2024 Chinese Drama List

Melody of Golden Age Episode 30 Recap

> Melody of Golden Age
> Melody of Golden Age Recap

Lai Luofu returned and reported to Lai Luozhi that her mission was incomplete, and that the Fire Moth Sect in Gannan Dao had been destroyed. Lai Luozhi inquired about the matter of the Half-Faced Ghost, and Lai Luofu responded that she had already executed a poison scheme. When the topic of Mo Qianzhi’s belongings came up, Lai Luofu took them out, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a collection of poems.

This enraged Lai Luozhi, who scolded her for being fooled by Shen Du. It turned out that Shen Du had long spotted the box and secretly switched its contents, leaving behind the poetry collection as a jest. Lai Luozhi’s face darkened, and he expressed his extreme dissatisfaction with Shen Du’s cunning behavior. On their way back, Shen Du and Yan Xing were suddenly ambushed by assassins. Shen Du bravely fought back, ensuring Yan Xing's safety.

Afterward, the two of them rode together towards the capital, heading straight for the imperial palace. Just as Princess Yong'an and County Princess Jia'an were about to leave, Princess Yong'an greeted them with a smile, praising Shen Du for his eagerness to return. The princess departed first, while Shen Du and Yan Xing went to meet the Grand Empress Dowager to report important matters.

The Grand Empress Dowager asked about rewards, and Zhang Baohuan noted that Shen Du had already reached the highest rank for a minister, making it difficult to further reward him. The Grand Empress Dowager jokingly remarked that she feared Shen Du might misunderstand her intentions and used Zhang Baohuan’s words as a reminder. Shen Du humbly declined any rewards and strongly recommended that Yan Xing be honored for her contributions.

The Grand Empress Dowager, seeing how close Shen Du and Yan Xing were, felt gratified and promoted Yan Xing to the rank of sixth-class official as a reward. After they left, Shen Du took Yan Xing to the Shen family shrine, where he revealed his feelings of loneliness and persistence, vowing to clear his family’s name.

Yan Xing affectionately confessed that her reason for entering the officialdom was solely to help Shen Du and to clear the injustices done to the Shen family. Deeply moved, Shen Du took Yan Xing home, where the steward greeted them with joy. As night fell and silence surrounded them, Shen Du expressed his desire for Yan Xing to stay, and unable to restrain their emotions, the two embraced and kissed passionately.

The next day, Zhang Baohuan visited, bringing the Grand Empress Dowager’s rewards and a decree of betrothal, intending to marry County Princess Jia’an to Shen Du. Yan Xing was stunned upon hearing this, but Shen Du firmly refused the marriage, declaring that he was already in love with someone else. Zhang Baohuan, with a meaningful expression, hinted that Shen Du already understood the Grand Empress Dowager’s intentions. Yan Xing, confused, urged Zhang Baohuan to explain the true reason.

Zhang Baohuan explained to Yan Xing that Shen Du was isolated and without support in the court, and the Grand Empress Dowager intended to strengthen his position through the marriage alliance with County Princess Jia’an, using Princess Yong'an’s influence to secure his standing. She added that it was not suitable for Shen Du to only have a minor official’s wife.

Yan Xing recalled her mother’s words about Shen Du's weak connections, with only Mo Qianzhi left to rely on, and now, with Mo Qianzhi’s death, Shen Du was even more vulnerable. Shen Du decided to meet the Grand Empress Dowager to request the annulment of the marriage decree, which angered the Grand Empress Dowager, accusing him of lacking ambition.

At this moment, Xu Wan hurriedly reported that a major scandal had broken out in the Ming Hall, involving secret ledgers of embezzlement totaling over twenty million taels of silver, which enraged the Grand Empress Dowager. Xu Wan strongly recommended that Shen Du be placed in charge of the case, believing that his reputation for fairness and integrity would ensure the truth would be uncovered.

The Grand Empress Dowager then ordered Xu Wan to send commands to both the Imperial Investigation Bureau and the Inner Guard Bureau to thoroughly investigate the matter. At the same time, she demoted Zhang Baohuan to a secondary residence for reflection due to his negligence. Shen Du and Yan Xing discussed the matter, both feeling shocked. Shen Du hadn’t expected that his lone efforts would touch upon such a significant case within the court.

They both understood that there must be complex and intertwined forces behind this case. Though Shen Du felt immense pressure, it also ignited his determination to root out corruption and uphold justice for the people. Yan Xing silently stood by his side, vowing to face the challenges together with Shen Du, overcoming the difficult times ahead.

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