Cast of City of Rock Chinese Movie Cast of the Chinese Variety Show City of Rock Dong ChengpengCheng GongMain Role Qiao ShanHu LiangMain Role GulnazarDing JianguoMain Role Lee Hong ChiZha YaoMain Role Han TongshengYang ShuangshuMain Role Qu JunxiXi XiMain Role Yue YunpengQiao DashanSupport Role Dai LeleMother of Xi XiSupport Role Zhou DongyuTong Tong / Li LiSupport Role Zhao YingjunA JunSupport Role Liang ChaoPrincipalSupport Role Victoria SongQian QianSupport Role Zhao LusiNurseSupport Role Fan WeiBoss FanSupport Role Wen SongA member of the Broken guitar bandGuest Role Yuan ShanshanOwner of the pancake standSupport Role Yi YunheBass playerSupport Role Song XiaobaoGuitarist in a bandSupport Role Song XiaofengbandmateSupport RoleRelated PostsWho Is Jasper Liu Yihao's Girlfriend? Dating Gulnazar?Is Xu Kaicheng Dating Gulnazar? Cheated on Crystal Zhang Tian'ai?Gulnazar Boyfriend Review - The relationship With Hans Zhang Han attracted Much Attention.Who Is Shawn Dou Xiao's Girlfriend? Dating Laurinda HoWilliam Chan, Gulnazar Ever Had A Relationship?Gulnazar PhotosGulnazar Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListLee Hong Chi Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListDong Chengpeng Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListQiao Shan Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListHan Tongsheng Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListQu Junxi Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListShow More