Youth, School, Romance Neo Hou, Wan Peng, Dai Luwa In the summer of 1996, Yang Xi’s legs were injured by the shockwave of a laboratory explosion while chasing a car thief. She was unable to participate in the long-distance running race that would give her extra points in the entrance exam. After the start of the school year, Yang Xi found out that the “culprit” transferred to her class and took away the class president position...
Youth, School, Romance Zhang Yongbo, Tian Xiwei Luo Xi becomes a "bun girl" when she first enters university due to an incident in high school. Lai Xin accidentally discovers that she was the "heroine" who saved her life. To help Luo Xi get back to herself, a series of youthful "embarrassing" events occur between them. But there is a secret buried between the four of them. How will they choose between friendship, love, and family?