2024 Chinese Drama List

Melody of Golden Age – Ding Yuxi, Ancy Deng

Melody of Golden Age is a historical suspense drama directed by Wang Wei and starring Ding Yuxi, Ancy Deng, Mao Zijun, Xiao Yan, and Song Fangyuan, with special appearances by He Saifei, Mao Linlin, Yao Yichen, and Zhang Tianyang.

The series is adapted from Fenghuangqi's novel "长安铜雀鸣/Chang'an Tong Que Ming" and tells the story of Shen Du, the head of the Inner Guard House, and Yan Xing, a minor clerk in the Ministry of Justice. Due to a mistaken marriage arrangement, they rekindle an old relationship, and after getting married first, they fall in love and work together to solve crimes.


Melody of Golden Age

English Title: Melody of Golden Age
Chinese Title: 长乐曲
Other Titles: 长安铜雀鸣
Genre: Romance, Historical, Suspense
Episodes: 40
Duration: 45 min.
Director: Wang Wei
Screenwriter: Feng Jingling, Wan Han, Pu Zhenni
Released Date: 2024-08-26
Broadcast Website: MGTV



Yan Xing, the illegitimate daughter of the Yan family, was trained from a young age by the head inspector of the Ministry of Justice's Great Prison. She developed exceptional skills in solving cases, able to uncover answers hidden in physical evidence through minute clues. Determined to seek justice and uncover the truth, Yan Xing entered the Ministry of Justice as a female officer.

However, when her third sister fled from a marriage arranged by the Empress Dowager, Yan Xing was forced to marry in her sister's place to protect her family. She wed Shen Du, the head of the Inner Guard House.

Mysterious cases began to occur frequently in the capital, and Yan Xing and Shen Du worked together to solve one case after another. As they solved these mysteries, their feelings for each other deepened. Together with their companions, they uncovered a shocking conspiracy and safeguarded the peace and justice of Xiang'an City.


Shen Du was an outstanding official of the Internal Guard Office during the Shengli era of the Great Cang Kingdom, renowned for his extraordinary interrogation skills and ruthless methods. He excelled in psychological tactics and martial arts, causing criminals to break down and confess in a short time. In the story, Shen Du merely plucked a few strings of a qin, luring out a group of criminals.

After a night of interrogation, his mere gaze and smile made the criminals feel his authority and inviolability. When the criminals saw Shen Du and, in terror, called him "White Wuchang" as they attempted to flee, Shen Du mercilessly demonstrated his archery skills, killing all the criminals in an instant. The only remaining man, in a bid to survive, had no choice but to reveal the truth behind the scenes.

This event further solidified Shen Du's image, making him a fearsome and mysterious figure in the history of the Great Cang Kingdom. In the bustling streets, two formidable forces unexpectedly crossed paths—the Imperial Investigative Division of the Black Rakshasa and Shen Du’s Internal Guard Office. Both sides faced off, the atmosphere tense, as if the very air had frozen, each waiting for the other to back down.

Shen Du's gaze casually swept over a carriage, inside of which Lai Luozhi broke the silence by teasing Shen Du about his recent marriages, mocking the "lack of fortune" of his previous brides. Lai Luozhi then demonstrated his decisiveness, ordering his subordinates to clear the obstacles, allowing the two forces to proceed side by side. This scene was witnessed by Yan Xing, who was passing by in a hurry.

Elsewhere, Yan Xing was deeply engrossed in investigating a murder case, her efforts earning the gratitude of the Yi Liang man, Jiang Langxing. Jiang Langxing not only found the key poisonous herb but also invited Yan Xing to join him, though she politely declined. Meanwhile, during a blessing ceremony attended by Shen Du and Lai Luozhi, Zhang Xingwei had already been waiting for a long time for their arrival. After the ceremony, an unexpected assassin's attack shattered the peace.

Shen Du, relying on his sharp instincts and skills, successfully evaded the attack and decisively ordered the mountain to be sealed off. While searching for herbs in the mountains, Yan Xing encountered a young man named Qi Yeyun, and the two bonded over their shared interest in herbs. However, their brief harmony was interrupted when Lai Luozhi arrested them on suspicion of being assassins.

Faced with the threat of death, Yan Xing bravely stepped forward, requesting to examine the body to find clues. After much persistence, Lai Luozhi agreed and showed her the corpse. With her keen insight, Yan Xing deduced that the best hiding spot was on the mountain and pleaded for the release of the innocent villagers. At that moment, Shen Du appeared, proposing a more brutal method of selection—using fighting dogs to identify those who could climb trees.

Yan Xing once again stood up to plead for the villagers and eventually secured three hours to conduct her investigation. In the prison, Yan Xing raced against time to analyze the case, convinced that finding the murder weapon would reveal the truth. However, time was running out, and Shen Du expressed doubt about her ability to succeed.

Yan Xing made a vow, almost like a last will, but at the critical moment, she noticed a gesture from Shen Du, signaling her to escape. In despair, the real culprit revealed the shocking secret that Shen Du was the mastermind behind the scenes, but despite his conflicts with Shen Du, Lai Luozhi did not immediately believe it. Yan Xing, on the brink of death, still pleaded for Shen Du, adding layers of complexity and entanglement to the situation.

Yan Xing quietly left, unbothered by Shen Du's cold demeanor. Her mind was entirely focused on the upcoming Lady Officer exam, studying late into the night at the Ministry of Justice. The next morning, when Yan Xing returned home, she found her house surrounded by soldiers. It turned out that a royal decree had arrived, announcing that the third daughter of the Yan family would be married off to Shen Du.

Yan Kuo reluctantly accepted the decree, and the atmosphere at home grew heavy. Yan Xing's mother, Aunt Jin, though worried about her daughter Yan Caiwei’s future, was secretly relieved that Yan Xing had not been involved in the court's intrigues, allowing her to remain pure. As for Yan Xing herself, although she felt a twinge of disappointment that Shen Du hadn’t recognized her, it only strengthened her resolve to pass the Lady Officer exam and prove herself.

