Crime, Action, Drama Lei Jiayin, Zhang Guoli, Yu Hewei The story revolves around Su Jianming and Li Huilin teaming up to investigate a criminal case shrouded in secrecy, involving a powerful interest group. To delve into the case, Su Jianming ignores the advice of his influential father, Zheng Gang, and rushes to the "Hongmen Banquet" hosted by wealthy businessman Li Zhitian. After witnessing Li Zhitian's audacious acts of deceiving others...
Crime, Comedy, Drama Li Jiuxiao, Li Meng, Wang Yanhui A series of hooligan harassment cases have been occurring in a small town, causing anxiety among the residents. Lao Hu, the director of the local police station, teams up with Officer Xiao Cai to investigate the case. As the investigation deepens, Dr. Liu, a proctologist, and Nurse Duan Yanfen also become involved, and the hidden secrets of the town's diverse characters slowly come...
Drama, Family, Life Huang Lu, Guo Tao Single mother Li Yitian is working hard in the city, trying to contribute to her life, but she keeps encountering multiple setbacks in her family, relationships, and career. This is a story of her facing the chaotic challenges of life with courage. Just like every "ordinary man and woman" in real life, although being pursued by life in confusion, they dare to confront adversity and...
Comedy, Sport Wei Xiang, Wang Zhi Basketball coach Wei Guozheng, who is relentlessly obsessed with victory, is forced to teach at a special school as a punishment for violating rules. As a coach who believes "playing basketball is all for winning," he encounters a group of basketball-loving but "skill-deficient" players. In their daily interactions that resemble "talking to ducks," and amidst the constantly interrupted...
Action, Crime, Thriller Zhang Hanyu, Andy Lau, Huang Xuan This film is adapted from a real cross-border pursuit case in China. In the early 1990s, following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, its economy teetered on the brink of collapse, leading to an extreme scarcity of goods. A large number of Chinese traders boarded the international train K3, which ran between Beijing and Moscow, shuttling between China and Russia. They transported...
Comedy, Drama, Family Huang Bo, Yan Ni, Janine Chang Lei Dali, in order to give his son, Lei Xiaomi, a better starting point in life, is forced to get involved in the intense competition of "primary school enrollment" under the guidance of a single mother, Liu Zhenzhen. Influenced by Huo Ge and Huo Sao, Lei Dali spares no effort to purchase a house in a prestigious school district, but the heavy financial burden makes life unbearable...
Romance, Drama Yang Shuo, Li Mengmeng Who is the one person you would never want to miss? Are they still by your side? Qin Huasheng, who failed in his career and suffered heartbreak, returns to his hometown of Chengdu, where he unexpectedly meets Lin Wen, who has also been hurt by love. They become close due to their similar experiences. This unexpected encounter helps them realize that love will always come, at the right...
Fantasy, Family, Comedy Lei Jiayin, Zhang Xiaofei, Zhang Youhao If exchanging lives would exchange families, would you still be willing to do so? Zhong Da accidentally switches bodies with teenager Lu Xiaogu after a blind date with Jin Hao, unlocking the joyful experience of exchanging lives.
Crime, Suspense, Thriller Huang Xiaoming, Yan Ni, Adi Kan Down-and-out lawyer Ding Yifeng receives a seemingly ironclad "open-and-shut case" and is determined to make a comeback by mounting a "not guilty defense." Unexpectedly, the suspect, Jin Ximei, rejects Ding Yifeng's offer and instead, expresses a desire to die. Is what meets the eye always the truth? Is what is heard always reality? Amidst layers of confusion and uncertainty, the truth...
Action, Crime, Drama Aaron Kwok, Simon Yam, Lam Ka Tung Zhuo Jiajun is a senior cyber technician who is targeted by his brother Jason and general manager Sun Bin. He has a daughter Bao Er with his wife Du Yongshan. Jiajun has developed a powerful AI program ''Yi Tai''. Sun Bin accuses him of being involved in money laundering activities and threatens him to cooperate with him against CEO Chen Mingzhi. Jiajun doesn't know who is his enemy...
Drama Bai Ke, Zhang Songwen, Miao Miao In 2003 China, society was undergoing rapid changes and people were ambitious. At that time, the internet had not yet taken over everything and paper media was dominant. A "three-no" youth named Han Dong, who had no money, education, or background, carried his ideals of journalism and his girlfriend Xiao Zhu to start a life in Beijing. With the help of well-known journalist Huang Jiang,...
Action, Crime, Drama Louis Koo, Sean Andy, Aaron Kwok Drug trafficker Kang Sucha has always been engaged in drug deals with his subordinate Zhang Jianxing. The newly recruited member, Ou Zhiyuan, also formed a close bond with the two due to an accidental incident, making them like brothers. After Kang Su Cha's drug trafficking business in Hong Kong was exposed by the police, he fled to the Golden Triangle with his team to continue their...
