Romance, Comedy, Life Wu Xiubo, Tang Wei At the age of 15, Jiao Ye immigrated to Macau with her father and settled in the gambling city, where she became a casino PR representative. She led a precarious life, constantly uncertain and without a fixed abode. Meanwhile, Daniel, a talented individual from Beijing, had been navigating his way through the United States for many years. He had risen to become one of California's top-performing...
Comedy, Family, Life Xia Yu, Song Zu Er, Yang Zi When down-on-his-luck manager Huang Bolun comes to Los Angeles to search for a missing artist, he is stranded in the US and accidentally becomes the father of five cute American children. While continuing to search for the missing artist, Huang is also subjected to a variety of "domestic violence" tactics by the five troublemakers. After a series of twists and turns, the irresponsible...