Yan Xing was about to discuss something with her father, Yan Kuo, when she accidentally overheard a secret conversation between Zhang Xingwei and her father. To her shock, she discovered that Shen Du had been using the Empress Dowager’s marriage decree to scare off brides each time, all to avoid being caught up in court intrigues. This time, choosing Yan Caiwei as the bride was actually a move to make her an informant.

Yan Xing's mother, Lady Ru, was firmly opposed to the marriage, but Yan Kuo, facing immense pressure and threats, even considered moving the entire family to ensure their safety. At that moment, a letter from Yan Caiwei announcing her elopement hit the family like a bolt of lightning, adding to the already tense atmosphere. Yan Xing felt a mix of emotions—concern for her family's fate and a complex view of Shen Du's schemes.

Following her mother’s orders, Yan Xing set out to find her runaway sister, Yan Caiwei. As night fell, she unexpectedly found herself in front of Shen Du's residence. Shen Du, leading his soldiers, approached with an imposing presence, but Yan Xing only took a quick glance before trying to leave. However, Shen Du stopped her and inquired about her reasons for being there.

Yan Xing made up an excuse about looking for a lost rabbit, to which Shen Du, half-jokingly, reminded her to be sure to find it. Facing the imminent marriage, Yan Xing gathered her courage and pleaded with Shen Du to cancel the wedding with her third sister, Yan Caiwei, arguing that they were not a good match.

Shen Du, however, dismissed her request, citing the imperial edict as something that could not be defied, and calmly stated that he did not care whether the people involved in the marriage were in love. Yan Xing felt both anger and helplessness, deeming Shen Du unreasonable and unworthy of marrying her sister, and stormed off in frustration.

Shen Du watched her retreating figure and murmured to himself, seeming to feel a sense of resignation and detachment about the marriage as well. Meanwhile, a mysterious masked man made a vow at his mother’s grave, swearing to elevate her to a higher status. Shen Du was well aware of the complexities and dangers behind this marriage, but he couldn’t bring himself to refuse it.

Jing Lin, too, understood Zhang Xingwei’s schemes and motives, but could only silently support Shen Du’s decision. In the end, the bridal procession arrived at the Yan family’s door, but the gates remained shut. Yan Kuo, already hesitant, was contemplating finding a new path for his family. Faced with the family’s predicament, Yan Xing stepped forward and made a shocking decision—she was willing to take her sister Yan Caiwei’s place and marry Shen Du.

This decision stunned everyone and marked the beginning of an unknown and complex married life for Yan Xing. Yan Xing resolutely donned the wedding attire, embarking on the uncertain journey of this marriage. Lady Jin, her mother, was deeply worried and tried to stop her, but ultimately couldn’t sway her daughter’s determination. With tears in her eyes, she handed over all the family’s assets to Yan Xing, hoping she could use them to temporarily hide at the Ministry of Justice.

Lady Jin herself was willing to support the family by performing on stage. Yan Xing, understanding the difficulties and intentions of her third sister, Yan Caiwei, decided to shoulder this responsibility as a member of the Yan family. She bid a heartfelt farewell to her parents, promising to take care of her mother, and then resolutely stepped into the bridal sedan chair. However, just as the bridal sedan was about to depart, Shen Du unexpectedly appeared, breaking the silence.

Defying custom, he insisted on seeing the bride and was surprised to find Yan Xing. When Shen Du questioned her, Yan Xing calmly responded, skillfully using the Empress Dowager's decree to defuse the situation. Lu Chuichui, who witnessed the entire scene, was filled with mixed emotions, moved by Yan Xing's courage but also worried about her future.

As the night deepened, Lu Chuichui accompanied Yan Xing as she entered the Shen residence, where instead of the usual festive atmosphere, there was an inexplicable sense of deathly silence. Yan Xing was arranged to rest in a side hall, where the housekeeper coldly informed her that Shen Du would not be returning that night. Although Yan Xing was troubled, she maintained a calm demeanor.

She cleverly inquired about the birthdates to subtly remind the housekeeper of her true identity while also quietly observing everything. The wedding chamber was only prepared after Yan Xing entered, and Lu Chuichui, seeing this, felt injustice for Yan Xing. However, Yan Xing remained exceptionally calm, fully aware of Shen Du’s reluctance but determined to marry into the Shen family nonetheless. This stubbornness and courage moved those around her.

Jing Lin hurriedly found Shen Du and informed him that Yan Xing seemed indifferent to the situation, surprising Shen Du and sparking his curiosity about her. Late at night, Yan Xing lay alone on the bed in the side hall, her mind full of thoughts. She recalled her childhood memories with Shen Du, especially the pendant he had given her. But now, it seemed that Shen Du had completely forgotten those happy times.

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, Shen Du unexpectedly appeared. With a stern expression, he warned her that this was his home, but Yan Xing remained unafraid, even suggesting that if he didn’t like her, he could write a divorce letter. Shen Du, touched by her bravery, unconsciously gently caressed her face. Though Yan Xing was scared, she bravely prepared to serve him.

However, an accidental slip led to their first intimate contact, leaving both of them feeling somewhat uneasy. After Shen Du left, news suddenly came that the main hall had caught fire. He immediately rushed to handle the situation. Meanwhile, Lu Chuichui hurriedly came to find Yan Xing early in the morning, informing her that a suspiciously dead body had been found in the bamboo forest of Xilin Temple.

This news was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, further unsettling Yan Xing’s already complicated feelings. She realized that life in the Shen family was far more complex and dangerous than she had imagined.

Shen Du had an audience with the Empress Dowager, where he was earnestly instructed to thoroughly investigate the self-immolation case. She also advised him to stay home and spend time with his new wife to show some affection. However, Lai Luozhi made a jest on the side, mentioning how Shen Du had rushed to the crime scene the previous night, leaving his new bride, Yan Xing, unattended, and that Yan Xing's whereabouts were still unknown.

Zhang Xingwei seized the opportunity to add fuel to the fire, making the atmosphere tense. The Empress Dowager then learned that Yan Xing was actually the niece of Master Jin Zang from the Eastern Sect and that Lady Jin was her elder sister, making the situation even more complex and sensitive.

Shen Du's expression grew solemn, realizing the weight of his responsibilities—not just concerning the truth of the case, but also involving the delicate relationship between the royal family and the influential officials. Yan Xing was extremely anxious and rushed to the temple without even changing clothes, only removing her headdress on the carriage. Upon arriving at the temple gate, she was stopped by Manager Wu, whose mocking words caused her great embarrassment.

Yan Xing insisted that she was only there to investigate the case. With her sharp eyes, she noticed that Manager Wu’s shoes were stained with mud from the western suburbs, and the floral pattern that inadvertently showed on his sleeve made her suspect that he had a mistress hidden there. Feeling guilty, Manager Wu had no choice but to let her pass. Yan Xing carefully examined the two corpses.

The deceased were embracing each other, the man's heart had been removed, and the woman had a long scar on her face. The site was filled with a strange fragrance. Xu Xiangren's arrival confirmed Yan Xing's olfactory senses, while Lu Chuichui initially thought it was a case of lovers' suicide, but Yan Xing refuted her. The deceased’s family was grief-stricken, especially the father of Lord Liang, who demanded that the truth be uncovered.

Lu Chuichui invited Yan Xing to have tea, but she politely declined and instead focused on the crime scene. At that moment, Shen Du unexpectedly arrived, with Jing Lin also present, noting that this was not the best place to investigate. Shen Du, seeing Yan Xing holding a key with muddy hands, showed displeasure and urged her to return home to learn the ways of a proper wife.

Shen Du forcefully placed Yan Xing on his horse, and this scene was witnessed by Manager Wu, who was visibly shocked. Just as the delicate relationship between Yan Xing and Shen Du reached a stalemate, news suddenly spread throughout the city of a secret order brought by Jing Lin from the palace. The Empress Dowager also commanded Shen Du to thoroughly investigate the Liang family case.

Upon hearing this, Yan Xing felt an urgent need to fight alongside Shen Du, but he politely refused and had her secretly monitored. Yan Xing cleverly pretended to change clothes to distract the guards, and took the opportunity to escape from their control. She encountered a maidservant and hatched a plan, using a pear as bait to skillfully coax the maid into revealing clues about the Liang family.

While Yan Xing was immersed in analyzing the case and connecting the poison from the Dripping Water Guanyin to the son of the Liang family, a madwoman suddenly appeared behind her. Startled, Yan Xing accidentally fell into a pond. The water surged, and Yan Xing’s cries for help were heard by Shen Du, who happened to be passing by.

Initially, Shen Du thought this was another one of Yan Xing’s pranks, but when he saw her struggle weaken, he realized the situation was serious and immediately jumped into the water to save the life of the perilous Yan Xing. This experience seemed to add another layer of indescribable complexity to the delicate emotions between them. Back at the mansion, the housekeeper surprisingly arranged for Yan Xing to stay in the master bedroom, a move that took her by surprise.

While Shen Du was out, she caught a glimpse of the Empress Dowager’s decree on the table and began to ponder. During dinner, Shen Du deliberately flaunted the secret order in front of Yan Xing, hinting at his distrust and warning her to be cautious in the mansion.

Shen Du’s actions were a test, but Yan Xing calmly responded, stating that she was not one of Zhang Xingwei's people and was fully aware of the contents of the secret order, yet she hadn’t overstepped any boundaries. She even pointed out that Shen Du was rash in suspecting the Liang family’s second branch as the culprits and raised her doubts, insisting on a thorough investigation.

Shen Du threatened her with a hidden weapon, but Yan Xing remained unafraid, countering with a bet to prove her innocence and capability. In reality, she was calculating how to endure the next three months until the female official exam was concluded. Late at night, Yan Xing lay peacefully on the large bed in the master room, when Shen Du arrived, bringing the two into close proximity, creating a subtle atmosphere.

Yan Xing cleverly dealt with the situation, but Shen Du, noticing a strand of hair on the bed, became displeased and hurriedly tidied up. Yan Xing realized his obsession with cleanliness and mischievously teased him with candied fruit, causing Shen Du considerable frustration as he replaced the bed linens late into the night. The two eventually slept in separate beds.

Yan Xing, unable to fall asleep, tossed and turned before finally picking up a pen to write a letter to her friend Pan Chi, detailing the strange cases she had recently encountered. Her words conveyed her dedication to justice and pursuit of truth. In the letter, she not only recorded the bizarre twists of the case but also expressed her resilience and determination in the face of adversity, along with her infinite hopes for the future.

Shen Du and Yan Xing continued their bickering in the morning, with Yan Xing persistently urging Shen Du to investigate the Shen family affairs. The next day, Shen Du was alarmed to find Yan Xing's bed in a state of disarray, which he found intolerable due to his obsession with cleanliness. At this time, Lu Chuichui mentioned rumors in the capital, claiming that Shen Du and Yan Xing had a deep marital bond, which drew attention.

While they were out, they encountered an elderly woman sitting by the roadside, looking sorrowful. Lu Chuichui explained that the previous night, Chen Baiyi had committed self-immolation out of despair after failing the imperial exams, leaving his elderly mother behind, desolate and helpless. Both Shen Du and Yan Xing felt sympathy and decided to get involved, investigate the matter, and offer some comfort to the old woman.

Manager Wu was caught off guard by Yan Xing taking up the old woman's complaint, and immediately announced that the Liang family case required no outside intervention, although he dared not obstruct Yan Xing further. Yan Xing and Lu Chuichui were determined to investigate further and went to Jinxiu Alley, but were stopped by the gatekeeper. Lu Chuichui used gold coins to gain entry.

The alley’s master revealed that the deceased, Kuang Zhankin, had been gentle and uncontentious before his disappearance and had often gone out with Liang Chen, but never returned. Yan Xing, pondering this, left, while the alley’s master wiped away hidden tears behind them. Outside, Yan Xing unexpectedly met an old acquaintance, Xu Shuai, who discussed the recent case of seventeen missing women, of which fifteen had been found, with two still unaccounted for.

Xu Shuai analyzed that although the missing women were not top courtesans, they were all musically talented, had similar hairstyles, and shared an inexplicable commonality in their gazes. Xu Shuai handed Yan Xing the organized information, believing that as Shen Du's wife, she would be more convenient for the investigation. Yan Xing firmly declared that this was a serial murder case and vowed to find the real culprit and deliver justice for the victims.

