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Melody of Golden Age Episode 38 Recap

> Melody of Golden Age
> Melody of Golden Age Recap

Lai Luozhi gave Lu Chuichui three days to think things over. After he left, Lu Chuichui held Jiang Langxing and cried sorrowfully. Yan Xing, who had locked herself away without eating or drinking, finally opened the door to let Pan Chi in when he came to visit. After a while, they both left the house, but they noticed someone was following them.

Halfway through, a strange woman stopped them, gave Yan Xing a cloak, and pointed them to a side road, allowing Yan Xing and Pan Chi to shake off their tail. Yan Xing and Pan Chi then met with Lu Chuichui. At that time, Yan Xing had just left General Xu and Yun Que’s graves and noticed someone was watching her, so she secretly passed a note to Lu Chuichui.

When Pan Chi came to find Yan Xing, she knew that Lu Chuichui had understood the message. Yan Xing had stayed inside for three days, and the people monitoring her around the Yan family residence had become less vigilant. Pan Chi came to take her to the pawnshop where they met with Lu Chuichui. Lu Chuichui and Jiang Langxing planned to temporarily leave and lie low.

Wearing the cloak that Yan Xing had used earlier, Lu Chuichui left the pawnshop with Pan Chi. The people watching didn’t recognize that it wasn’t Yan Xing, allowing Lu Chuichui to safely reunite with Jiang Langxing. When Lai Luozhi discovered that Lu Chuichui had disappeared, he was furious and ordered his men to search the entire city, vowing to find her no matter what.

After Yan Xing finished her duties, Pan Chi purposely came to take her out for a walk, but unexpectedly, Shen Du arrived. Shen Du felt that instead of focusing on her work, Yan Xing was wasting time with irrelevant people. Both Pan Chi and Yan Xing were deeply disappointed in Shen Du and didn’t bother speaking to him any further, turning away and leaving together. Pan Chi took Yan Xing to the place where they first met.

In Pan Chi’s eyes, Yan Xing had never been just someone’s daughter or wife; she had always been her own person. Now, with chaos in the court and unrest all around, this place was no longer peaceful. He hoped that Yan Xing would leave with him, escaping this troubled land and wandering the world together. Yan Xing agreed, and the two of them left the city under the cover of night.

Yan Xing had already explained everything to her family, saying that she was going out for a while to clear her mind. Lai Luozhi and Shen Du were watching them the whole time and knew they were leaving. Shen Du didn’t try to stop her, knowing it would be safer for Yan Xing to be far away. Meanwhile, the Grand Empress Dowager’s health was worsening, and Lai Luozhi soon received word that her days were numbered. His opportunity was coming.

Lai Luozhi personally went to the palace to visit the Grand Empress Dowager, but his true purpose was to confirm her condition. After sending away all her attendants, the Grand Empress Dowager finally realized that Lai Luozhi had come to kill her. She was deeply disappointed—had it not been for her support, someone of his lowly background could never have risen to his current position. Yet, his ambitions were treacherous.

Lai Luozhi revealed his true identity: he was the son of Noble Consort Shu, who had been forced to her death years ago. Knowing that once the Emperor died, there would be no place for her and her son in the palace, Noble Consort Shu had sacrificed herself to save her son. A nursemaid had substituted her own child for Lai Luozhi, while Noble Consort Shu and the child died in a fire.

No one ever suspected that the child who died was not Noble Consort Shu’s son. From then on, Lai Luozhi survived, cared for by the nursemaid and her twin daughters. Lai Luozhi, being of the Xiao bloodline, believed it was only natural for him to inherit the throne. He urged the Grand Empress Dowager to recognize the situation and write an edict of abdication herself.

The Grand Empress Dowager refused to yield, and Lai Luozhi did not force her, saying he would wait. He planned to ascend the throne at the Grand Court Assembly, which happened to fall on the anniversary of Noble Consort Shu’s death. He wanted his mother’s spirit to witness her son reclaiming what was rightfully theirs. Yan Xing had long known what Shen Du intended to do.

Her departure with Pan Chi wasn’t just for leisure—they were rushing to Nanlang Kingdom to find Yan Xing’s teacher, Minister Chen Huo E. Yan Xing had already asked Minister Chen to go ahead to Nanlang Kingdom and investigate Lai Luozhi’s mother’s background. She discovered that Lai Luozhi’s mother was indeed Noble Consort Shu.

On the day of the Grand Court Assembly, the Grand Empress Dowager miraculously recovered and, in front of the civil and military officials, demoted Lai Luozhi, ordering him to step down and rest.

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