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A Beautiful Lie Episode 2 Recap

> A Beautiful Lie
> A Beautiful Lie Recap

After Qin Fei woke up, she felt pain in her arm. Ka Fei told her it was probably because she had held up a coat to shield Xixi from the rain for two hours. When Qin Fei learned that Xing Zhizhi was in Xixi’s hospital room, she decided to go visit Xixi. At the hospital, she overheard Xing Zhizhi and Xixi discussing her acting, calling it exaggerated. Xixi had just had the steel rods removed from her legs.

Xing Zhizhi offered to prescribe painkillers if her leg hurt, but Xixi said she didn’t want to take any medication. Qin Fei entered the room, defending her acting style, saying it was a performance technique they didn’t understand. She performed a skit for Xixi, which made her laugh, and then told Xixi that if she stopped speaking badly about her, she would share some behind-the-scenes gossip about Jin Na on set.

Due to the urgency of Xixi’s condition, transferring her to another hospital wasn’t an option, so she had to undergo surgery at Lin Kang County Hospital. Qin Fei asked Xing Zhizhi to lend her a couple of books to read to Xixi, knowing that Xixi’s surgery would take place at this hospital. She initially thought Xing Zhizhi would be the one performing the surgery, but he explained that he worked in the rehabilitation department and didn’t perform surgeries.

Both Xixi and her father were fans of Jin Na, and they had planned to attend one of Jin Na’s competitions together, but her father passed away unexpectedly. Now, Xixi had no parents, and her only uncle and aunt lived far away and couldn’t come. Qin Fei empathized with her, missing her own deceased father. Under the streetlights, she began dancing.

During the day, while the hospital's medical team was offering free consultations, Qin Fei wanted to help in any way she could, but the doctors and nurses were unimpressed, thinking she was just putting on a show. In the end, the only task she was allowed to help with was distributing medicine. She hadn’t seen Xing Zhizhi around and later learned he would be performing surgery on Xixi.

She started to doubt his skills, especially after hearing that while he was a protégé of the hospital’s director, he hadn’t performed a surgery in five years. The hospital’s operating room was ready, and everyone was waiting for Xing Zhizhi to begin the surgery on Xixi. Due to past experiences, Xing Zhizhi felt nervous about the operation, but he eventually completed the surgery. Outside the operating room, Qin Fei and Ka Fei anxiously awaited news.

After the surgery, they rushed to ask how it went. Xing Zhizhi assured them that the operation had been successful. Overjoyed, Qin Fei dragged Ka Fei along to buy Xixi her favorite tomato-flavored chips. Since it was late and the nearby shops were all closed, they had to drive far to find the chips. When Qin Fei returned to the hospital with the snacks, she saw Xing Zhizhi standing outside with a serious expression.

She asked what had happened, and learned that while Xixi’s surgery had gone well, she had developed a high fever afterward that wouldn’t subside, which could lead to tissue necrosis and, ultimately, amputation. Qin Fei was devastated, but Xing Zhizhi tried to comfort her by saying that at least this way, Xixi’s life could be saved. Xixi still hadn’t regained consciousness, and seeing her suffer from the high fever, Qin Fei felt deep sorrow.

She angrily told Xing Zhizhi that if he couldn’t keep his promises, he shouldn’t have made them in the first place. Qin Fei went to Xixi’s bedside to encourage her not to give up, telling her to hang on. She saw herself in Xixi. Qin Fei shared how she had once been a dancer and loved dancing, which felt completely different from her current experience as an actress.

However, before her most important performance, she was caught in a terrorist attack that left her unable to dance again, leading her to pursue a career in acting instead. She didn’t want to see Xixi give up on running and dreams, just like she had to give up on her own. For several days, Qin Fei was in a cold war with Xing Zhizhi.

Ka Fei tried to persuade her to forgive him, pointing out how much Xing Zhizhi had done and that it wasn’t his fault. When Xing Zhizhi came to find Qin Fei and overheard their conversation, he became worried that she still hadn’t forgiven him. He reassured Qin Fei that Xixi’s fever had broken, and she wouldn’t need to have her leg amputated. With proper recovery, she would be fine. Qin Fei, relieved and happy, finally let go of her resentment.

She apologized to Xing Zhizhi and shared her own experience. She admitted that when she learned she would never dance again, she wished that the person who had saved her hadn’t, so she could have died instead.

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