As the Liang family's second branch was drenched in chicken blood, Liang Sanlang resolutely turned himself in to the Ministry of Justice, plunging the Liang family into chaos. At this moment, Princess Yong’an visited Shen Du, expressing dissatisfaction with Shen Du’s failure to act according to the Empress Dowager’s wishes and warning him to be cautious to avoid following in his father’s footsteps.

Jing Lin explained that Shen Du had already made a decision, but Yan Xing insisted on investigating, which complicated the situation. Yan Xing swore to reveal the truth to the world. At this time, five pairs of male and female corpses appeared at the scene, their appearance identical to those found in the Liang family’s case. The bodies emitted a strange fragrance.

Although Yan Xing couldn’t immediately identify the scent, she inferred that this series of cases might have been ongoing for years. More shockingly, Yan Xing deduced from the female victim’s wounds that the killer might be a woman, a theory that Xu Shuai found hard to believe, given that it was difficult for a woman to subdue a young man.

As Yan Xing was about to delve deeper, Shen Du hurriedly pulled her away, informing her that the two cases had been merged and forbidding her further involvement. However, as Yan Xing took a few steps out, she saw a woman hurriedly leaving, her scent matching that of the deceased, and her hair ornament startlingly similar to the woman in a painting. Seeing this, Shen Du immediately took Yan Xing to the Ministry of Justice.

Shen Du’s clear intention was to remove Yan Xing from the case, but she refused to comply. Under Shen Du’s authority, Manager Wu, though reluctant, had no choice but to agree. A subtle battle over truth and power began. Yan Xing, in her desperation, requested Jing Lin to either dismount and accompany her or share a ride, to which Jing Lin resignedly agreed to walk.

Yan Xing focused on the deceased's belongings, noting the uniformity in the killer’s methods and speculating that there must be a pattern behind them. Shen Du observed the use of Jinxiu Alley fabric in the victims' clothing, which became a new lead. Yan Xing delved into the Ministry of Justice’s archives and learned that Manager Wu was troubled by a nursery rhyme that was also circulating in the streets.

Lai Luozhi encountered a child singing the rhyme and spoke sternly but kindly, causing the child’s parents to beg for mercy. Princess Yong’an appeared just in time, blaming the parents but compassionately taking the child away, which earned public praise, while Lai Luozhi was indignantly dissatisfied. Yan Xing, hidden in the crowd, was curious about Princess Yong’an and the mysterious woman in the carriage.

After returning home, Yan Xing learned that Shen Du had been summoned due to Lai Luozhi’s scheming and immediately rushed to the Grand Pavilion to help. Jing Lin threatened to resort to self-harm, but Yan Xing calmly forged Shen Du’s handwriting to draft a memorial and instructed Jing Lin to present it urgently. Lai Luozhi attempted to use the nursery rhyme to create discord between the Imperial Inspectorate and Shen Du.

Shen Du was brought to the scene, and at a crucial moment, Xu Wan handed over the memorial drafted by Yan Xing, allowing the case to be presented directly to the Empress Dowager. After reading the memorial, the Empress Dowager was reassured and ordered Shen Du to continue his investigation while privately assigning an urgent task.

As Shen Du took on the task, Yan Xing’s wisdom and deep understanding of Shen Du once again became crucial in turning the situation around.

Shen Du thanked Xu Wan, but Xu Wan revealed that there was another expert assisting with the matter. She gently reminded Shen Du that the Empress Dowager was well aware of the difficulties and had instructed him to act with utmost caution. After Shen Du returned from the palace, Jing Lin had an epiphany—he realized that Yan Xing had cleverly used him.

He was even more surprised to find that Yan Xing's handwriting was astonishingly similar to his own, and he couldn't help but admire Yan Xing a bit more. Xiao Zhong received the Empress Dowager's decree and immediately set out for Fengxiang Manor to investigate. After hastily making some arrangements, he embarked on his journey. Yan Xing, concerned for Shen Du's safety, was worried when an unfamiliar maid brought a bowl of lotus seed soup.

The maid's behavior aroused Yan Xing's suspicion. Upon lifting the lid, hidden characters were revealed—an invitation code. At the meeting place, Yan Xing unexpectedly met Zhang Xingwei. Zhang Xingwei got straight to the point, asking about the Yan family's stance and hinting that the Empress Dowager suspected Xiao Zhong of being behind the folk tales and wanted to punish him. Zhang Xingwei's words were interspersed with political intrigue, testing Yan Xing's attitude.

Yan Xing, being a woman, modestly avoided discussing political matters. However, Zhang Xingwei already knew about Shen Du's carrier pigeons and forced Yan Xing to delve deeper to uncover the mystery behind the secret messenger pigeons. When Yan Xing returned home, Shen Du stopped her and mentioned the issue of forged documents with great concern, fearing that she might inadvertently bring trouble upon herself.

Yan Xing explained with a苦笑 that she had resorted to such measures only to save lives in a desperate situation. In the dead of night, a person in black quietly dropped off a document. A poor scholar received it and was outraged, believing that the imperial examination was merely a path laid out for the wealthy. This outcry quickly reached the Empress Dowager's ears, causing a huge stir.

Furious, the Empress Dowager was presented with a proposal by Princess Yong'an, advocating for a new approach where commoners and children of officials would compete together and be selected based on merit. This suggestion sparked heated debate in the court, with some officials openly opposing it, creating a tense atmosphere. Shen Du took the opportunity to report on the progress of the self-immolation case. Although there was some progress, the truth remained shrouded in mystery.

To calm the public, the Empress Dowager decided to open educational institutions, giving commoner children the chance to receive education. Yan Xing, concerned about Chen Shusheng’s family, frequently visited his grandmother, reading the grandson's works to her as a comfort. Shen Du, who occasionally witnessed this, was deeply moved by Yan Xing's commitment to fairness and justice. After returning home, Shen Du informed Yan Xing about the admission of commoner students, and she was overjoyed, praising Shen Du profusely.

Late at night, Yan Xing insisted on running to help her sleep. Seeing this, Shen Du thoughtfully instructed the butler to reduce the indoor lighting so as not to disturb her rest. Jing Lin reported on the case's progress, mentioning that the deceased were all performers, and the hairpins were exceptionally luxurious. Yan Xing grew suspicious and, along with Shen Du, investigated the source of the hairpins. They discovered that they were prohibitively expensive and not affordable for ordinary people.

