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Melody of Golden Age Episode 28 Recap

> Melody of Golden Age
> Melody of Golden Age Recap

Shen Du tried to persuade Mo Qianzhi to give up his obsession with reviving Pan Chi, pointing out that Pan Chi would not wish to be brought back to life in such a manner. However, Mo Qianzhi was stubborn and refused to listen. At that moment, Xiuxiu awoke, mistaking Mo Qianzhi for her elder brother Mo, revealing the truth—Pan Chi had not returned. Shen Du immediately ordered Mo Qianzhi to be taken away.

Filled with hope, Xiuxiu asked Yan Xing if there really was a way to bring someone back to life. Yan Xing, feeling helpless, shook her head, confirming that it was impossible, and the atmosphere grew heavy. Shen Du attempted to arrest Mo Qianzhi, but encountered resistance carefully orchestrated by Mo Qianzhi.

Mo Qianzhi used his good reputation among the people to rally a crowd against them and exposed the truth that Shen Du had obstructed him in eliminating the treacherous Xu Jize, and hinted at Shen Du’s alleged collusion with the Fire Moth Sect, trying to turn the public against Shen Du. Caught off guard, Shen Du found himself on the defensive.

Fortunately, Sun Tan arrived with his team in time to ensure Shen Du and his group safely retreated to the outskirts for refuge. Outside the city, the situation remained unstable, and Shen Du’s group temporarily took shelter while they devised a plan. At that moment, a secret edict from the Empress Dowager suddenly arrived, commanding General Zhenyuan to lead ten thousand reinforcements to retake Yingzhou. Shen Du felt puzzled by the speed of the reinforcements.

Yan Xing revealed that she had also received a secret order from the Empress Dowager earlier, speculating that Sima Biqiu might have been an insider who alerted the court to the changes in Yingzhou, leading to the swift response. Shen Du pondered, realizing the situation was becoming increasingly complex. Jing Lin, in shock, realized they might have been under the Empress Dowager's surveillance for a long time.

At that moment, Qi Yeyun was caught eavesdropping by Jing Lin, who quickly stopped him. On the other side, Pan Chi returned, bringing with him the item Shen Du had requested. Shen Du came up with a plan, writing a false flag on the item in an attempt to deceive Mo Qianzhi and buy time to seize Yingzhou before the reinforcements arrived.

Shen Du went alone to meet Mo Qianzhi and spoke to him candidly, showing that he came unarmed and hoped Mo Qianzhi would turn back before it was too late. However, Mo Qianzhi, deeply entrenched in his beliefs, accused Shen Du of being blinded by appearances, exposing the corruption of the court. He presented an empty bag of grain as evidence, questioning the value of the place his master had held.

Shen Du tried to persuade Mo Qianzhi by appealing to the safety of the people in the city, but his words failed to sway him, leaving Shen Du no choice but to leave. The winds of change swirled outside the city. Mo Qianzhi mistakenly believed the reinforcements had arrived when a minister came to urge him to surrender, only for the Fire Moth Sect to ambush and kill him.

This turn of events further strengthened Mo Qianzhi’s resolve, and he decided to confront Shen Du in a final battle to demonstrate his determination. The city gates opened, and the two engaged in fierce combat, while the fate of those inside the city hung by a thread. Shen Du entered the prison to face Mo Qianzhi, revealing the fake flag he had created and exposing the truth that no reinforcements were on the way.

It was actually Pan Chi outside, creating a false illusion to confuse people. Shen Du praised Mo Qianzhi’s growth over the years and quickly resolved the sudden crisis caused by the Fire Moth Sect’s intrusion into the prison. He told Mo Qianzhi that he had been deceived by the false promise of resurrection, and that no such supernatural arts existed in the world.

As Shen Du prepared to take Mo Qianzhi away, Xiuxiu suddenly appeared, pleading to speak with Mo Qianzhi in return for saving her life. Shen Du firmly refused, but Xiuxiu threatened to harm herself, leaving Shen Du with no choice but to agree. After expressing her gratitude to Mo Qianzhi, Xiuxiu resolutely took her own life.

During their conversation, Mo Qianzhi had secretly ingested poison, and as he was dying, he informed Shen Du that there was a relic left for him hidden behind Xiuxiu’s portrait. This scene left Shen Du with mixed emotions—he was moved by Xiuxiu’s deep love and tragic resolve, yet lamented Mo Qianzhi’s obsession and the sad fate that followed.

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