Cast of Anti-Corruption Storm CDrama Cast of the Chinese Drama Anti-Corruption Storm Wang ZhiwenZhao DasehngMain Role Yu ZhenYu ZhongjunMain Role Yu FeihongXu YingMain Role Wang LikeLin MiaoxueMain Role Chen LongZhou QiangMain Role Wang RuoxueZhao XiaoyanSupport Role Zhao YingziSu HongSupport Role He GangQi DayuanSupport Role Lu NuoMai SiyuanSupport Role Leng HaimingYuan HaoSupport RoleRelated PostsAnti-Corruption Storm - Wang Zhiwen, Yu Feihong, Yu ZhenYu Feihong Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListWang Zhiwen Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListWang Like Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListYu Zhen Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows List