2024 Chinese Drama List

A Beautiful Lie Episode 5 Recap

> A Beautiful Lie
> A Beautiful Lie Recap

Qin Fei thought that Xing Zhizhi would be hungry when he returned, so she cooked instant noodles and waited for him. When Xing Zhizhi finally came back, looking tired, he told Qin Fei that he didn’t bring the post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) medicine and that the earliest it would arrive was tomorrow. Qin Fei, pretending not to care, suggested they eat first.

Just then, her agent Ren Siqi called, informing her that she needed to leave Lin Kang County the next day. Qin Fei asked Xing Zhizhi about her blood test results, and he told her that they would also be available no sooner than tomorrow morning. Frustrated, Qin Fei said she hated waiting. Xing Zhizhi asked her what she wanted to do, offering to accompany her.

Xing Zhizhi took Qin Fei to the rooftop to look at the stars, but it turned out to be a cloudy night with no stars visible. Seeing her disappointment, Xing Zhizhi promised to make sure she could see the stars. He had prepared some star-shaped string lights, but due to long use, they were faulty and stopped lighting up with just a slight touch.

Then, Xing Zhizhi had Qin Fei lie down while he used his phone to show her stars, but the phone died because of low battery. He assured her that he had brought a power bank, and they could continue watching soon, but the power bank was also out of power. Just as he said he would go get another one, Qin Fei broke down, telling him to stop.

She admitted that she always acted like she didn’t care about anything, but in reality, she was scared to death. She added that she often had bad luck, and the things she looked forward to always turned out poorly. Seeing her so vulnerable, Xing Zhizhi felt heartbroken and hugged her. At that moment, the star-shaped lights suddenly lit up again. The Frenchman came running excitedly, telling them that there was finally a signal.

He had received his test results, confirming that he did not have HIV, so everyone was safe. Qin Fei told Xing Zhizhi that she had already recognized him as the chubby kid who used to follow her around. Xing Zhizhi asked her why she had agreed to participate in the singing competition with him but didn’t show up on the day of the competition and transferred to another school instead.

In reality, Qin Fei transferred schools because her father had died in a car accident while buying her ballet shoes, but she brushed it off, saying it was just a childhood promise. She teased Xing Zhizhi, calling him her little follower who grew up to be her fan. Xing Zhizhi responded that he didn’t want to just be her fan—he truly wanted to pursue her.

Seeing the surprised look on her face, he quickly said he was joking, and Qin Fei let out a sigh of relief. Xing Zhizhi suggested that Qin Fei cancel her flight, reminding her that she had promised to volunteer for five more days and that a new batch of medicine had arrived, needing her assistance with inventory.

Meanwhile, the French journalist live-streamed his story on social media, giving special thanks to Qin Fei and sharing photos of her volunteering at the hospital. This went viral, and the public began to recognize Qin Fei's sincere volunteer work, improving her reputation. Qin Fei's agent urged her to leave the hospital immediately to attend a charity gala, saying it would elevate her career.

Qin Fei felt reluctant to leave, and Ka Fei encouraged her to say a proper goodbye to Xing Zhizhi. Qin Fei dismissed the idea, saying they were just old classmates and hadn’t kept in touch for years, so there was no need for a special farewell. However, Xing Zhizhi overheard this as he was coming to confess his feelings to her. Hurt and disappointed, he left quietly.

Everyone at the hospital, having heard that Qin Fei was leaving, wanted to give her a surprise farewell party. Since they thought Xing Zhizhi had the best relationship with Qin Fei, they asked him for gift ideas. He coldly responded that his relationship with Qin Fei was just like his relationship with everyone else—nothing special. Qin Fei later went to say goodbye to Xixi, who urged her to find Doctor Xing to say a proper farewell.

Qin Fei denied needing to confess her feelings to Xing Zhizhi, saying it was actually Xing Zhizhi who had never let go of his feelings for her. Xixi teased her, saying that she had finally admitted she liked Doctor Xing. Qin Fei tried to find Xing Zhizhi to say goodbye but couldn’t locate him.

Before she left, Xing Zhizhi told her that Li Meilan and the others had planned a surprise farewell party for her but got too busy, so they would celebrate another day. Qin Fei, noticing Xing Zhizhi’s cold attitude, asked him whether this was a “once-in-a-lifetime encounter” or if they would meet again in the future. Remembering the words he had overheard earlier, Xing Zhizhi stayed silent. Frustrated, Qin Fei left in anger.

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