite his request for a cast, the doctor advised him to rest instead. Su Gengsheng borrowed a wheelchair for him, but Huang Zhenhua blamed her for the injury and demanded an apology, which she refused to give. Instead, she recorded his accusations and left, leaving Huang Zhenhua fuming. Huang Yimei took Huang Zhenhua home.

He advised her to reconcile with Zhuang Guodong, but she refused. He threatened to introduce a new graduate student to Zhuang Guodong, prompting Huang Yimei to stop him. Huang Zhenhua encouraged her to be confident and assured her she could still control Zhuang Guodong even if he went to France. Finally, he asked for Su Gengsheng's contact information, determined to continue their feud. Zhuang Guodong took the initiative to reconcile with Huang Yimei, embracing her without warning.

In anger, she bit his shoulder, but he forcefully kissed her, and they made up. Huang Zhenhua returned home with a suitcase, pretending to have just returned from a trip to Guangxi with Bai Xiaohe, and brought local specialties for his parents. Huang Jianzhi, knowing he was lying, confronted him with the truth he learned from Professor Liang.

Huang Zhenhua admitted to breaking up with Bai Xiaohe but didn't want to worry his parents, so he tried to comfort them instead. On the night she was angry, Huang Yimei had spilled red wine on Zhuang Guodong's wall. Unable to clean it off, she painted four vivid wine flowers over the stain as compensation. Touched by her honesty and cuteness, Zhuang Guodong promised to resolve their long-distance issue soon.

Huang Yimei, focusing on the present, decided to cherish their love now. Huang Zhenhua got Su Gengsheng's QQ number from Huang Yimei and repeatedly sent friend requests until she reluctantly accepted, only to block him soon after. Huang Zhenhua then called her, complaining about his injury and demanding responsibility, even giving her his home address. Su Gengsheng visited after work, only to be met with Huang Zhenhua's exaggerated display of injury.

She quickly saw through his lie using the same X-ray, mocked him, and left, prompting him to leave a bad review of her on the forum in anger. Zhuang Guodong's mother urged him to report to Paris soon, but he claimed he hadn't finished his work handover. His mother, suspecting it was because of Huang Yimei, warned him against being swayed by emotions and compared him to the equally unsuccessful Zhuang Taiwen. Angered, Zhuang Guodong hung up on her.

Seeing the forum post, Su Gengsheng was furious and called Huang Zhenhua to settle the score. When he refused to answer, she confronted him in person, leading to a heated argument.

Huang Yimei was naturally intelligent and as beautiful as a fairy. Her parents and brother, Huang Zhenhua, treated her like a treasure. She was pampered since childhood and surrounded by countless admirers as she grew up. Never having experienced any grievances, she began a passionate relationship with Zhuang Guodong. However, when Zhuang Guodong decided to take a job at the Paris headquarters without consulting her, Huang Yimei was heartbroken. She proposed a breakup out of spite, but couldn't let go, feeling depressed, losing her appetite, and crying in secret.

Zhuang Guodong didn't want to be separated from Huang Yimei but also didn't want to miss the promotion and raise opportunity. Being proud by nature, he was unwilling to reconcile with Huang Yimei but couldn't control his longing for her, so he exercised strenuously at the gym until he was exhausted. Zhuang Taiwen promised to take Zhuang Guodong to apologize to Huang Yimei, but unable to reach him, he invited Huang Yimei out for a meal to apologize on Zhuang Guodong's behalf. However, Huang Yimei didn't accept the apology. Zhuang Taiwen tried to persuade her to reconcile with Zhuang Guodong, citing various examples, but she remained firm.

Huang Zhenhua learned from Zhuang Guodong during a basketball game that Huang Yimei had wrecked Zhuang Guodong's house in a fit of anger and proposed a breakup. Huang Zhenhua advised Zhuang Guodong to make up with Huang Yimei, and Zhuang Guodong admitted he still liked her but didn't want to sacrifice his career prospects for their relationship. Zhuang Guodong then brought up Huang Zhenhua's past breakup, infuriating him.

After the game, Huang Zhenhua, feeling sore, realized he needed more exercise and decided to buy a pair of dumbbells. He found a seller on a forum and arranged to meet, only to discover that the seller was Su Gengsheng. After exchanging the dumbbells for money, Huang Zhenhua walked a few steps when the box gave way, and a dumbbell fell on his toe. In pain, he cried out, and Su Gengsheng, amused by his pitiful state, helped him to the hospital. Fortunately, he didn't break any bones. Despite his request for a cast, the doctor advised him to rest instead. Su Gengsheng borrowed a wheelchair for him, but Huang Zhenhua blamed her for the injury and demanded an apology, which she refused to give. Instead, she recorded his accusations and left, leaving Huang Zhenhua fuming.

Huang Yimei took Huang Zhenhua home. He advised her to reconcile with Zhuang Guodong, but she refused. He threatened to introduce a new graduate student to Zhuang Guodong, prompting Huang Yimei to stop him. Huang Zhenhua encouraged her to be confident and assured her she could still control Zhuang Guodong even if he went to France. Finally, he asked for Su Gengsheng's contact information, determined to continue their feud.

Zhuang Guodong took the initiative to reconcile with Huang Yimei, embracing her without warning. In anger, she bit his shoulder, but he forcefully kissed her, and they made up. Huang Zhenhua returned home with a suitcase, pretending to have just returned from a trip to Guangxi with Bai Xiaohe, and brought local specialties for his parents. Huang Jianzhi, knowing he was lying, confronted him with the truth he learned from Professor Liang. Huang Zhenhua admitted to breaking up with Bai Xiaohe but didn't want to worry his parents, so he tried to comfort them instead.

On the night she was angry, Huang Yimei had spilled red wine on Zhuang Guodong's wall. Unable to clean it off, she painted four vivid wine flowers over the stain as compensation. Touched by her honesty and cuteness, Zhuang Guodong promised to resolve their long-distance issue soon. Huang Yimei, focusing on the present, decided to cherish their love now.

Huang Zhenhua got Su Gengsheng's QQ number from Huang Yimei and repeatedly sent friend requests until she reluctantly accepted, only to block him soon after. Huang Zhenhua then called her, complaining about his injury and demanding responsibility, even giving her his home address. Su Gengsheng visited after work, only to be met with Huang Zhenhua's exaggerated display of injury. She quickly saw through his lie using the same X-ray, mocked him, and left, prompting him to leave a bad review of her on the forum in anger.

Zhuang Guodong's mother urged him to report to Paris soon, but he claimed he hadn't finished his work handover. His mother, suspecting it was because of Huang Yimei, warned him against being swayed by emotions and compared him to the equally unsuccessful Zhuang Taiwen. Angered, Zhuang Guodong hung up on her.

Seeing the forum post, Su Gengsheng was furious and called Huang Zhenhua to settle the score. When he refused to answer, she confronted him in person, leading to a heated argument.


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