2024 Chinese Drama List

Melody of Golden Age Episode 27 Recap

> Melody of Golden Age
> Melody of Golden Age Recap

Yan Xing witnessed the horrific scene and speculated that the legend of the Half-faced Ghost might have been used to cover up brutal acts. Ji Dafu, upon hearing that Mo Qianzhi had arrived, hastily left. Shen Du quickly calmed the situation, but after they went to bed, they were disturbed by strange noises. They discovered that Sima Biqiu had been severely injured by the Half-faced Ghost, with his tendons severed.

Yan Xing was horrified and silently vowed to uncover the truth and seek justice for the innocent. Sima Biqiu, gravely wounded and delirious, begged Shen Du to end his suffering. Shen Du reluctantly agreed. Yan Xing, witnessing this, felt heartbroken, even though she knew how unpredictable life could be. Shen Du gently comforted her. Mo Qianzhi decided to visit Sima Biqiu’s family in Nanshan, mentioning that his father was an expert in pigeon-keeping.

Yan Xing had a sudden realization, suspecting that pigeons had been used for communication, leading her to doubt Sima Biqiu’s true identity. Sensing something was off, Mo Qianzhi decisively executed Sima Biqiu to prevent any leaks of sensitive information. In a private moment with Shen Du, Yan Xing expressed her concerns about the difficult choices they might face in the future.

She asked whether Shen Du would still trust her if she ever found herself in opposition to his closest kin. Shen Du lovingly reassured her, telling Yan Xing that he considered her his dearest family and vowed his unwavering loyalty. At that moment, Pan Chi arrived with news of a Half-faced Ghost sighting in the outskirts of the city. The three quickly set out, only to find empty streets and a fearful populace.

Word of Sima Biqiu’s fate had spread like wildfire, and people were too terrified of the Half-faced Ghost to leave their homes. Yan Xing wondered how the news had spread so fast and began to worry that a deeper conspiracy might be at play. As Yan Xing and the others prepared to deal with the threat of the Half-faced Ghost, an urgent message arrived, stating that the Half-faced Ghost had taken innocent hostages and demanded they retreat immediately.

Upon their return, they witnessed the horrific sight of five women being abducted. Mo Qianzhi stepped forward, demanding the release of the hostages, but the Half-faced Ghost taunted him, mentioning that the "Three Yang Days" were approaching. The tension escalated, and Mo Qianzhi ordered arrows to be fired, but Pan Chi was accidentally injured in the chaos. Ji Dafu tried to stop the attack, but Mo Qianzhi was determined to capture the Half-faced Ghost.

Shen Du, seeing the situation, wielded his blade and forced Mo Qianzhi to pause the assault. Amid the chaos, Yan Xing was unfortunately captured. Before losing consciousness, she blew her whistle for help. Shen Du heard the sound and rushed to rescue Yan Xing, eventually revealing the true identity of the Half-faced Ghost—it was Ji Dafu. Ji Dafu had meticulously planned his revenge against Li Kaixiang, who he blamed for his wife's death after she was humiliated.

Shen Du rescued Yan Xing, but Ji Dafu managed to escape. Later, Mo Qianzhi caught up with Ji Dafu and apprehended him, locking him in a death row cell. After the ordeal, Yan Xing prepared medicinal food for Shen Du as a gesture of care. Meanwhile, Jing Lin brought a meal for Pan Chi and joked about the differences between Pan Chi and Shen Du, much to Pan Chi’s annoyance.

Yan Xing was surprised to discover that Shen Du’s night blindness had healed. When she questioned him, Shen Du admitted that he had regained his sight long ago, and Yan Xing finally realized that Shen Du had pretended to be blind during their visit to the hot springs. In the end, Mo Qianzhi publicly executed Ji Dafu.

Although Shen Du and the others raised doubts about the case and requested a retrial, Mo Qianzhi refused, insisting on carrying out the sentence, which led to cheers from the public. However, both Yan Xing and Shen Du remained deeply committed to pursuing the truth, feeling unresolved about the situation. Shen Du and his companions had a clear understanding of the current situation.

While Ji Dafu's execution temporarily quelled the public's fear of the Half-faced Ghost, the real threat had not been fully eliminated. Soon after, Jing Lin brought unsettling news: the five women abducted by the Half-faced Ghost had not yet returned. Upon closer examination, Yan Xing was shocked to discover that these women bore a striking resemblance to the late Mo Xiuxiu. This revelation prompted them to confront Mo Qianzhi at Guangchuntang.

It turned out that Mo Qianzhi had been hiding a mad plan in his heart. He intended to use these five innocent women as sacrifices to resurrect his beloved daughter, Mo Xiuxiu. Reflecting on Mo Xiuxiu's kindness and compassion during her life—how she died tragically at the hands of bandits while sympathizing with refugees—Mo Qianzhi's deep grief and despair were understandable, but his vengeful method was unacceptable. Shen Du and Yan Xing exchanged a glance, both realizing that they were now standing at a crossroads between human nature and morality.

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