Crime, Action, Drama Wallace Chung, Francis Ng, Eddie Cheung In the year 2000, the government of the gambling city took action to effectively reduce the crime rate in society by cracking down on the chaotic underground gambling industry. They joined forces with the police and the gambling association to carry out a strict operation to combat underground casinos and distributed the rights to operate newly built casinos through auctions, in order...
Thriller, Comedy Fan Chengcheng, Jiang Long, Jiang Yi Bao Zi, a short video "talent" who wants to become famous, is facing a double dilemma of the company's bankruptcy and payment of compensation. Partners Dog and Monkey have also proposed to dissolve the partnership. The three brothers came to a horror movie set for a special invitation to take secret photos and planned to do their "last job". Unexpectedly, they actually captured an...
Action, Crime, Rescue Ou Hao, Gu Jiacheng, Yu Haoming The film is adapted from a real case, revealing for the first time the armed drug traffickers of the largest force on the border. In the late 1990s, on the southwest border of China, the "8077" Border Defense Armed Police Special Warfare Team suffered heavy casualties during an anti-drug operation due to a mountain flood disaster and the schemes of drug traffickers. In order to avenge...
Comedy, Drama Yu Hewei, Guo Qilin This is an absurd story about "the son 'died,' and the father became 'famous'". Ma Yinbo is a high school Chinese teacher, and as he reaches middle age, he doesn't seem to have much going for him. When his son, Ma Mo, supposedly "commits suicide" by falling from a building, Ma Yinbo writes a brilliant pseudonymous suicide note on his son's behalf to save face. Surprisingly, this act...
Crime, Action, Suspense Nick Cheung, William Chan Narcotics Inspector Li Zhenbang and undercover officer Jiang Ming secretly execute a plan to capture drug traffickers. Unfortunately, they find themselves in a dangerous situation, forcing Jiang Ming to navigate the blurred line between good and evil, gradually losing control. To uphold their principles, former teammates start harboring murderous intentions towards each other. Suspicion,...
Romance, Comedy Jia Bing, Liu Yan One day, Chef Gong Bao met the rock girl Fan Kui'en. Despite their vastly different personalities, they were brought together by a small incident involving "diarrhea". Gongbao started to mooch off of Fan Kui'en for free food and drinks, while Fan Kui'en stuck around to learn cooking skills from Gongbao. Living under the same roof, will these two be able to reconcile their differences...
Youth, Romance, Drama Zhou Zhengjie, Hanna Lu, Luo Mingjie Wang Haoyu and Xia Chuan are childhood friends who grew up together. They experienced tests of friendship, romantic regrets, personal growth, and more during their entrepreneurial journey. In the end, these two friends with different aspirations embarked on distinctly separate paths in life.
Crime, Suspense, Thriller Zhu Yilong, Chloe Maayan A bizarre and mysterious murder case implicates multiple suspects, and Detective Captain Ma Zhe finds himself entangled in an inexplicable truth that keeps unraveling. He gradually becomes ensnared in moments of absurdity, unease, and a blurred line between what is real and illusionary, along with memories.
Sci-fi, Comedy Yang Haoyu, Ai Liya Tang Zhijun is the chief editor of a science fiction magazine called "Cosmic Exploration" which was born in the 1980s. Nowadays, the magazine is in decline, and Tang Zhijun has become a lonely and destitute person. However, he is still obsessed with the search for extraterrestrial civilizations, which he has been pursuing for decades. One day, he received an anomalous signal that seemed...
Action, Drama, Military Kevin Yan, Qu Jingjing, Wu Haochen When nuclear weapons expert Steel decided to disclose a long-held secret buried deep within his heart to the world, he was suddenly kidnapped and murdered, and the briefcase containing top-secret information he carried with him was lost, shocking the world. Shortly thereafter, a mysterious ship appeared outside of Chinese territorial waters, carrying a group of unidentified foreigners...
Drama Liu Ye, Hu Jun, Janice Man Chen Wangdao, who returned from studying abroad in Japan, took on the task of translating the "Communist Manifesto," which changed the trajectory of his life. Historical figures such as Chen Duxiu, Yu Xiusong, Shi Cuntong, Jing Hengyi, Dai Jitao, and Cai Muhui all make appearances. After experiencing turbulent times and changes, friends either sacrificed or left, and Chen Wangdao faced...
Romance, Fantasy, Comedy Ai Lun, Shen Teng Zheng Qian's newly developed app has caught the attention of the cunning yet honest antagonist, Qiqi Kefu. Fortunately, the Zheng family unexpectedly gained superpowers, with the sister having the ability to fly, the father being able to turn invisible, the grandfather possessing immortality, and the younger sister having unlimited strength. Zheng Qian had hoped that his family members...
