2024 Chinese Drama List

Melody of Golden Age Episode 8 Recap

> Melody of Golden Age
> Melody of Golden Age Recap

Yan Xing encountered bullying on the street, and it turned out to be her fourth sister who was in trouble. She resolutely stepped forward to protect her, only to be reprimanded by her sister. When she entered the palace to meet the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager wished to reward her for her bravery. Yan Xing humbly declined, expressing her desire to continue investigating the case in her capacity as Yan Shuli (Yan the Clerk) rather than as Shen’s wife.

Xu Wan, who was present, couldn’t help but smile, as Yan Xing’s determination aligned with everyone’s expectations. The Empress Dowager appreciated Yan Xing's talent for solving cases and gladly granted her request, giving her the authority to continue the investigation. Yan Xing was delighted and vowed to uncover the truth behind the world's mysteries in the name of Yan Shuli.

Upon returning from the palace, Yan Xing met Xu Xiangren, and they discussed the case of the poisonous "滴水观音" (Water Drop Orchid). Xu Xiangren revealed that his investigation had reached Rong Zhui, the head of Tongming Courtyard. Yan Xing and Xu Xiangren then joined forces and discovered the poison in Rong Zhui’s residence. Rong Zhui was eventually apprehended. Meanwhile, Shen Du was busy with another matter.

He personally delivered medicine to Liang San Gongzi (the Third Young Master Liang), showing their deep friendship. Shen Du also helped Liang San Gongzi’s mother out of a difficult situation. When discussing the poison in the Water Drop Orchid case, Shen Du admitted that the real culprit had not yet been identified but learned that Yan Xing had made progress and that Rong Zhui was involved. Liang San Gongzi was shocked by this revelation.

Shen Du reiterated his own innocence and encouraged Liang San Gongzi to focus on his future. During the interrogation, Rong Zhui admitted to poisoning the victims. It turned out she was pregnant and had resorted to this dangerous measure to protect herself and her unborn child. The situation was complicated: Liang family’s greed and family disputes made Rong Zhui just a pawn in their game.

Shen Du also ventured into a perilous situation, visiting Liang Laoye (Old Master Liang) in prison to question him about the underlying conspiracy. Liang Laoye, bitterly smiling, admitted his helplessness and even attempted to use Shen Du’s father’s case as a counterattack. Shen Du remained unmoved, directly expressing suspicion that the Liang family was hiding important documents and that the death of the Liang family’s eldest son might be related.

When Liang Laoye could no longer deny the truth, Shen Du, enraged, used torture to extract a confession. Liang Laoye ended up with scars on his face, regretting it too late. Shen Du entered a secret chamber, his mind swirling with memories of his father’s unwavering integrity. He knew his father had refused to collude with the men in black, even under the threat of death, and was eventually wronged as a traitor.

Shen Du was determined to clear his family’s name and reveal the truth behind the false accusations of weapon drawings, gathering evidence piece by piece to restore the historical truth. On the other hand, Yan Xing celebrated the resolution of the case with others, and the atmosphere at the dinner was lively. Lu Chuichui brought news that Yan Xing’s pen pal, Xiao Chichi, was about to meet, causing much laughter.

Xu Xiangren took the opportunity to invite Yan Xing for a drink, but Shen Du forcefully interrupted, unwilling to allow Yan Xing to get close to any other man. At the banquet, Shen Du drank heavily and was quite inebriated, still stubbornly challenging others. Yan Xing, seeing this, came up with a plan to take Shen Du to the outskirts.

Under the moonlight, Shen Du, in his drunken state, "taught a lesson" to her fourth sister’s husband, leading to an amusing misunderstanding. Carrying the drunken Shen Du home, Yan Xing remembered their past together as he mumbled about the "罪容所" (Place of Sin), where their fates first intertwined. Yan Xing was touched, her emotions mixed, while Shen Du mistakenly thanked Xu Wan, making her tear up, though she quickly composed herself.

Yan Xing fell and got a bruise on her forehead, quietly enduring the pain. The next morning, Shen Du awoke, feeling guilty about his drunken behavior and wanting to inquire about the previous night. Yan Xing, however, brushed it off lightly and avoided the topic. Yan Xing continued with her routine report to Zhang Xiang, sounding indifferent, and Zhang Xiang, understanding her mood, did not press further.

On her way to the Ministry of Justice, Yan Xing encountered another minor accident, stumbling and falling. The pain and helplessness overwhelmed her, and she could only force a bitter smile. This suffering was hers to bear alone.

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