2024 Chinese Drama List

Melody of Golden Age Episode 2 Recap

> Melody of Golden Age
> Melody of Golden Age Recap

Yan Xing was about to discuss something with her father, Yan Kuo, when she accidentally overheard a secret conversation between Zhang Xingwei and her father. To her shock, she discovered that Shen Du had been using the Empress Dowager’s marriage decree to scare off brides each time, all to avoid being caught up in court intrigues. This time, choosing Yan Caiwei as the bride was actually a move to make her an informant.

Yan Xing's mother, Lady Ru, was firmly opposed to the marriage, but Yan Kuo, facing immense pressure and threats, even considered moving the entire family to ensure their safety. At that moment, a letter from Yan Caiwei announcing her elopement hit the family like a bolt of lightning, adding to the already tense atmosphere. Yan Xing felt a mix of emotions—concern for her family's fate and a complex view of Shen Du's schemes.

Following her mother’s orders, Yan Xing set out to find her runaway sister, Yan Caiwei. As night fell, she unexpectedly found herself in front of Shen Du's residence. Shen Du, leading his soldiers, approached with an imposing presence, but Yan Xing only took a quick glance before trying to leave. However, Shen Du stopped her and inquired about her reasons for being there.

Yan Xing made up an excuse about looking for a lost rabbit, to which Shen Du, half-jokingly, reminded her to be sure to find it. Facing the imminent marriage, Yan Xing gathered her courage and pleaded with Shen Du to cancel the wedding with her third sister, Yan Caiwei, arguing that they were not a good match.

Shen Du, however, dismissed her request, citing the imperial edict as something that could not be defied, and calmly stated that he did not care whether the people involved in the marriage were in love. Yan Xing felt both anger and helplessness, deeming Shen Du unreasonable and unworthy of marrying her sister, and stormed off in frustration.

Shen Du watched her retreating figure and murmured to himself, seeming to feel a sense of resignation and detachment about the marriage as well. Meanwhile, a mysterious masked man made a vow at his mother’s grave, swearing to elevate her to a higher status. Shen Du was well aware of the complexities and dangers behind this marriage, but he couldn’t bring himself to refuse it.

Jing Lin, too, understood Zhang Xingwei’s schemes and motives, but could only silently support Shen Du’s decision. In the end, the bridal procession arrived at the Yan family’s door, but the gates remained shut. Yan Kuo, already hesitant, was contemplating finding a new path for his family. Faced with the family’s predicament, Yan Xing stepped forward and made a shocking decision—she was willing to take her sister Yan Caiwei’s place and marry Shen Du.

This decision stunned everyone and marked the beginning of an unknown and complex married life for Yan Xing. Yan Xing resolutely donned the wedding attire, embarking on the uncertain journey of this marriage. Lady Jin, her mother, was deeply worried and tried to stop her, but ultimately couldn’t sway her daughter’s determination. With tears in her eyes, she handed over all the family’s assets to Yan Xing, hoping she could use them to temporarily hide at the Ministry of Justice.

Lady Jin herself was willing to support the family by performing on stage. Yan Xing, understanding the difficulties and intentions of her third sister, Yan Caiwei, decided to shoulder this responsibility as a member of the Yan family. She bid a heartfelt farewell to her parents, promising to take care of her mother, and then resolutely stepped into the bridal sedan chair. However, just as the bridal sedan was about to depart, Shen Du unexpectedly appeared, breaking the silence.

Defying custom, he insisted on seeing the bride and was surprised to find Yan Xing. When Shen Du questioned her, Yan Xing calmly responded, skillfully using the Empress Dowager's decree to defuse the situation. Lu Chuichui, who witnessed the entire scene, was filled with mixed emotions, moved by Yan Xing's courage but also worried about her future.

As the night deepened, Lu Chuichui accompanied Yan Xing as she entered the Shen residence, where instead of the usual festive atmosphere, there was an inexplicable sense of deathly silence. Yan Xing was arranged to rest in a side hall, where the housekeeper coldly informed her that Shen Du would not be returning that night. Although Yan Xing was troubled, she maintained a calm demeanor.

She cleverly inquired about the birthdates to subtly remind the housekeeper of her true identity while also quietly observing everything. The wedding chamber was only prepared after Yan Xing entered, and Lu Chuichui, seeing this, felt injustice for Yan Xing. However, Yan Xing remained exceptionally calm, fully aware of Shen Du’s reluctance but determined to marry into the Shen family nonetheless. This stubbornness and courage moved those around her.

Jing Lin hurriedly found Shen Du and informed him that Yan Xing seemed indifferent to the situation, surprising Shen Du and sparking his curiosity about her. Late at night, Yan Xing lay alone on the bed in the side hall, her mind full of thoughts. She recalled her childhood memories with Shen Du, especially the pendant he had given her. But now, it seemed that Shen Du had completely forgotten those happy times.

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, Shen Du unexpectedly appeared. With a stern expression, he warned her that this was his home, but Yan Xing remained unafraid, even suggesting that if he didn’t like her, he could write a divorce letter. Shen Du, touched by her bravery, unconsciously gently caressed her face. Though Yan Xing was scared, she bravely prepared to serve him.

However, an accidental slip led to their first intimate contact, leaving both of them feeling somewhat uneasy. After Shen Du left, news suddenly came that the main hall had caught fire. He immediately rushed to handle the situation. Meanwhile, Lu Chuichui hurriedly came to find Yan Xing early in the morning, informing her that a suspiciously dead body had been found in the bamboo forest of Xilin Temple.

This news was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, further unsettling Yan Xing’s already complicated feelings. She realized that life in the Shen family was far more complex and dangerous than she had imagined.

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