Adventure, Action, Suspense Jing Boran, Lu Han, Wang Jingchun A down-and-out writer visited an antique shop owner named Wu Xie in search of material for his writing. Wu Xie was preparing to leave the city, and before his departure, he shared with the writer the strange history of his family of grave robbers and the bizarre events he experienced during his first adventure with his family. During that adventure, their family accidentally acquired...
Fantasy, Action, Adventure Jing Tian, Andy Lau, Zhang Hanyu In ancient China, there existed a monstrous creature known as the Taotie, which preyed on humans. Every sixty years, the Taotie would gather and invade human territory in search of food. The purpose of the human army, who defended their land by constructing the Great Wall, was to resist the invasion of these creatures. William Garin, a foreign mercenary in search of black powder for...
Fantasy, Action, Adventure Fan Bingbing, Chen Xuedong, Amber Kuo The mythical Odin continent is divided into four countries: Water, Wind, Fire, and Earth. Each country has people who are proficient in soul magic, and the seven most powerful among them are called the Dukes. A normal boy from the Water Country, Qi Ling, is mysteriously taken in as a disciple by Duke Yin Chen and is swept up in the storm of soul magic. The secrets hidden in the Water...