Sci-fi, Adventure, Action Wu Jing, Andy Lau, Li Xuejian With the sun on the verge of destruction, mankind has built a giant propulsion device on the surface of the Earth in search of a new home. However, the path of the universe is full of crises, and in order to save the Earth, the young people of the Wandering Earth era have once again stepped up to fight for their lives...
Adventure, Action, Sci-fi Jason Statham, Wu Jing Jonas Taylor and scientist Zhang Jiuming join forces as a heroic duo to embark on an exploration mission into the depths of the ocean, reaching a depth of 7,000 meters. Unexpectedly, they encounter an attack from the ancient colossal creatures, the dominant rulers of the ocean, a swarm of megalodon sharks. They are also set to battle against a group of fierce and dangerous ancient monsters....
Sci-fi, Comedy Yang Haoyu, Ai Liya Tang Zhijun is the chief editor of a science fiction magazine called "Cosmic Exploration" which was born in the 1980s. Nowadays, the magazine is in decline, and Tang Zhijun has become a lonely and destitute person. However, he is still obsessed with the search for extraterrestrial civilizations, which he has been pursuing for decades. One day, he received an anomalous signal that seemed...