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Dawn Amidst Hidden Clouds Episode 8 Recap

> Dawn Amidst Hidden Clouds
> Dawn Amidst Hidden Clouds Recap

Lan Che took Lou Mingye to Lingxi Lake, and Lou Mingye was surprised, remarking that he hadn’t expected there to be such a beautiful place in Huai Sha Village. He asked Lan Che how she found it, and she replied that Li Mo had brought her here before. Hearing Li Mo’s name, Lou Mingye grew jealous and commented that he’d never seen Li Mo so enthusiastic about anything, even his investigations.

Lan Che observed that Lou Mingye wasn’t like his rumored reputation, which made Lou Mingye ask what she had heard. Lan Che replied that, regardless of any rumors, in her mind, Lou Mingye was a graceful and kindhearted person. Lou Mingye told her not to compliment him if it didn’t come naturally. They sat down, and Lan Che told Lou Mingye to stop smiling because it made him look silly.

Lou Mingye, amused, remarked that Lan Che could be quite endearing when she wasn’t speaking. When they returned to the inn, they saw Li Mo, who tried to approach Lan Che. She quickly hid in her room, where she found a letter. After reading it, she left and went to a nearby tea shop, showing the letter to the server. The server told her that the person she was waiting for would return soon.

As she waited, a crazed woman dressed in white with white hair approached and shoved Lan Che. Lan Che, puzzled, asked the server about her, who replied that she was a madwoman best ignored. Lan Che took a few sips of tea but soon felt dizzy and saw Huang Fuxing approaching with his men. When Lan Che woke up, she saw Hua Li nearby and asked how she was there.

Hua Li explained that she had been captured by Huang Fuxing just as she was leaving the village that day. Lan Che found their audacity appalling and assured Hua Li they would escape. When someone came to deliver food, Lan Che pretended to be too weak to open the meal box. Hua Li followed her lead, and the person bent down to help them open it. Hua Li seized the moment to knock him unconscious, and they hurriedly fled.

Unfortunately, the Huang family’s men were quickly in pursuit. Lan Che decided to create a diversion, telling Hua Li to find the man at the inn who always carried an umbrella during the day. Meanwhile, Lou Mingye and Li Mo realized Lan Che was missing. Lou Mingye grabbed an umbrella, intending to go search for her, but Li Mo stopped him, leading to a heated argument.

At that moment, Hua Li arrived, urging them to save Lan Che, who had been taken by Huang Fuxing. Huang Fuxing had brought Lan Che to a graveyard, intending to marry her posthumously to his son, Huang Daping. Huang Fuxing’s mother commented that Lan Che looked suitable enough, though she wasn’t ideal. Lan Che, in turn, retorted that she was cursed with a lone star, destined to bring ruin to anyone who dared to marry her.

Enraged, Huang Fuxing’s mother ordered that Lan Che be thrown into a coffin and buried alive. When Lou Mingye arrived, Lan Che had already been buried underground, and he shed tears, fearing the worst. Terrified for Lan Che’s life, Lou Mingye held a knife to Huang Fuxing’s mother, demanding that they dig Lan Che up immediately. When the coffin was opened, Lan Che had fainted.

Lou Mingye, furious, prepared to kill Huang Fuxing, telling him he should never have touched Lan Che. Just then, Lan Che called out to Lou Mingye, and he stopped. They quickly made their escape and encountered Feng Huajiang along the way. Feng Huajiang helped them hide in a remote house, and Lou Mingye instructed Li Mo to return to the inn and bring back Lao Teng.

When Li Mo asked why, Lou Mingye replied that someone needed to assist at the inn while Lan Che was captured. Li Mo brought Lao Teng, who admitted he had placed the letter in Lan Che’s room under Huang Fuxing’s coercion. While Li Mo scolded him, Lou Mingye pointed out that if he could be bought with money, he could be bought by others as well.

Lao Teng then revealed that Huang Daping had once taken an interest in a married woman, forcibly bringing her into his home. When her husband returned, the two tried to escape together, but the woman sacrificed herself to save her husband by killing Huang Daping. In retaliation, Huang Fuxing left the woman to freeze in the snow and threw her body into Lingxi Lake. Lan Che was horrified by their cruelty.

After Huang Fuxing’s mysterious death at home, Lou Mingye and his companions went to investigate. At this moment, Huang Fuxing’s mother tried to kill them, but the crazed woman in white appeared, and suddenly a violent storm broke out.

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