2024 Chinese Drama List

Melody of Golden Age Episode 22 Recap

> Melody of Golden Age
> Melody of Golden Age Recap

Yan Caiwei awoke, and everyone celebrated. Princess Yong’an presented a jade ruyi as a token of blessing, symbolizing the deep affection between the couple, with hopes for a long and happy union. Yan Xing secretly felt relieved, knowing that the princess had moved past the issue with Han Shiyuan. Fourth Lady Yan firmly requested a divorce, but Master Yan opposed it, fearing it would disgrace the family.

Yan Xing stood by her, saying that reputation is not the foundation of everything, and only through trials can true love be revealed. Yan Caiwei also believed that neither Han Shiyuan nor Shen Du were shallow people who would belittle her because of a divorce. Madam Yang agreed, and Master Yan finally nodded in approval. Shen Du and the others succeeded in the imperial examinations, taking first place, much to Lu Chuichui's delight.

However, it was a pity that Master Yan did not make it in the civil appointments. Time flew, and on Yan Caiwei and Han Shiyuan's wedding day, Zhang Baohuan warmly received guests, creating a joyful atmosphere. Lu Chuichui was secretly pleased to hear that Master Yan had agreed to Fourth Lady Yan’s divorce, thinking that the Yan family’s views were quietly changing, which might make Yan Xing’s future divorce path smoother.

Lai Luozhi’s sudden arrival added a subtle tension to the scene. A brief exchange of words between her and Shen Du sparked a more intense atmosphere. However, Lai Luozhi claimed she was only there to offer her congratulations before quickly leaving, leaving behind a room full of stunned onlookers. Shen Du quietly sat beside Yan Xing, and Lu Chuichui, noticing this, tactfully stepped away. At this moment, Yan Caiwei and Han Shiyuan entered and began the wedding ceremony.

Yan Xing's eyes were filled with blessings and joy. During the banquet, Yan Xing privately asked Shen Du if he had intervened in her father’s appointment matter. Shen Du smiled without answering, and Yan Xing felt grateful, silently thanking him. Soon after, urgent news arrived from Gan'nan Dao—the case of the headless ghost killings was causing widespread panic among the people. Mo Qianzhi, the local governor, pleaded with the court to send capable officials to investigate.

The Empress Dowager, upon hearing this, immediately summoned Shen Du and Yan Xing, entrusting them with this important mission. The two accepted the order, vowing to uncover the truth and restore peace to Gan'nan Dao. Before their departure, the Empress Dowager privately summoned Yan Xing, gifting her a piece of clothing along with a secret decree, instructing her to secretly investigate whether Mo Qianzhi had any rebellious intentions.

Yan Xing was puzzled, not understanding why such a heavy responsibility fell on her rather than Shen Du. On the way back, Yan Xing mentioned this to her master, who slowly revealed the reason: Mo Qianzhi had once had a promising career but was deeply implicated in the affairs of the Shen family.

As a disciple of Shen Du’s father, he had risked his life to protect Shen Du during a crisis, but in the end, he was demoted to the frontier. Yan Xing suddenly understood, realizing the deeper intentions of the Empress Dowager. Yan Xing prepared to depart, her luggage full. Lu Chuichui and Yan’s mother also came to see her off, bringing many items full of care.

At first, Shen Du remarked that one cart wouldn’t be enough to carry everything, but in the end, they kept it all. The journey was rough, and Yan Xing became ill, vomiting frequently. Shen Du was extremely concerned, reminding her to inform him of any discomfort immediately. While resting at an inn, Jing Lin revealed that much of the food Yan Xing had prepared was medicinal, thoughtfully made for Shen Du.

In the middle of the night, Shen Du noticed Qi Yeyun acting suspiciously. Yan Xing appeared and learned that Qi Yeyun sought to become her disciple, so she temporarily took him in. Upon arriving at Gan'nan Dao, they were greeted by Mo Qianzhi. Shen Du addressed him as “senior brother,” but Mo modestly declined the title. The atmosphere was tense, and with their hearts holding different concerns, the two set off together to investigate the headless ghost case.

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