2024 Chinese Drama List

Melody of Golden Age Episode 24 Recap

> Melody of Golden Age
> Melody of Golden Age Recap

Du Xiaowan recalled the terrifying events of that night. After entering the bridal chamber, she suddenly felt dizzy and lost consciousness. When she awoke, she found herself outside, with faint sounds of a heated argument reaching her ears. She was confused and unable to make out any details. Soon after, she was mercilessly thrown into a well, the icy water intensifying her fear. Moments later, another heavy object fell into the well, and Du Xiaowan realized it was another person.

When questioned by Mo Qianzhi, she shook her head in frustration. The panic and fear she experienced prevented her from identifying the other person, let alone confirming whether it was Xu Jize. Yan Xing carefully examined the delicate peach blossom embroidery on Xu Jize’s clothing, admiring its craftsmanship. She jokingly remarked, "Such fine needlework—could it be a gift from some young lady?

" Xu Jize hurriedly clarified that he was not yet married and that the clothes were merely bought from a ready-to-wear shop, with nothing special about them. Changing the subject, Yan Xing mentioned that the clothes seemed to be part of a set and inquired about the missing outer garment. Xu Jize, appearing slightly flustered, claimed that he might have forgotten to wear it.

Yan Xing pressed further, asking about the mysterious powder found on the clothes, leaving Xu Jize completely bewildered. At this point, Jing Lin appeared, holding Xu Jize’s missing outer garment. He revealed that there was a subtle connection between the inner and outer garments through fine threads, and the outer garment's pocket contained mandrake flower powder. Faced with undeniable evidence, Xu Jize could no longer deny the truth. Under Mo Qianzhi's stern interrogation, he finally confessed everything.

Yan Xing and Jing Lin exchanged a knowing smile, sensing that the case had reached a crucial breakthrough. Xu Jize, with a gloomy expression, began to reveal his inner struggles and moral decline. He had once been devoted to books, dreaming of a life where "beauty lies within the pages," but the harsh reality had led him astray. As a groomsman, he gradually became addicted to the wicked practice of using mind-altering drugs to control brides.

He admitted that after each success, the guilt and fear weighed heavily on him, yet the terrified brides chose to remain silent out of fear. When Yan Xing asked about his accomplice, Xu Jize reluctantly confessed that he did not know the man’s real name—everyone simply referred to him as “Er Laipi.

” Under Mo Qianzhi's relentless questioning, Xu Jize recounted the terrifying events of that night: after drugging Du Xiaowan, he intended to return her to safety, but was stopped by Er Laipi. Hearing a suspicious noise nearby, Xu Jize left briefly, only to return and find Er Laipi dead. Panicked, he fled the scene. However, with no solid evidence to support his claims, there was doubt about the truth of his story.

Mo Qianzhi decided to continue investigating the case thoroughly and ordered that Xu Jize be temporarily detained. Late at night, Yan Xing lay restless, unable to sleep. Shen Du, seeing her in distress, gently gave her a sleeping pill to help her rest. The next day, a letter from Xu Wan left Yan Xing feeling even more awkward, but Shen Du's comforting words brought her warmth and understanding.

He casually remarked that such incidents were merely small hiccups in life and should not be taken to heart. Despite her words of protest, Yan Xing soon fell into a deep sleep under Shen Du’s tender gaze. Yan Xing woke from a nightmare, startled by the sudden appearance of a pigeon, which caused her to hit her head.

The bird reminded her of the secret orders from the Empress Dowager, who had warned that there were hidden agents in the city, and that pigeons were being used to transmit messages. In need of medicine, Yan Xing searched for deer antler, but after failing to find any, she decided to substitute it with cistanche, a less effective but acceptable alternative. Driven by curiosity, Yan Xing visited Mo Qianzhi’s secluded, little-known courtyard.

Meanwhile, Shen Du visited Mo Qianzhi and reminisced about the past. Mo Qianzhi firmly stated that he had no regrets about pleading on behalf of the Shen family back then. The life-saving grace and deep friendship of Shen Du’s father made him regard Shen Du as his own son, and his appeal was simply an act of loyalty and righteousness. The conversation then turned to Mo Xiuxiu, and Yan Xing’s memories were quietly stirred.

During their days of study together, she, Shen Du, and Mo Xiuxiu used to weave grass together. Yan Xing’s little woven pig had been exchanged by Mo Xiuxiu and gifted to someone else. In that moment, Yan Xing suddenly realized that Shen Du’s affections had long ago been directed toward Mo Xiuxiu.

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