2024 Chinese Drama List

Bright Time Episode 2 Recap

> Bright Time
> Bright Time Recap

Lan Jinghui looked proud when he discovered the friendship letter. Xia Qingtian and Xiao Xiaohua immediately stood up and left together. Xiao Xiaohua asked what was going on, as Xia Qingtian clearly remembered putting the letter in the book on Ling Dong's desk. However, they didn't know that the book actually belonged to Lan Jinghui! After discussing for a while, Xia Qingtian came up with an idea. The two then acted separately.

Xiao Xiaohua asked Lan Jinghui to teach her how to ride a bike, while Xia Qingtian sent Ma Yiming away. Xia Qingtian then sat in Lan Jinghui's seat to search for the letter. On Xiao Xiaohua's side, she watched Lan Jinghui showcase his biking skills and eventually discovered that the letter was in his pocket. Heartbroken, she left. Xia Qingtian found nothing, and Ling Dong quietly mentioned that the letter was with Lan Jinghui.

Xia Qingtian wanted Ling Dong to help, but Ling Dong insisted it had nothing to do with him. Xia Qingtian firmly stated that it did. During class, Lan Jinghui tried to take out the letter to read it, but his actions were too noticeable, and the teacher came over. He had no choice but to hand over his phone.

He tried to sneak a peek at the letter again, but Xia Qingtian quickly blamed Ma Yiming for also playing with his phone, successfully stopping Lan Jinghui. During the break, Lan Jinghui attempted to read the letter again, but Ling Dong snatched it away. Lan Jinghui was speechless. Ling Dong proposed another 800-meter race, promising to return the letter and never mention the "nephew" incident again if Lan Jinghui won.

Lan Jinghui agreed, and Ling Dong suggested putting the letter in the class suggestion box first. After the race, they would decide the letter's fate. Lan Jinghui went ahead to the field, while Ling Dong returned to the classroom. However, Xiao Xiaohua and Xia Qingtian found the suggestion box had been taken by the class monitor for the student council election, and the letter was still inside. Everyone panicked.

Lan Jinghui stood alone on the field, but Ling Dong didn't show up. Thinking he was being tricked, Lan Jinghui angrily returned to the classroom and was stunned to learn about the election and the letter in the suggestion box. The election voting ended, and Director Zhang was announcing the votes on stage.

Unlike Xiao Xiaohua's fantasy, Lan Jinghui didn't successfully retrieve the letter and was instead caught by Director Zhang, who was about to read its contents aloud in front of the whole school. Surprisingly, it was a letter mocking Lan Jinghui! As a result, Lan Jinghui was punished to run laps around the field. Xiao Xiaohua and Xia Qingtian couldn't understand why the letter content had changed.

It turned out Ling Dong had distracted the class monitor under the pretense of being called by Teacher Zhang and secretly switched the letters. Ling Dong had already read the original letter! Lan Jinghui couldn't swallow this humiliation and vowed to find the culprit. He checked everyone's handwriting in the class but found nothing, only collecting their opinions. Unwilling to give up, he dragged Ma Yiming along and deflated the tires of all their classmates' bicycles!

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