Further investigation led to connections with Princess Yong'an's people, and Shen Du anticipated that Princess Yong'an would soon approach Yan Xing. Indeed, Jing Lin urgently reported that Princess Yong'an had extended a warm invitation to Yan Xing for a flower viewing event, setting the stage for an undercurrent-filled meeting. At the flower viewing banquet, Yan Xing was surrounded by the whispers of women. An accident occurred when a maid spilled tea, staining her dress.

Madam Tang timely extended her help, leading Yan Xing to her private chamber to change clothes and preparing a medicinal bath for her. While changing, Yan Xing keenly noticed that Madam Tang was also enveloped in the familiar scent from outside the temple and glimpsed an unusual pattern on the back of her neck, raising further doubts in her mind. During casual conversation, Madam Tang mentioned trivial matters about the Liang family, noting discord between the main couple.

Yan Xing seized the opportunity to hint that no matter how deep the secret was hidden, the truth would eventually come to light. At the flower viewing banquet, Yan Xing waited for Princess Yong'an until she finally appeared two hours later. The princess's words seemed to carry deeper meaning, warning Yan Xing not to overstep boundaries and fixating her gaze on the hairpin Shen Du had given, revealing undeniable hostility.

Shen Du arrived at the right moment to rescue Yan Xing from the awkward situation. Seeing Yan Xing kneeling for a long time, her legs trembling, he was deeply pained. He requested to leave on the pretext of family matters, ignoring Princess Yong'an's presence, and gently carried Yan Xing away. On the way, Yan Xing wanted to thank Shen Du, but he gently deflected with kind words, and their unspoken understanding was evident.

Shen Du had long anticipated that entering the palace would be challenging for Yan Xing, but he remained quietly protective, dedicated to ensuring her safety.

Yan Xing returned home on the day of the "return door" ceremony, and the servants hurriedly informed her. Upon entering the house, her parents' concern was evident, and they inquired about Shen Du's absence. Yan Xing gently explained Shen Du's situation, deflecting their questions. Her fourth sister, Yan Yi, arrived just in time, full of joy as she boasted about her husband's affection and their children's achievements.

Yan Xing, unwilling to be outdone, skillfully countered with stories of her fifth brother's romantic escapades, creating a subtle tension in the family atmosphere. At that moment, Shen Du unexpectedly appeared, leaving Yan Xing both surprised and delighted. She had not anticipated him coming in person. Shen Du's arrival undoubtedly added warmth and surprise to the family gathering, making Yan Xing's heart swell with emotion.

Shen Du's visit not only brought Yan Xing prestige but also made the Yan family feel honored. He spoke earnestly, praising Yan Xing's virtues and expressing regret for his late arrival, which won everyone’s admiration. Shen Du generously presented valuable gifts to the Yan family, particularly selecting fine tea for Yan Kuo, and praised Yan Xing as a virtuous wife through Princess Yong'an, which warmed Yan Xing’s heart. During the meal, Shen Du noticed the calligraphy of Pan Yan.

Yan Kuo quickly explained that it was his own imitation, while Yan Xing confidently remarked that there was no father’s handwriting that could not be replicated. Yan Kuo warmly invited Shen Du to dinner, which Yan Xing intended to decline, but Shen Du had already graciously accepted. The atmosphere was harmonious and pleasant. Privately, Yan Xing planned to find the messenger pigeons but encountered a vicious dog on the way.

Shen Du arrived upon hearing the news, secretly suspecting that Yan Xing might be involved in something confidential. The butler brought Yan Xing a veil, but Shen Du suddenly ripped it apart. Yan Xing felt a mix of emotions, reflecting on Shen Du's unpredictable nature. Shen Du teased Yan Xing under the guise of serving her, and when Yan Xing tried to get closer, he recoiled in distaste.

Shen Du's cleanliness obsession led Yan Xing to playfully approach him, causing Shen Du to retreat repeatedly, adding a touch of amusement and warmth to their daily interactions. In the morning, Yan Xing learned that Shen Du was going to Xilin Temple and immediately decided to follow him. Upon arriving at the temple, they encountered a strange sight—fresh "blood characters" on the wall.

Shen Du examined them closely and discovered they were drawn with cinnabar, clearly a premeditated provocation by the culprit. Yan Xing knew that only by delving deeper into the Ministry of Justice could the truth be uncovered. Returning to the Ministry of Justice, Yan Xing unexpectedly met Wu Zhushi, who was surprised by her return and even joked about her cleaning the floor herself.

Colleague Lu Chuichui, seeing this, mistakenly thought there was discord between her and Shen Du, and privately inquired about the situation. Yan Xing could only smile wryly and mentioned her role in the secret investigation, which amazed Lu Chuichui. While Yan Xing was busy, she received the bad news that her master had been taken away by the Internal Affairs Office as soon as he entered the city.

She was anxious and abandoned her work to rush to the Internal Affairs Office, only to be stopped by Jing Lin. Shen Du appeared just in time, and Yan Xing, distressed, questioned Shen Du about his involvement with her master. The truth, however, was quite embarrassing—her master had been specially invited by Shen Du to assist with the investigation. Shen Du had also kindly reminded her master to drink less, leaving Yan Xing with a complex mix of feelings.

Shen Du’s visit had a clear purpose: to understand the properties of the cinnabar used by Yan Xing’s master. Yan Xing realized that the mystery of the time of death might be related to this. She quickly concluded the game of chess and joined her master in examining the corpse, finally confirming the impact of cinnabar on the determination of the time of death. Even more shocking was that her master found Western cucumber seeds in the male victim's stomach.

This seed could only be eaten on a solar term day, with the next solar term occurring in three days, indicating that the culprit would act soon. Yan Xing and Shen Du exchanged a look, knowing that the decisive moment was near. Shen Du hurried to the Empress Dowager but unexpectedly encountered Lai Luozhi, who received the order to solve the case within three days.

