2024 Chinese Drama List

Melody of Golden Age Episode 25 Recap

> Melody of Golden Age
> Melody of Golden Age Recap

Yan Xing and Pan Chi were carefully examining the corpse from the headless ghost murder case. Yan Xing was fully engrossed, her eyes gleaming with a thirst for truth. Pan Chi, observing from the side, was deeply moved by her professionalism. Jing Lin stepped in at the right moment, realizing that he couldn’t let the two become too absorbed in their interaction, and silently stood by to oversee the process. Yan Xing keenly noticed blue marks on the corpse.

She quickly applied preservation fluid, and as the writing gradually appeared, it matched the information previously relayed by Chen Huo E. This discovery heightened the tension among those present, suggesting that the mystery was slowly being unraveled. Yan Xing harbored a secret about the communication methods from the Western Regions. She had heard of the technique of writing with rice water, where the writing would disappear once dry and only reappear with preservation fluid.

During the autopsy, seeing the blue marks on the corpse triggered her memory, and she tried the method, successfully revealing the hidden message. However, this information weighed heavily on her, making her feel overwhelmed. On the way back, her face was pale, and Shen Du, noticing her distress, inquired with concern. Yan Xing confided that the message implied that if she continued to investigate, her family’s safety might be at risk.

Recalling the poisoning incident involving her third sister, although the danger had been averted, she now found herself in Yingzhou, far from home, which only deepened her worries. Shen Du suggested sending her back home, but after pondering for a long time, Yan Xing decided to stay. She knew the mission she bore and could not give up easily. Facing the unknown challenges, Yan Xing chose to stand her ground, determined to uncover the truth and protect those she loved.

Ji Dafu, a figure with a complicated status, was the brother-in-law of both the victim and the suspect. When he entered the government office, his mood was heavy. His purpose was clear—to learn the progress of the case so that his deceased brother could be laid to rest as soon as possible.

However, Pan Chi, as a detective who strictly followed the rules, refused to meet with the client directly, only revealing that the case was still open and that they had already identified the "Half-faced Ghost" as the culprit. Upon hearing this, Ji Dafu’s face showed clear signs of fear, but Mo Qianzhi was not easily swayed by his emotions.

He understood the current situation in Yingzhou, knowing that the wounds of war had yet to fully heal and that the threat from neighboring countries still lingered. Maintaining social order was crucial. In Mo Qianzhi’s eyes, Pan Chi’s mention of Xu Jize’s confession and the possibility of a lighter sentence was merely part of handling the case.

He emphasized that Yingzhou must ensure that every case is solved and every criminal is caught, to calm the public and deter potential troublemakers. Meanwhile, Yan Xing stood by, her heart in turmoil. She carefully organized her observations on the close relationship between Shen Du and Mo Qianzhi, as well as the subtle clues in the case, into a report to present to the Empress Dowager.

Pan Chi’s meeting with Xu Jize also made her realize the complex humanity behind the case. Xu Jize’s final words revealed his frustration over his poor upbringing and his complicated feelings toward his scholarly identity, which deeply resonated with Yan Xing. She felt that, on the path to pursuing justice and truth, everyone’s story deserved to be heard and understood. Under the moonlight, Yan Xing encountered Pan Chi, who was drinking to drown his sorrows.

She gently comforted him, making Pan Chi realize that, despite the hardships of coming from a poor family, effort could eventually bring change. Pan Chi’s heart was moved by Yan Xing’s resilience and optimism, and he regained his strength. The conversation then shifted to Yan Xing’s relationship with Shen Du. Yan Xing calmly remarked that she would eventually leave, as Shen Du’s heart belonged to someone else.

At that moment, Mo Qianzhi arranged for Yan Xing and Shen Du to share a bath, creating a subtle atmosphere. Shen Du reminisced about the past, mentioning the treasured woven grass pig and the secret care and warmth he had received. Yan Xing suddenly realized that the “her” Shen Du had been referring to was actually herself. In the mist of the hot springs, Shen Du finally confessed his feelings to Yan Xing. The two embraced deeply, sealing their love under the moon, with everything unspoken but understood.

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