2024 Chinese Drama List

Melody of Golden Age Episode 29 Recap

> Melody of Golden Age
> Melody of Golden Age Recap

Shen Du and his group returned to the city, only to be shocked by the tragic sight of several civilians who had died. After careful investigation, Yan Xing confirmed that the cause of death was poisoning, and the poison bore similarities to the toxins used by the Fire Moth Sect. Shen Du found a secret compartment behind Xiuxiu’s portrait, inside of which was a mysterious box.

At this moment, Lai Luofu, disguised as Chen Huo E, launched a surprise attack on Shen Du. However, Shen Du, relying on his sharp memory and deep understanding of martial arts, quickly saw through the disguise, pointing out that Lai Luofu was not the real Chen Huo E. Shen Du forced Lai Luofu to hand over the antidote.

Although Lai Luofu gave him a bottle, it was laced with a hidden danger—the bottle itself was poisoned, enough to put Shen Du’s life on the line. Shen Du saw through the trap but still chose to take the antidote to save the civilians, putting his own life at risk. Yan Xing arrived in a panic, and seeing Shen Du’s violent reaction to the poison, she anxiously called out his name, which briefly brought Shen Du back to clarity.

With the antidote, the civilians were cured, but Shen Du’s condition was critical, and the gathered physicians were at a loss. Yan Xing, deeply distressed, had no knowledge of the poison affecting Shen Du and could only use her medical skills, employing acupuncture to temporarily suppress the spread of the toxin, buying precious time for Shen Du. At that moment, Shen Du’s fate weighed heavily on everyone’s hearts.

Pan Chi hurried back, bringing with him a girl named Suguang from the Jinwu tribe, who had the key to saving Shen Du. Suguang confirmed that the poison affecting Shen Du was unique to the Jinwu tribe and revealed that this toxin should have been securely stored away. She speculated that it was taken when the tribe's Holy Maiden disappeared.

In order to save his close friend, Pan Chi did not hesitate to make a promise in exchange for the antidote from Suguang. Yan Xing, filled with anxiety, personally administered the antidote to Shen Du, keeping a constant vigil and hoping for his speedy recovery. Shen Du eventually awoke, feeling confused by everything around him. He immediately ordered a thorough investigation of the Guangchun Hall and unexpectedly discovered traces of cinnabar.

Cinnabar, being rare and tightly controlled by the court, shocked Shen Du with its appearance. He realized that the forces working in the shadows were far more powerful than he had imagined, with influence that had infiltrated both the court and the common folk. Shen Du resolved to uncover the truth, vowing to clear the darkness clouding Yingzhou and restore peace to the city.

Yan Xing and Pan Chi stood firmly by his side, ready to face the impending storm together. During Lai Luofu’s assault and fire attack, Shen Du remained fearless. After a fierce battle, Lai Luofu used a flame-enhancing technique developed by the Holy Maiden to create a sea of fire and took the opportunity to escape. Suguang arrived just in time and immediately recognized the technique as the work of the Holy Maiden.

She revealed that ever since the Holy Maiden’s disappearance, the tribe had frequently encountered abnormal phenomena related to her methods, leading her to speculate that the Holy Maiden might still be secretly active. Suguang’s mission was to find the Holy Maiden and restore peace to the tribe. Pan Chi, seeking Shen Du, spoke of the complex emotions surrounding Shen Du’s relationship with Yan Xing, demanding that Shen Du fulfill his farewell promise to Yan Xing, otherwise, he would not rest.

Shen Du responded by affirming the deep bond he and Yan Xing shared as husband and wife, urging Pan Chi to let go of his obsession. At the same time, Shen Du keenly sensed an unspoken secret between Pan Chi and Suguang, and he suspected that Pan Chi might return to the Jinwu tribe with her. Pan Chi did not deny this, only leaving behind a faint, complicated smile.

As the sun set, Shen Du and Yan Xing strolled through the city, where the townspeople spontaneously gathered, offering food they had carefully prepared to express their gratitude to Shen Du. The heartwarming scene touched Shen Du deeply, making him feel the weight of responsibility even more and strengthening his resolve to protect this land and its people. Amid the joyful laughter, Shen Du and Yan Xing exchanged smiles, their eyes filled with hope and confidence for the future.

As for the mystery of the Holy Maiden and the secrets of the Jinwu tribe, they awaited uncovering, much like the ruins consumed by the fire, quietly waiting for the truth to be revealed.

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