Action, Crime, Adventure Orlando Bloom, Leo Wu, Simon Yam Danny Stratton, a renowned security expert, and former SAS agent, faced the biggest "disaster" of his life: his collection was stolen, his girlfriend left him, and he was left with a ruined reputation. After lying low for some time, he decides to make a comeback. However, what appears to be a simple task is hiding an even more astonishing conspiracy. As he faces misunderstanding from...
Action, Adventure, Comedy Jackie Chan, Aarif Rahman, Lay Zhang Jack, as an archaeologist, has spent many years without venturing out of the school, leaving the principal and students skeptical about his embellished history. After a lecture, an Indian girl approaches Jack and captivates his attention with a millennium-old map closely related to the history lesson he just taught. Consequently, Jack, along with his friend's son, Li Qiong, assistant...
Adventure, Comedy, Drama Deng Chao, Eddie Peng, Zhao Liying In the year 2022, race car driver Xu Tailang has always harbored resentment towards his father's disapproval of his racing career. In the process of proving himself to his father, Tailang unexpectedly becomes involved in a marvelous adventure. In the town of Tinglin in 1998, he meets a group of close friends A Zheng, the owner of a video hall; Xiao Ma, a programmer; Liu Yi; and A Zheng's...