Drama, Family, Life Han Geng, Zhang Guoli, Xue Haojing The century-old family store "Tong Shun Xiang," managed by the Liu family, has been passing down a unique technique for making crystal ice cakes through generations. However, the father, Liu Tingshen, has always refused to pass on the secret recipe to his son, Liu JianSan, which has led to misunderstandings and estrangement between them. Frustrated, JianSan chooses to leave his father...
Romance, Drama Jin Shijia, Roy Chiu, Janine Chang Doctor Cao Luyi, who works in the ultrasound department of the Maternal and Child Hospital, accidentally comes to a welfare home and has to spend his days with a group of individuals who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. At first, Doctor Cao was at a loss about how to deal with the situation, but he gradually found himself touched by their innocence, simplicity, and...
Crime, Suspense, Drama Dong Chengpeng, Lam Ka Tung, Zhang Songwen A construction company owner plans a shocking nationwide cash-in-transit heist, but when the plan fails, he goes on the run. A righteous and upright police officer, now retired, sets out to apprehend this suspect and journeys alone to the border city, where he encounters a "stranger" who has turned over a new leaf. However, under the law, no one can choose the path of redemption. Construction...
Drama, Comedy, Life Yang Zishan, Huang Miyi The video is divided into three chapters, each using three movie titles: "Waiting Alone," "Looks Beautiful," and "Pluto Moment." In the first chapter, we observe the early stages of the film production from the perspective of Xiao Gu (played by Huang Mi Yi), the bored owner of a small-town restaurant. She works at her in-laws' restaurant and dreams of a more exciting life. Xiao Gu catches...
Romance, Comedy, Drama Han Geng, Zheng Kai, Kelly Yu Meng Yun and Yu Fei, this pair of close brothers, after going through the trials and tribulations of love, have finally reached the age of marriage. Meng Yun, who is still experiencing the "aftermath of a breakup," faces pressure from his family and begins the search for true love, accompanied by the question, "Why should I get married?" On the other hand, Yu Fei and his girlfriend...
Drama Zhang Yi, Pan Binlong, Zhou Yiran To make a living, the laid-off workers, Shi Zhenbang and Yang Wu, run a hardware store. To collect a debt, they temporarily have to take care of debtor Manli's daughter, Qianqian. As they spend time with little Qianqian, feelings gradually develop between them. They initially thought that once the money was in their hands, Qianqian would be taken in by relatives for a better life. However,...
Comedy, Drama Hui Wangjun, Bai Zeze The only son of truck driver Gou Ren died of illness. Gou Ren believed it was his best friend who caused his son's death, so he set out on a journey of revenge with grief and anger in his heart. Along the way, he met a mischievous child named Mao Dou who had lost his family and was desperate to find his father who worked away from home. Mao Dou threw tantrums and caused trouble, including...
Historical, Wuxia, Action Norman Chui, He Gang, Xu Zhengguo The gunpowder from the Ministry of Works in feudal China was stolen, and Yun Zheng, who was responsible for investigating the case, mysteriously disappeared. The agents of Wuyi Lane, Lu Yuan, and Wang Xu, are assigned to the case. With the discovery of Minister Wang's concealment and the assassination of the Censor Cui Zhen, the long-sealed history of Wuyi Lane also came to the surface....
Romance, Family, Drama Huang Xiaolei, Zheng Yayun, Tang Zeng Mother-daughter relationships may be one of the most complex relationships in the world, especially in divorced families. Yu Meihui is a progressive woman from a small town in Yunnan, and she runs a locally renowned curtain shop. After Yu Meihui and Gao Wen divorced, their daughter Yangzi started living with her father, only occasionally visiting her mother on weekends. In an unexpected...
Crime, Suspense, Comedy Zhang Liang, Xin Zhilei If one million US dollars were placed in front of you, would you want to get it? Zhang Bo, who had returned from overseas, was entrusted with the task of taking one million US dollars out of the country, while his childhood friend, Feng Leqi, was diligently investigating a counterfeit money case. The two, along with people from all walks of life who are fond of money, unexpectedly become...
Romance, Suspense, Thriller Francis Ng, Ren Suxi Pan Yiming, who was drifting in Macau, unexpectedly received a will from his father, whom he hadn't seen in 30 years. His father left him a substantial inheritance but required Pan Yiming to attend the funeral in order to inherit it. He complied with the will and returned to the small southern Chinese town where he was born. Here, he reunited with his long-lost lover Lin Yue, and encountered...