Yan Xing then met with Zhang Xingwei, who flatly denied involvement in the case and revealed a surge in pigeon cages, suggesting an attempt to confuse the issue. Zhang Xingwei also warned Yan Xing that time was running out and that she needed to act quickly. The Empress Dowager, distracted while playing a game with Zhang Baohuan, mentioned the guest list for the solar term day.

This was actually a request from Xu Wan, aimed at identifying those who knew the cinnabar formula. Yan Xing proposed disguising herself as a performer to lure the enemy, but Shen Du strongly opposed it, worried for her safety. Yan Xing, unwilling to see innocent people harmed, insisted on her plan and even revealed her pipa skills. Although her skills were only basic, Shen Du was impressed. To improve her skills, Yan Xing returned home to seek her mother’s advice.

Her mother joked that the key was in her demeanor rather than her playing technique, misunderstanding that Yan Xing wanted to please Shen Du. Yan Xing, helpless, turned to her uncle, vowing to uncover the truth and protect the innocent, while also hoping to keep Shen Du safe. Despite their differing opinions, both were deeply concerned for each other's safety, and their feelings subtly deepened amid the tense situation.

As night fell, Yan Xing continued to practice the piano diligently, her mind filled with the image of her mother's careful guidance. Despite her fatigue, she remained resolute. Shen Du happened to come in and saw her in this state, advising her to abandon her obsession with pursuing the murderer.

Yan Xing, however, remained determined, instructing her servants to bring some candied fruit to ease her exhaustion while firmly expressing her resolve: she vowed to bring the culprit to justice and lure them out, refusing to back down. Yan Xing then cleverly devised a plan to have Shen Du introduce her to Wu Zhushi and proposed that she disguise herself as his beloved wife to lure out the real culprit.

Although Wu Zhushi was reluctant, he had no choice but to agree. Yan Xing quickly changed into her costume, making a stunning appearance at the banquet, which drew everyone's attention. Even the Empress Dowager, who was present, praised her outfit. During the banquet, Yan Xing took the opportunity to announce that she would perform herself. Her piano performance was enchanting and quickly became the center of attention.

After her performance, the applause was thunderous, but Yan Xing suddenly detected a strange fragrance and was soon enveloped in a hallucination, being quietly taken away by a man in black. Noticing Yan Xing’s disappearance, Shen Du was frantic and immediately began searching for her. Wu Zhushi, however, was completely unaware of what had happened.

Guided by the man in black, Yan Xing seemed to be transported back to her childhood, with memories and reality intertwining, making it difficult to discern what was real. The man in black remained mysterious, revealing his deep resentment towards the world’s injustices. Yan Xing tried to buy time and find a way to escape but was threatened by the man in black who strangled her.

At this critical moment, Shen Du arrived like a divine savior and rescued Yan Xing from the clutches of death. Yan Xing, with tears in her eyes, was deeply touched by Shen Du’s concern. It turned out that Yan Xing had previously sprinkled bean powder on her clothes to leave a trail for Shen Du to follow. Later, Jing Lin revealed the true identity of the man in black, who turned out to be someone well-known.

Despite her weakened state, Yan Xing held on, waiting for this moment. However, just as the truth was about to be revealed, Yan Xing collapsed from exhaustion. The intense confrontation came to an end with Yan Xing's wisdom and Shen Du’s bravery, but the conspiracy and the full truth still awaited further discovery. Only an hour after Yan Xing woke up, she learned that the murderer was actually Madam Tang, which shocked the Empress Dowager.

Yan Xing volunteered to personally interrogate Madam Tang. Lu Chuichui was deeply concerned, but Yan Xing was confident, believing she could touch Madam Tang's heart. Facing the Empress Dowager’s doubts, Yan Xing slowly revealed Madam Tang’s motive for the murders: the victims were all betrayers, having both a marriage engagement and committing infidelity. Yan Xing intentionally mentioned the crucial date of the solar term day, provoking Madam Tang’s emotional breakdown.

Shen Du, understanding the situation, cooperated seamlessly, creating an affectionate atmosphere to attempt to break down Madam Tang's psychological defenses. At this point, Xu Xiangren arrived with new discoveries, presenting evidence from the corpse and a sketch.

Yan Xing displayed the sketch publicly, which caused Madam Tang to become agitated and attempt to seize it, tearfully recounting her past: her sister was abducted, returned only to be involved with her husband, and on the solar term day, she mistakenly poisoned her husband with wine, leading to her sister’s disappearance. In the end, she clung to her husband’s corpse at the grave, with tragedy compounding. Everyone was moved by her story.

Madam Tang completely broke down, her jealousy and desire for revenge twisting her into a killer whenever she saw someone resembling her sister. She confessed to Shen Du that there was nothing wrong with loving deeply and that couples should support each other. Surprisingly, this sentiment resonated with both the Empress Dowager and Xu Wan, while Shen Du held Yan Xing’s hand tightly, his expression complex. Madam Tang attempted to commit suicide by throwing herself into the fire but was stopped.

Shen Du took Yan Xing home. Although Yan Xing feared reproach, Shen Du treated her with forgiveness. They both reflected on the case and the direction of public sentiment. Yan Xing visited Madam Tang again, hoping to uncover the mastermind behind the scenes but found her to be insane, uttering only the phrase "moth to the flame.

" Yan Xing knew that there must be hidden secrets behind the case, but the clues were now lost, and Madam Tang was to be executed the following day. Xiao Zhong returned, expressing gratitude for Yan Xing's wisdom and bravery, and acknowledging her as the key to solving the case.

Yan Xing encountered bullying on the street, and it turned out to be her fourth sister who was in trouble. She resolutely stepped forward to protect her, only to be reprimanded by her sister. When she entered the palace to meet the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager wished to reward her for her bravery. Yan Xing humbly declined, expressing her desire to continue investigating the case in her capacity as Yan Shuli (Yan the Clerk) rather than as Shen’s wife.

Xu Wan, who was present, couldn’t help but smile, as Yan Xing’s determination aligned with everyone’s expectations. The Empress Dowager appreciated Yan Xing's talent for solving cases and gladly granted her request, giving her the authority to continue the investigation. Yan Xing was delighted and vowed to uncover the truth behind the world's mysteries in the name of Yan Shuli.

