Suspense, Thriller, Adventure Ji Chen, Ji Xiaobing The adventurer named Hei Yanjing, who had spent half of his life exploring, began to live a semi-retired life in the Mu Ma Lu tribe on the China-Myanmar border due to the worsening of his eye condition. His good friend, Xie Yuchen, led the pathologist Lao Wei into the Mu Ma Lu jungle in search of rare parasitic wasps for research on eye diseases. Unexpectedly, the team encountered danger...
Wuxia, Action, Drama Zhao Huawei, Chen Yusi Ten years ago, Tian Guinong gathered a group of his strong men and set up a trap, luring the great heroes Miao Renfeng and Hu Yidao into a battle for the sake of a treasure. Both Miao and Hu lost their lives in the process. Ten years later, Hu Yidao's son, Hu Fei, sharpened his skills and sought revenge for his father. A revenge battle begins, and a "hunting game" unfolds.
Wuxia, Suspense, Action Feng Shaofeng, Gina Jin, Hu Jun The excellent disciple, Qi Junyuan, of the Assassin Organization "Lihen Valley," received his first assassination mission this year. However, he failed to complete the task and became the target of pursuit by the imperial court, other assassin organizations, and various other forces. Using his "assassin skills," Qi Junyuan discovered that he had become entangled in a conspiracy that...
Action, Suspense, Thriller Dong Haoran, Zhu Zanjin The Strongest Prequel of the series tells the story of Zhang Qishan, a young man burdened with national hatred and family feuds, who arrives in Changsha in the Republican era. He encounters the skilled martial artist, Er Yue Hong. Together, they join forces to punish evil and fight against injustice. They confront the warlord, Zuo Qianzhi, who has been occupying Changsha and committing...