2024 Chinese Drama List

Xie Jing Dramas, Movies and TV Shows

Xie Jing
Xie Jing dramas, movies, and TV shows list contains the best TV series, films of Xie Jing and the ongoing and upcoming shows. The list will be updated continuously, bookmark this list to get the latest tv shows of Xie Jing.

Xie Jing Dramas List

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  • Glory of Special Forces


    Military, Action, Urban
    Yang Yang, Li Yitong, Jiang Luxia
    Born in a military family, Yan Poyue enlisted in a detachment of the armed forces in order to prove himself to his father at the time of the entrance exam. During the training of new recruits, Yan Poyue’s training results were amazing, but he was not favored by the squadron leader Li Qiang and was assigned to the special operations squadron cooking class. The cooking class had undiscovered...
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