Come On! Programmers Episode 20 Recap
> Come On! Programmers
> Come On! Programmers Recap
> Come On! Programmers Recap
Tang Chenchen confronted Zhu Meng and expressed his intention to leave Baohulu. However, out of humanitarian spirit, he decided to let Zhu Meng keep the office location. Soon after, Tang Chenchen's new company, "Jin HuLu," began expanding rapidly. The Tang family men caused a stir in the industry, not only by founding "Jin HuLu," but also by appearing on the board of directors of Da Ban Shou. Tang Grandpa proposed a collaboration between Da Ban Shou's technology and Jin HuLu, but Tang Chenchen believed that Luo Fengxiang was unreliable and decided to poach Baohulu's technical talents.
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