2024 Chinese Drama List

Derailment Episode 25 Recap

> Derailment
> Derailment Recap

Jiang Bo's mother, Fan Xiaoxiao, insisted that he must come home today; otherwise, no matter where he is, she would personally find him. Obediently, Jiang Bo returned home, and Fan Xiaoxiao warmly welcomed him, asking about his well-being while serving tea. With only one month left in Jiang Bo and Zhuang Meng's contract as makeup artists, they had agreed not to continue in this profession after its expiration. Fan Xiaoxiao pressured him to honor the commitment. Despite taking information from Fan Xiaoxiao to hire Jiang Xiaoyuan before the new year, Jiang Bo didn't think it meant he held her leverage. After all, Jiang Bo was adopted by Fan Xiaoxiao, and without her, he would be nothing. Fan Xiaoxiao's emotions suddenly erupted, and she even threw things at Jiang Bo.

Jiang Xiaoyuan told Qilian that she had passed her intermediate exam and praised Jiang Bo as a good person who had given her many opportunities. Qilian, feeling jealous, saw Jiang Bo exit Fan Xiaoxiao's house with blood on his head. Later, Fan Xiaoxiao refused the scheduled interview. Qilian confronted Jiang Bo about the situation, believing that Jiang Bo hiring Jiang Xiaoyuan was at Fan Xiaoxiao's behest, and he wasn't genuinely appreciative of her talent. Jiang Xiaoyuan was shocked to hear this. Qilian didn't reveal much to Jiang Bo but warned him that he had his own leverage, having spent four years in a mental hospital at the age of ten.

Jiang Xiaoyuan, distraught, called Feng Ruisue, and later, Qilian informed her of everything he had investigated, including his own participation as an experimental subject in the Lighthouse System. Initially skeptical, Jiang Xiaoyuan had to believe it when she saw the 2012 contract. Qilian's first thought upon finding this contract was that if he could survive, then Jiang Xiaoyuan surely could too. Although she couldn't recall how she got involved with the Lighthouse experiment, Chen Fangzhou's words convinced her that Qilian's intentions, at least when creating the Lighthouse System, were good, even if it was initiated by Xu Jingyang.

Holding her resignation letter, Jiang Xiaoyuan came to the classroom but learned about Jiang Bo's resignation. He asked her to bring her office box, and she did. Today was the last order Jiang Bo had arranged for her, but he evaded her questions. He just hoped she would honestly complete the order and pursue her dreams. While this order was originally Jiang Bo's, he gave it to Jiang Xiaoyuan as a stepping stone. However, she didn't disappoint him; she handled the challenging celebrity exceptionally well. Jiang Bo's first assistant, Yue Ningchuan, tried to recruit Jiang Xiaoyuan upon hearing the news. Still, she hesitated, especially regarding the Star River magazine, which had ties to Fan Xiaoxiao, saying she would consider it. Jiang Bo specifically advised her that Star River wasn't suitable for her, suggesting Amy's studio instead.

Tonight was the Star River Fashion Gala, and Feng Ruisue also attended. Qilian kept a close eye on Fan Xiaoxiao. When the female celebrity Jiang Xiaoyuan did the makeup for walked the red carpet with visible powder issues, actors blamed the makeup artist. Jiang Xiaoyuan was certain she had used mica-based loose powder, although she hadn't.

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