Romance, Suspense, Thriller Gao Yuer, Li Zifeng Husi Si came to the Liqi Inn as a temporary replacement due to life's pressures. Little did she know that this reluctant decision would turn her into a substitute in a missing persons case. The inn concealed a dark secret. The moment she stepped into the inn, the doorbell rang, and the deadly game officially began. As the former employee who disappeared, the greedy manager, the selfish...
Sport, Drama Deng Chao, Sun Li, Timmy Xu In the early 1990s, China's men's table tennis team suffered repeated losses to the powerful Swedish team, failing to win the team championship in three consecutive world championships and hitting rock bottom. A new coaching team led by Cai Zhenhua was entrusted with the task of completely transforming the Chinese men's table tennis team, with the goal of challenging for the championship...
Family, Drama Badema Musician A Ru Si decided to take his mother, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, back to the grasslands to find the home she remembers, dissatisfied with the way his brother was taking care of her. To prevent his mother from getting lost, A Ru Si tied a rope between them like an umbilical cord, creating a wonderful "reverse" mother-son relationship that led them to wander deep into...
Family, Drama Li Mao, JC Lin After their mother passed away, Wen Xiu took on the responsibility of caring for her autistic elder brother Wen Guang. However, Wen Xiu felt trapped by his brother due to their mother's favoritism and her girlfriend's lack of understanding, causing him to struggle with internal resentment. Eventually, their conflicting emotions exploded over due to their difficult lives. Will they be...
Crime, Action Wang Qingting, Tang Xin Three years ago during a protective mission, Gao Feng's pregnant wife tragically passed away, and his younger brother suffered serious injuries from a car accident. Blaming himself for his wife's death, Gao Feng left the bodyguard industry and lived an ordinary life with his brother. To pay for his brother's medical treatment, Gao Feng incurred a huge debt. When he had nowhere else...
Family, Life, Drama Niu Ben, Yan Junxi, Li Zihao Bar singer Su Xiaobei used to have a happy life, but since her son Kang Jian was diagnosed with autism, she has fallen into darkness. Su Xiaobei insisted on sending Kang Jian to school for training, but her husband couldn't accept the reality and the two eventually divorced. Su Xiaobei and Kang Jian left sadly, moving to an old neighborhood. Due to Kang Jian's condition, a conflict...
Romance, Family, Drama Niu Jun, Yuan Weijie In remote mountain villages where men couldn't afford wives, they had a unique tradition called "Niu Hua", which meant hiring a woman's womb to have children and carry on their family line for generations. When Wan Er was 18 years old, she was borrowed by the Lu family to have a child for them, as her husband had tuberculosis. However, she found out upon arrival that both brothers had...
Adventure, Drama Ren Suxi, Li Chen In his early thirties, Cong Lin could never have imagined that another "search for people" journey with his brother Cong Lai would push them to the brink of death in the Gobi desert due to a sandstorm. With his brother severely injured, Cong Lin had to journey alone, searching for a ray of hope to save both of their lives.
Drama, Life Huang Lu, Zhao Shuzhen A dancer with cancer, an Alzheimer's patient whose memory is still stuck 30 years ago, a rebellious 13-year-old girl who is not getting along well with her stepmother, and an island teacher who lost her son unexpectedly, meet on Manshan Island and experience together, and finally realize that everyone has to face their own problems.
Drama, Life Wen Yu, Li Ang A young woman digs a mountain for love, but is isolated and helpless. A bar owner in the city is heavily in debt and facing a difficult life. With different goals and personalities, the two meet in the mountains. When a well-intentioned lie is exposed, a series of conflicts arise in the mountains. Alone and isolated, she decides to declare war on the mountain with her own hands. In...
Youth, Romance, Friendship Li Xiaoning, Guo Weijie, Zhang Zihan This is a youth era that two generations share, full of a sense of ritual between the younger generation and their parents. A 12-year-old "genius boy", a 35-year-old "old class leader", a 21-year-old "creamy boy" and a 17-year-old "campus white moonlight" combine to form a unique university campus scenery. The awkward age gap, humorous height difference, unrequited love, hazy and romantic...
Chen Mei, who was in the late stage of cancer, didn't want to continue to burden Peng Hao. She decided to give up treatment and, in the last days of her life, hoped that Peng Hao would take her to see the Populus Euphratica forest, fulfilling her long-cherished love wish. So, at the moment they arrived at the Populus Euphratica forest, a heart-wrenching love story was immortalized.
Romance, Drama Joe Chen, Jia Bing, Celina Jade Is it true that even the strongest love can be shattered by reality? Four pairs of lovers, each with their own unique stories of joy and sorrow, are experiencing the ups and downs of relationships. Despite facing hardships, they remain pushed ahead with it. The most touching words on Valentine's Day 2023: "I will never leave you."