Sci-fi, Adventure, Rescue Wu Jing, Qu Chuxiao, Li Guangjie In recent years, scientists have discovered that the Sun is rapidly aging and expanding. In a short period of time, the entire solar system, including Earth, will be engulfed by the Sun. In order to save themselves, humanity proposed a bold plan called the "Wandering Earth," which involves using the collective efforts of the world to build tens of thousands of engines and steering engines...
Action, Comedy, Adventure Darren Wang, Sandrine Pinna, Timmy Xu Zhao Feng, an extreme sportsman, stumbles into an international crime deal and has to follow international agents to Budapest. Here he joins Miao Miao, a young detective, Ding Shan, a civilian scientist, and LV, an unemployed doctor, to form a team of rookie agents. Together with senior international agent Mira, these four "agents" are engaged in a surprising struggle against the terrorists.
Adventure, Drama, Action Wu Jing, Zhang Ziyi, Zhang Yi In 1960, when the Chinese climbing team made their first assault on Everest, Fang Wuzhou, the temporary team leader, chose to save his companion Qu Songlin instead of protecting the camera in Qu Songlin's hands. Although the Chinese team successfully summit from the North Face, a task considered impossible by the world of mountaineering, the feat was not internationally recognized because...
Fantasy, Adventure, Family Leo Wu, Joe Chen Two children encounter a strange rainbow in Auckland and travel to China through the energy fluctuations of the rainbow. Because of their reckless actions, they cause an imbalance of energy in the world. With help from China, they eventually overcome many obstacles to restore the world to its original form, and at the same time gain growth and friendship.