Drama, Family, Life Chen Baoguo, Ma Su, Ayanga In the late 1950s, New China experienced severe natural disasters, and a large number of orphans in the southern region faced a crisis of insufficient nutrition. At this critical moment, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Party Committee and the government took the initiative to ask the central government for assistance. Following the principle of "take one, raise one, strengthen...
Family, Drama Zhu Yilong, Yang Enyou Funeral director Mo Sanmei encountered an orphan named Wu Xiaowen during a funeral shortly after being released from prison. Xiaowen became entangled with Mo Sanmei, adding a series of difficulties to his already troubled life. After a series of ups and downs, this peculiar father-daughter duo, who worked in the funeral industry, formed a unique bond and changed Mo Sanmei's attitude...
Life, Family, Drama Jackson Yee Jing Hao, a 20-year-old young man, comes to live in Shenzhen with his young sister. Although their lives are warm, they struggle financially. In order to afford the expensive surgery for his sister, Jinghao unexpectedly gets an opportunity, believing that a better life is about to come. However, he is unexpectedly struck by a devastating blow. Under the dual pressures of time and...