Drama, War, Political Huang Xuan, Ni Ni, Wang Renjun In 1921, Shanghai was a city with a number of Concessions and a tense situation. Thirteen young men from all over the country, with an average age of 28, set out from the plight of a nation in peril, turning their youthful ideals into a belief in saving the country and the people and seeking the truth. They gathered in Shanghai, breakthrough the monitoring and tracking of complex international...
Action, Sci-fi, Adventure Louis Koo, Sean Andy, Carina Lau A meteor suddenly impacts the Earth, bringing extremely powerful extraterrestrial creatures that cause the death of 5.6 million people. The fate of humanity is in jeopardy, and Commander Li Sheng dispatches an elite team led by soldier Tai Laito carry out a transformation plan. However, the team is violently attacked, and only Tai Lai and the communications soldier Guang Zai survive....