2024 Chinese Drama List

Melody of Golden Age Episode 35 Recap

> Melody of Golden Age
> Melody of Golden Age Recap

Lu Chuichui was placed under house arrest by Lai Luozhi. He hoped she would love him the way she loved Jiang Langxing, but Lu Chuichui didn’t like him at all. She tried to escape but failed. Lai Luozhi told Lu Chuichui that he would no longer force her and would wait until the day she genuinely fell in love with him.

Yan Xing's mother was released, thanks to Prime Minister Zhang, who helped persuade Yan Xing's father to write a plea, stating that Yan Xing’s actions had nothing to do with her maternal family. However, Yan Xing’s uncle Jin Cang was not as fortunate. He was paraded through the streets by Lai Luozhi. Jin Cang falsely claimed he had something to say to Lai Luozhi, tricking him into getting off his horse.

Grabbing Lai Luozhi’s collar, Jin Cang inadvertently saw a fire moth emblem on Lai Luozhi’s chest. Lai Luozhi’s guards pushed him to the ground. Yan Xing rushed to help Jin Cang, and he whispered to her about the fire moth on Lai Luozhi’s chest. He also handed her a blood-written letter, urging her to deliver it to the Grand Empress Dowager. Jin Cang then seized a guard’s sword and committed suicide in the street.

The Grand Empress Dowager was shocked to hear of Jin Cang’s death. She had never intended for him to die. Lai Luozhi and Shen Du came to see the Grand Empress Dowager. Shen Du presented Jin Cang’s blood letter and stated that all of this was part of Lai Luozhi’s scheme. Jin Cang had pleaded for Prince Xian but was humiliated by Lai Luozhi, leading him to take his own life in public.

After reading the letter, the Grand Empress Dowager was furious. She reprimanded Lai Luozhi, stating that she had never intended to harm the Jin family. Shen Du immediately proposed that the Jin family be entrusted to his care, and the Grand Empress Dowager agreed. This made Lai Luozhi anxious, realizing that the Grand Empress Dowager no longer trusted him. Later that night, Shen Du sought a private audience with the Grand Empress Dowager.

She was mourning Jin Cang’s death, holding a musical score he had left behind. She reflected on how Jin Cang had been by her side for many years, playing his konghou for every dance and sleepless night since she entered the palace. Their bond was deep, and she never imagined he would meet such a tragic end in the streets.

The Grand Empress Dowager knew Shen Du wanted answers, and she promised that when the time was right, she would give them. When Shen Du returned home, Yan Xing told him about Jin Cang’s final words regarding the fire moth. They realized that Jin Cang was giving them a clue. After all, someone as frail as Jin Cang pulling at Lai Luozhi’s collar wasn’t just to humiliate him—there must have been another reason.

Jiang Langxing received an anonymous note with the words "Lai residence" written on it, leading him to suspect that Lu Chuichui was being held there. He sneaked into the Lai residence that night, but it was a trap. Fortunately, General Xu appeared in time, injuring the Lai residence’s guards and helping Jiang Langxing escape. Lai Luozhi, knowing his men were no match for General Xu, dared not act rashly and could only watch as Jiang Langxing left.

General Xu warned that no matter what Lai Luozhi had hidden in his residence, he had ways of retrieving it. Only then did Lai Luozhi remember Lu Chuichui. He rushed to her room, only to find that she had already disappeared. It turned out that Lai Luozhi’s sister had helped General Xu free Lu Chuichui. When Lu Chuichui saw Jiang Langxing, she was both hurt and angry. She called him an idiot through her tears.

Jiang Langxing, heartbroken to see her cry, held her in his arms and vowed never to let her get hurt again. General Xu and Jiang Langxing took Lu Chuichui to see Yan Xing. When Yan Xing learned what had happened to Lu Chuichui, she was worried and upset. As a friend, she felt guilty for not knowing sooner. Lu Chuichui confided in Yan Xing, explaining that the “friend” she had mentioned before was Lai Luozhi.

She first met him in her mother’s graveyard, and later, it was Lai Luozhi who provided the antidote when Yan Xing’s third sister was poisoned. Lu Chuichui had naively believed that Lai Luozhi wanted to be a good person. Yan Xing couldn’t believe how innocent Lu Chuichui had been to trust Lai Luozhi, but now that she had seen his true nature, it was fortunate she hadn’t been harmed.

Lu Chuichui told everyone that Lai Luozhi owned a coronation robe embroidered with a taotie, a mythical beast. She suspected that Lai Luozhi had shown it to her, believing she wouldn’t recognize it, but she identified it immediately. Now Lai Luozhi’s ambition was clear. General Xu excused himself, claiming he had something urgent to do, and Shen Du, realizing he intended to steal the robe, chased after him to stop him.

Shen Du believed it was too dangerous to go to the Lai residence, especially after Lu Chuichui’s escape, as Lai Luozhi would surely be on high alert. The Grand Empress Dowager, feeling unwell, delegated the task of rewarding and punishing officials to Lai Luozhi. However, the ministers were dissatisfied, believing that Lai Luozhi had no right to take on such responsibilities.

Lai Luozhi used the authority of the Grand Empress Dowager to suppress the officials, leaving them no choice but to remain silent. The Princess, seeing that Lai Luozhi’s family had grown too powerful, noticed that many officials were now paying their respects to the Lai residence. Worried, she hurried to see her aunt. Although the Princess was anxious, her aunt remained calm and advised her to assist the Emperor well, reassuring her that this was only the beginning.

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