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HOME Forums News / Gossip Evan Lin Yanjun released the new song “休息之道/Turn Off”


  • Evan Lin Yanjun released the new song “休息之道/Turn Off”

     kako updated 3 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 1 Post
  • kako

    August 5, 2021 at 4:36 pm

    On August 5, Lin Yanjun, who had debuted in NINE PERCENT, finally came back with his new work “休息之道/Turn Off”.

    From the last work “等待整个冬天/Waiting for the Whole Winter”, singer Evan Lin Yanjun has not released any new songs for a year.

    But fortunately, the handsome man finally returned in full force.?

    The first male lead drama of Evan Lin Yanjun, “Crush“, was also released on August 3, and achieved a good response from the viewers, and his popularity raised quickly.

    Who do you like more, singer Lin or actor Lin??

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