Upon returning from the palace, Yan Xing met Xu Xiangren, and they discussed the case of the poisonous "滴水观音" (Water Drop Orchid). Xu Xiangren revealed that his investigation had reached Rong Zhui, the head of Tongming Courtyard. Yan Xing and Xu Xiangren then joined forces and discovered the poison in Rong Zhui’s residence. Rong Zhui was eventually apprehended. Meanwhile, Shen Du was busy with another matter.

He personally delivered medicine to Liang San Gongzi (the Third Young Master Liang), showing their deep friendship. Shen Du also helped Liang San Gongzi’s mother out of a difficult situation. When discussing the poison in the Water Drop Orchid case, Shen Du admitted that the real culprit had not yet been identified but learned that Yan Xing had made progress and that Rong Zhui was involved. Liang San Gongzi was shocked by this revelation.

Shen Du reiterated his own innocence and encouraged Liang San Gongzi to focus on his future. During the interrogation, Rong Zhui admitted to poisoning the victims. It turned out she was pregnant and had resorted to this dangerous measure to protect herself and her unborn child. The situation was complicated: Liang family’s greed and family disputes made Rong Zhui just a pawn in their game.

Shen Du also ventured into a perilous situation, visiting Liang Laoye (Old Master Liang) in prison to question him about the underlying conspiracy. Liang Laoye, bitterly smiling, admitted his helplessness and even attempted to use Shen Du’s father’s case as a counterattack. Shen Du remained unmoved, directly expressing suspicion that the Liang family was hiding important documents and that the death of the Liang family’s eldest son might be related.

When Liang Laoye could no longer deny the truth, Shen Du, enraged, used torture to extract a confession. Liang Laoye ended up with scars on his face, regretting it too late. Shen Du entered a secret chamber, his mind swirling with memories of his father’s unwavering integrity. He knew his father had refused to collude with the men in black, even under the threat of death, and was eventually wronged as a traitor.

Shen Du was determined to clear his family’s name and reveal the truth behind the false accusations of weapon drawings, gathering evidence piece by piece to restore the historical truth. On the other hand, Yan Xing celebrated the resolution of the case with others, and the atmosphere at the dinner was lively. Lu Chuichui brought news that Yan Xing’s pen pal, Xiao Chichi, was about to meet, causing much laughter.

Xu Xiangren took the opportunity to invite Yan Xing for a drink, but Shen Du forcefully interrupted, unwilling to allow Yan Xing to get close to any other man. At the banquet, Shen Du drank heavily and was quite inebriated, still stubbornly challenging others. Yan Xing, seeing this, came up with a plan to take Shen Du to the outskirts.

Under the moonlight, Shen Du, in his drunken state, "taught a lesson" to her fourth sister’s husband, leading to an amusing misunderstanding. Carrying the drunken Shen Du home, Yan Xing remembered their past together as he mumbled about the "罪容所" (Place of Sin), where their fates first intertwined. Yan Xing was touched, her emotions mixed, while Shen Du mistakenly thanked Xu Wan, making her tear up, though she quickly composed herself.

Yan Xing fell and got a bruise on her forehead, quietly enduring the pain. The next morning, Shen Du awoke, feeling guilty about his drunken behavior and wanting to inquire about the previous night. Yan Xing, however, brushed it off lightly and avoided the topic. Yan Xing continued with her routine report to Zhang Xiang, sounding indifferent, and Zhang Xiang, understanding her mood, did not press further.

On her way to the Ministry of Justice, Yan Xing encountered another minor accident, stumbling and falling. The pain and helplessness overwhelmed her, and she could only force a bitter smile. This suffering was hers to bear alone.

As soon as Yan Xing settled down, she saw that Wu Zhushi was injured, which startled her. Remembering her appointment with Xiao Chichi, she hurriedly left for the meeting. Lu Chuichui tried to redeem Jiang Langxing with money, but was declined. Jiang Langxing recalled a woman who had once given him gold when he was destitute and felt content with that.

Yan Xing was eagerly looking forward to meeting Xiao Chichi, but was suddenly informed by the housekeeper that her father was critically ill. She quickly left a note and rushed back to the Yan residence. Upon arrival, she discovered it was a false alarm; it turned out to be a trap set by Zhang Xiang to summon her.

Facing Zhang Xiang’s questioning, Yan Xing confessed that she could not obtain information about Shen Du but was willing to make amends through her actions. Zhang Xiang hinted that she needed to be wary of those around her, mentioning that the fate of the Shen family might rest in Shen Du’s hands. Meanwhile, Shen Du was deeply involved in the case and realized that Zhang Xiang had already taken action when he heard that Yan Xing had returned to the residence.

Shen Du entered a secret chamber alone, reflecting on the past. He had once reported his father’s treasonous acts to clear his name, which was a temporary measure to vindicate his father. The path he took was irreversible, and now his only redemption was to find the letter proving his father’s innocence. When Shen Du returned, Yan Xing was still awake. Both were lost in thought.

Shen Du stood by the curtain of Yan Xing's room for a long time before finally sitting on his own bed. Yan Xing also remembered Zhang Xiang’s comments about Shen Du. In her dream, Yan Xing saw Shen Du covered in blood, which terrified her and made her wake up in fear, thinking Shen Du might be cold-blooded. The next morning, Yan Xing felt listless at breakfast.

Although she thought the porridge was fine, Shen Du complained that it was too sweet. Shen Du always found fault with the food Yan Xing liked, which made her question whether he was such a person. Shen Du was actually deliberately provoking Yan Xing, and she left angrily. In reality, Shen Du’s arguments were intentional, aimed at creating the impression that the Shen family was in constant turmoil.

This time, the Empress Dowager had relaxed the household examination requirements, and the preparations for this exam could not be neglected. She asked Zhang Xiang who would be a suitable person to oversee the preparations. Zhang Xiang suggested Xiao Zhong, but Princess Yong'an disagreed, believing Shen Du would be a better choice. Zhang Xiang was naturally unwilling and continued to argue that Shen Du had not managed his household well. The Empress Dowager said she needed to think it over.

