Crime, Suspense, Thriller Zhang Xiaofei, Lee Hong Chi, Kara Wai Renowned Chinese female lawyer Chen Zhiqi receives a mysterious phone call demanding that she must provide a not guilty defense for a death row inmate within five days, or else her daughter will be harmed. With no other choice, Chen Zhiqi joins forces with police officer Jin Zhixiong to conduct an investigation. During their search for clues, Chen Zhiqi's defense of the death row inmate...
Suspense, Thriller, Action William Chan, Wang Qianyuan In the 1930s in Shantou, Wang Liwen accidentally reunited with his old friend Chen Jiadong while carrying out a mission. The two brothers teamed up to investigate a secret mission, but the appearance of a mysterious person disrupted their original plan. As the investigation deepened, the struggle between the two brothers became increasingly apparent. A storm had arrived, and everyone...
Fantasy, Suspense, Thriller Zhang Ruonan, Bai Yufan, Liu Yijun At the end of a deep alley, a "Lighting Store" keeps its lights on year-round, with the mysterious owner carefully wiping each light bulb as a variety of customers come and go. Nurse Xu Nian and her boyfriend Zheng Manxin move into an apartment near the store. She gradually discovers that everyone here harbors an unspeakable secret. On a stormy night, she walks into the lighting store...
Crime, Action, Drama Lei Jiayin, Zhang Guoli, Yu Hewei The story revolves around Su Jianming and Li Huilin teaming up to investigate a criminal case shrouded in secrecy, involving a powerful interest group. To delve into the case, Su Jianming ignores the advice of his influential father, Zheng Gang, and rushes to the "Hongmen Banquet" hosted by wealthy businessman Li Zhitian. After witnessing Li Zhitian's audacious acts of deceiving others...
Action, Crime, Thriller Zhang Hanyu, Andy Lau, Huang Xuan This film is adapted from a real cross-border pursuit case in China. In the early 1990s, following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, its economy teetered on the brink of collapse, leading to an extreme scarcity of goods. A large number of Chinese traders boarded the international train K3, which ran between Beijing and Moscow, shuttling between China and Russia. They transported...
Crime, Suspense, Thriller Huang Xiaoming, Yan Ni, Adi Kan Down-and-out lawyer Ding Yifeng receives a seemingly ironclad "open-and-shut case" and is determined to make a comeback by mounting a "not guilty defense." Unexpectedly, the suspect, Jin Ximei, rejects Ding Yifeng's offer and instead, expresses a desire to die. Is what meets the eye always the truth? Is what is heard always reality? Amidst layers of confusion and uncertainty, the truth...
Crime, Action, Drama Wallace Chung, Francis Ng, Eddie Cheung In the year 2000, the government of the gambling city took action to effectively reduce the crime rate in society by cracking down on the chaotic underground gambling industry. They joined forces with the police and the gambling association to carry out a strict operation to combat underground casinos and distributed the rights to operate newly built casinos through auctions, in order...
Suspense, Thriller, Romance Ding Yuxi Zhou Yiyi is a young and beautiful woman who loves fashion and dressing up. On her birthday party, her boyfriend Zha Jian bought a knockoff luxury bag as a gift for her. Zhou Yiyi's vanity was fueled by the envy of her friends. Meanwhile, Zha Jian was struggling with financial problems and kept receiving debt collection calls, making him feel depressed. Then, he received a mysterious...
Thriller, Comedy Fan Chengcheng, Jiang Long, Jiang Yi Bao Zi, a short video "talent" who wants to become famous, is facing a double dilemma of the company's bankruptcy and payment of compensation. Partners Dog and Monkey have also proposed to dissolve the partnership. The three brothers came to a horror movie set for a special invitation to take secret photos and planned to do their "last job". Unexpectedly, they actually captured an...
Crime, Action, Suspense Nick Cheung, William Chan Narcotics Inspector Li Zhenbang and undercover officer Jiang Ming secretly execute a plan to capture drug traffickers. Unfortunately, they find themselves in a dangerous situation, forcing Jiang Ming to navigate the blurred line between good and evil, gradually losing control. To uphold their principles, former teammates start harboring murderous intentions towards each other. Suspicion,...
Crime, Suspense, Thriller Zhu Yilong, Chloe Maayan A bizarre and mysterious murder case implicates multiple suspects, and Detective Captain Ma Zhe finds himself entangled in an inexplicable truth that keeps unraveling. He gradually becomes ensnared in moments of absurdity, unease, and a blurred line between what is real and illusionary, along with memories.
Action, Drama, Military Kevin Yan, Qu Jingjing, Wu Haochen When nuclear weapons expert Steel decided to disclose a long-held secret buried deep within his heart to the world, he was suddenly kidnapped and murdered, and the briefcase containing top-secret information he carried with him was lost, shocking the world. Shortly thereafter, a mysterious ship appeared outside of Chinese territorial waters, carrying a group of unidentified foreigners...
Romance, Suspense, Thriller Francis Ng, Ren Suxi Pan Yiming, who was drifting in Macau, unexpectedly received a will from his father, whom he hadn't seen in 30 years. His father left him a substantial inheritance but required Pan Yiming to attend the funeral in order to inherit it. He complied with the will and returned to the small southern Chinese town where he was born. Here, he reunited with his long-lost lover Lin Yue, and encountered...
Romance, Suspense, Thriller Gao Yuer, Li Zifeng Husi Si came to the Liqi Inn as a temporary replacement due to life's pressures. Little did she know that this reluctant decision would turn her into a substitute in a missing persons case. The inn concealed a dark secret. The moment she stepped into the inn, the doorbell rang, and the deadly game officially began. As the former employee who disappeared, the greedy manager, the selfish...
Historical, Wuxia, Action Norman Chui, He Gang, Xu Zhengguo The gunpowder from the Ministry of Works in feudal China was stolen, and Yun Zheng, who was responsible for investigating the case, mysteriously disappeared. The agents of Wuyi Lane, Lu Yuan, and Wang Xu, are assigned to the case. With the discovery of Minister Wang's concealment and the assassination of the Censor Cui Zhen, the long-sealed history of Wuyi Lane also came to the surface....
Suspense, Thriller Sun Yijie, Yang Yang, Miles Wei The skilled psychologist An Xin, who specializes in psychological profiling, gained attention in the industry with an academic paper on gambling addiction. One day, a handsome man named Zhu Di visits her, seeking psychological treatment to help him quit his gambling addiction. After making a return visit, An Xin discovers a secret underground casino hidden in Zhu Di's mansion. Zhu...