Sci-fi, Romance, War Lu Han, Shu Qi In a future world, extraterrestrial dark forces launch a sudden attack on Earth, and Shanghai becomes humanity's last hope. College student Jiang Yang follows Commander Lin Lan and becomes a commander in Shanghai Fortress. The extraterrestrial forces launch relentless and fierce assaults. Lin Lan is tasked with protecting the secret weapon to repel the aliens, while Jiang Yang and his...
War, Drama Wallace Chung, Zhou Yiwei, Zhong Chuxi In January 1949, the People's Liberation Army of China surrounded 500,000 Nationalist troops in the Pingjin area, and a final attack was imminent. Whether or not Beijing could be peacefully liberated depended on the outcome of the Battle of Tianjin. At this time, Tianjin city was filled with hidden fortresses and military installations, and soldiers were armed and ready for battle....
Drama, War Wang Lei, Gulnazar, Li Zonghan The movie revolves around the growth and creation of the song " March of the Volunteers" by the Chinese musician Nie Er, and tells the story of a group of cultural heroes who are devoted to the fate of their country. They use their passion to compose the strongest melody of the Chinese nation, " March of the Volunteers."