2024 Chinese Drama List

Melody of Golden Age Episode 17 Recap

> Melody of Golden Age
> Melody of Golden Age Recap

Ji Fangming vowed to avenge the many wrongful deaths at Jinxiu Workshop. As Shen Du was interrogating him, Lai Luozhi arrived. Shen Du coldly stated that if Lai Luozhi wished to observe, he should wait quietly and not interfere; otherwise, he would face severe punishment for disrupting the interrogation. The atmosphere was tense as a quiet struggle between justice and power unfolded.

Ji Fangming revealed his inner thoughts, expressing that he had long harbored doubts about the Jinxiu Workshop case, which led him to test Chen Shoujie. When the Jinxiu Workshop was mentioned, Chen Shoujie's expression changed drastically. His wife, Madam Chen, was one of the embroiderers but was the only one to survive. Enraged, Ji Fangming killed Madam Chen, leaving Chen Shoujie to suffer.

Yan Xing deeply felt that the pain of this case was not Ji Fangming's alone, but Chen Shoujie's as well. Ji Fangming then presented a piece of fabric that Madam Chen had hidden in the roof, her dying gaze pointed at it, as if she had something left unsaid. Yan Xing questioned why, if Ji Fangming were truly the culprit, he would place evidence in such an obvious location. This action seemed curious, hinting at a deeper meaning.

Ji Fangming firmly denied any accidental killing, believing that he had not wrongly killed an innocent person. Upon seeing the fabric, Chen Shoujie gradually regained his senses and confessed that the disaster at Jinxiu Workshop years ago was due to their cowardice. They had discovered problems but dared not speak out, feeling deep guilt over Kong Xianrong's death.

Ji Fangming, shocked, realized that he had been used to kill the innocent and revealed that Prince Ying had orchestrated a conspiracy to eliminate dissidents. Shen Du promised to report the truth to the Empress Dowager to set the record straight. Lai Luozhi extended an olive branch to Yan Xing, subtly suggesting that she should choose a better ally, but Yan Xing politely declined, stating she had no such intentions.

Shen Du and Yan Xing then delved deeper into the Jinxiu Workshop case, which had far-reaching consequences, not only involving many people but also casting a shadow over the hearts of the common folk. Shen Du pointed out that the mastermind behind the scenes intended to use this case to stir up public sentiment, with malicious intent.

Yan Xing worried that Shen Du's exposure of the truth might bring harm upon himself, but Shen Du was confident, believing that the Empress Dowager sought peace in the realm, so he had no need to worry. Yan Xing then brought up Yun Que, questioning Shen Du's intentions in keeping her at the mansion. Shen Du hinted that Yun Que might be hiding an even bigger secret, sparking curiosity.

Later, Yan Xing sought help from Pan Chi, requesting him to escort them. Initially, Pan Chi found it troublesome, but thinking of how Shen Du relied solely on him, he eventually agreed. Yan Xing promised to host a grand feast in gratitude upon his return, which Pan Chi gladly accepted, signaling the beginning of their escort mission.

Pan Chi gifted Shen Du a specially made fan, joking that it contained a hidden mechanism—a vacuum-sealed sleeping powder that, when lightly waved, could knock out a strong bull. Yan Xing then went to investigate Jinxiu Workshop at night, where she encountered strange ghostly lights and jade pieces resembling moths scattered around, adding an air of mystery. Hearing of this, Shen Du increased his vigilance over Yan Xing to prevent any mishaps.

Unexpectedly, Yan Xing accidentally triggered the fan's mechanism, causing the sleeping powder to spread, and she fainted. Shen Du could only smile wryly and carry the unconscious Yan Xing back. In the court, Shen Du mentioned the case, and Lai Luozhi added that although Chen Huo E had died, her prophecy of resurrection had already deeply convinced the people. The Empress Dowager then ordered Shen Du to thoroughly investigate the case and ensure the truth was uncovered. Privately, Prince Xian remarked that Shen Du was unlikely to achieve much on this mission.

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