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HOME Forums News / Gossip Bilibili Uploader Condemned over Dancing at Wrong Site


  • Bilibili Uploader Condemned over Dancing at Wrong Site

     oldhuang updated 3 years, 8 months ago 1 Member · 1 Post
  • oldhuang

    July 7, 2021 at 4:38 pm

    “Wise Party Girl” (机智的党妹), an uploader of interesting short films of makeup and face changes(Note: her image in real life is average or lower, but her look after makeup is totally different and can be said to be amazing), is an internet celebrity of http://www.bilibili.com, a famous and influential Chinese site of the largest number of young fans of animation, comic, game(ACG), and was condemned by netizens for the short video of her solo dancing Japanese home dance in Japanese costume that she conducted in front of a Dalian-based history museum, where history of Japanese military invasion of China from 1894 to 1945 is exhibited. Dalian is located in the northeast of China, a coastal city that was the colony of Japan and the USSR before the New China was founded in 1949.

    Though she has a large number of followers in bilibili and other social media, many people are calling on the suspension of her performing career for this wrongdoing

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0 of 0 posts June 2018