Action, Adventure, Fantasy Chen Kun, Zhou Xun, William Chan Qing Ming, a Yin Yang master who travels between the worlds of humans and demons, is in danger when he makes a pact with a group of demons that leads to a catastrophe. He is accused of making a pact with demons and struggles with his good nature as a human and the powerful temptation of being a demon. However, he has a place in his heart after having made an agreement with Bai Ni. He...
Fantasy, Adventure Darren Wang, Song Jia Young screenwriter Sang Yu possesses great talent but is unrecognized. He faces constant pressure to deliver his scripts and is burdened with debts. Night after night, he is haunted by an unidentified person in his dreams, relentlessly pursuing his life. In a twist of fate, Sang Yu discovers his ability to "bring" treasures from his dreams into reality. Opening the door to a fantastical...
Romance, War, Fantasy Guan Xiaotong, Hu Jun, Lin Siyi The Great Khan's empire sends troops to war, and the army unexpectedly brings back a tricolored bracelet, a hereditary heirloom of the small kingdom's queen. This leads to a curse that begins to erode the empire from within. The proud Great Khan searches far and wide for talented individuals to break the curse that has possessed his daughter, Turandot. Karaf, an orphan who wandered...
Action, Fantasy, Adventure Lei Jiayin, Yang Mi, Dong Zijian In the imperial capital of the parallel universe, the god of heaven, the Red-haired Demon, rules with brutality and kills the innocent. A young man, Kong Wen, is being hunted by the Red-haired Demon and decides to fight back. Under the guidance of Hei Jia, he sets out on a journey to kill a god by a mortal. This is the fantasy world written by novelist Lu Kongwen. Unexpectedly, the...
Rescue, Thriller, Action Zhu Yilong, Huang Zhizhong, Chen Shu An unprecedented geological disaster strikes, with earthquakes, ground subsidence, and mudslides occurring one after another. The lives of 160,000 people residing in Yunjiang County are in imminent danger. Represented by Hong Yizhou, Hong Yunbing, Ding Yajun, and Lu Xiaojin, the construction personnel step forward to rescue and aid the affected individuals. In order to safeguard the...
Adventure, Suspense, Thriller Lei Jiayin, Li Xian, Xin Zhilei Miss Mu Hu Jia Nai from Japan is about to return a Buddha head from the Tang Dynasty Wu Zetian period to China, but she has specified that the descendants of the Xu family under the "Plum Blossom Five" of the cultural relics industry should come forward to receive it. However, the White Sect of the Plum Blossom Five has long since declined, and the whereabouts of the Xu family...