When Yan Xing left the Shen residence, she discovered someone lurking suspiciously, only to find it was her third sister, Yan Caiwei. Yan Caiwei had returned with Han Langjun and was afraid to go home, so she had to hide outside the Shen residence. Accompanied by Yan Xing, Yan Caiwei returned, and after seeing her daughter, Jiang Yiniang comforted her, also mentioning that rumors were circulating that Yan Xing was being bullied by Shen Du.

At this moment, the fifth brother returned drunk. Yan Kuo, seeing his son drunk, kicked him to the ground. The fifth brother claimed he had seen Shen Du. Shen Du’s sudden visit caught everyone at the Yan residence off guard. Yan Xing was at a loss, while Yan Caiwei stepped forward, taking all the blame upon herself and swearing to clear her sister’s name.

Shen Du’s piercing gaze fell on Yan Caiwei, and he intended to take both Yan Xing and Yan Caiwei away. The fifth brother's provocative remarks also did not escape Shen Du’s “invitation. ” The three were taken away, and Yan Kuo was furious. Shen Du's questioning went straight to the core, and the mention of Han Shiyuan’s name made the case even more mysterious. Yan Caiwei firmly believed in her lover’s innocence but was unaware of his whereabouts.

Yan Xing personally examined the scene, finding clues on the deceased that were thought-provoking, especially the fragments of clothing suspected to belong to Han Shiyuan, which complicated the case. During her search in Hongwen Pavilion, Yan Xing used her keen insight to piece together Han Shiyuan’s movements, and her detailed account raised doubts in her mind. As night fell, Yan Xing brought her new evidence to Shen Du. Their tacit understanding was revealed unintentionally.

Shen Du accepted the evidence, and Yan Xing inadvertently sat on his bed, creating a subtle atmosphere. The street shadow play inspired Yan Xing, leading to a sudden realization. She urgently sought verification from Pan Chi. Pan Chi’s appearance not only exposed the truth behind the shadow play but also gave Yan Xing new insights into the case.

Late at night, Yan Xing confidently told Shen Du that she had found key evidence to clear Han Shiyuan’s name and planned to act that very night to reveal the real culprit at Hongwen Pavilion.

Shen Du stepped into Hongwen Pavilion, where the noise outside was deafening. Yan Xing and Pan Chi had cleverly staged a realistic "Han Shiyuan's escape" scene using the interplay of light and shadows. The scholars mistook it for reality, exclaiming that "Han Shiyuan" had fled. Shen Du, however, scrutinized the scene and questioned its authenticity. Despite Lan Guizhou’s attempts to deflect, the truth behind the fabricated scene was eventually revealed under Shen Du’s sharp gaze, and everything came to light.

Afterwards, Pan Chi quietly appeared, and Yan Xing expressed her gratitude. However, Shen Du, witnessing their cheerful interaction, felt a mix of emotions and left silently. Shen Du conducted a private investigation on Pan Chi, while Lan Guizhou was interrogated but remained tight-lipped. It turned out that Lan Guizhou had a grudge with a classmate over a poetry collection, mistakenly killed the classmate, and then blamed the missing Han Shiyuan for the crime, hiding his friends to avoid detection.

Yan Xing and Shen Du rushed to the western market, only to find bloodstains left by Lan Guizhou. Han Shiyuan had vanished. A signal flare cut through the night sky as Shen Du and Yan Xing raced on horseback. Yan Xing nearly stumbled as she dismounted. The two broke into a secret chamber to find Yan Caiwei and Han Shiyuan suspended in mid-air, surrounded by swirling moths, creating a strange atmosphere.

A mysterious woman appeared, claiming to be the former serial killer Chen Huo E, and declared that no one could obstruct her path to resurrection. Shen Du stepped forward to fight Chen Huo E, while Yan Xing cleverly avoided the confrontation. At a crucial moment, Han Shiyuan and Yan Caiwei were rescued, and Princess Yong’an’s assistance arrived. Zhang Baohuan conveyed the princess’s intentions, which seemed to hold deeper meaning regarding Han Shiyuan, raising Shen Du’s suspicions.

Afterward, Shen Du and Yan Xing exchanged views, both feeling that the relationship between Han Shiyuan, Princess Yong’an, and Zhang Baohuan was complex, while Yan Caiwei seemed to be kept in the dark. Shen Du made it clear that he had no intention of making things difficult for Yan Caiwei, and Yan Xing, feeling remorseful for having bitten Shen Du out of urgency, deeply apologized.

Yan Xing returned to the crime scene, where Shen Du thoughtfully provided candles to aid in her investigation of Chen Huo E’s arson. As the investigation progressed, Chen Huo E was captured, and her claims of resurrection bore striking similarities to those of Lady Tang, suggesting a deeper conspiracy or identity swap behind the case.

Both Yan Xing and Shen Du felt the gravity of the situation, with the sinister hand behind the scenes seemingly closing in, and its cruelty was chilling. Elsewhere, Lu Chuichui encountered a masked man at her mother’s grave, who, despite the conversation, was revealed to be Jiang Langxing. Yan Xing, feeling guilty for injuring Shen Du, carefully tended to his wound, which inadvertently became sensitive.

In the confusion, Yan Xing mistakenly immersed Shen Du’s hand in her own bath, an incident that unexpectedly brought them closer. Shen Du was deeply moved by Yan Xing’s innocence and care, his heart stirred. Meanwhile, Yan Xing reminisced about Shen Du’s bravery from years past, and their feelings began to quietly grow. The next day, Wu Zhushi remained absorbed in the strange tale of Chen Huo E’s "resurrection," while Lu Chuichui submitted her report as usual.

Yan Xing wished to delve deeper but was politely refused by Wu Zhushi. At that moment, Lai Luozhi unexpectedly appeared, offering to borrow Yan Xing’s help. Although Shen Du did not agree, Lai Luozhi gladly accepted. However, after careful consideration, Yan Xing ultimately declined Lai Luozhi’s offer. Lai Luozhi, seeing this, did not press the matter further and left. Meanwhile, Han Shiyuan had an unexpected encounter with Princess Yong’an in the market.

The princess’s gaze fell on the medicine bag he carried, revealing her respect and fulfillment regarding Han Shiyuan. Yet, as she turned to leave, the Buddhist beads in her hand broke, reflecting inner turmoil. This subtle scene seemed to foreshadow deeper emotional entanglements about to surface.


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