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Circle Of Love Episode 10 Recap

> Circle Of Love
> Circle Of Love Recap

Zhou Zichen brought Gu Meng back to the room and took care of her for the night. Xiao Hongye really wanted to go and see her, but he forcibly stopped himself. Zhou Jiaojiao noticed that Xiao Hongye still cared about Gu Meng, so she deliberately provoked a conflict between Zhou Zichen and Gu Meng. When Xiao Hongye went to see Gu Meng, she sincerely apologized to him and wished him happiness and a prosperous future. Xiao Hongye asked if this was Gu Meng's true feelings. Gu Meng couldn't speak up because she still cared about Xiao Hongye.

Gu Meng had just gotten out of bed when Zhou Jiaojiao assigned her to bring pastries. Zhou Zichen felt sorry for Gu Meng and secretly slipped a pastry into her hand. Xiao Hongye saw this and immediately felt jealous. He told Gu Meng to go help Zhou Jiaojiao, and Zhou Jiaojiao took the opportunity to mock Gu Meng, saying that she could never reach Xiao Hongye and that she would soon become the mistress of the Commander's Mansion. Gu Meng was combing Zhou Jiaojiao's hair when Zhou Jiaojiao moved and pulled her hair, causing Gu Meng to slap her back. The two women started fighting, which attracted the attention of Xiao Hongye and Zhou Zichen.

Zhou Jiaojiao stubbornly demanded that Xiao Hongye help her vent her anger by scratching Gu Meng's face. Zhou Zichen quickly stepped in to protect Gu Meng and said that Gu Meng was also a hindrance to Xiao Hongye and Zhou Jiaojiao's relationship. She then asked Xiao Hongye to give Gu Meng to her. Xiao Hongye initially thought that Gu Meng wouldn't want to leave the Commander's Mansion, but a deeply hurt Gu Meng chose to go with Zhou Zichen. Xiao Hongye could only watch from the window as Zhou Zichen protected Gu Meng and helped her into the car, feeling a deep sense of reluctance that he couldn't put into words.

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