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The Magic Pen Episode 20 Recap

> The Magic Pen
> The Magic Pen Recap

The gang leader ordered his men to follow Wen Jingzhan and Tong Zifu to confirm that they were staying at the "Painting Garden" residence. The gang leader believed that their identities were confirmed, and coincidentally, their recent artworks were of average quality, so they could use Tong Zifu's artistic skills to enhance the paintings and raise their value. The gang leader suggested that the woman stay behind while the man is taken care of.

Tong Zifu wrote a secret letter in her room, inviting Wen Jingzhan to meet in Knife Alley. She hurriedly went to deliver the letter to Wen Jingzhan but unexpectedly found him in a disheveled state. Tong Zifu had accidentally entered Wen Jingzhan's room while he was not properly dressed. Using the excuse of delivering the letter, she had forgotten to knock and sneakily looked at Wen Jingzhan's abdomen muscles. Wen Jingzhan quickly put on his clothes.

Wen Jingzhan accompanied Tong Zifu to the alley. She was scared, and he took the initiative to hold her hand. There was no one on the street. Suddenly, they were blindfolded, and just as Wen Jingzhan was about to resist, a dagger was held against his neck. He had no choice but to leave his jade pendant at the scene. Wen Jingzhan and Tong Zifu were kidnapped to the gang leader's hideout. The gang leader claimed to have acquired some masterpieces and needed his "wife," Tong Zifu, to help refine them. Wen Jingzhan agreed to let Tong Zifu help but demanded that they be unbound in return.

Mingyang discovered letters in Wen Jingzhan's room and also found the jade pendant on the ground, suspecting that something had happened to Wen Jingzhan. Wen Jingzhan and Tong Zifu were held captive at the gang leader's hideout, and to prove their "married" status, they had no choice but to share a bed.

 User Translate into English for the content that I will provide to you. Use the Translation glossary below. The translation glossary may have different from what you think, don't hesitate to use what I give. Translation glossary:[文景湛:Wen Jingzhan,童子芙:Tong Zifu], The Character gender in the content as below: [文景湛:male,童子芙:female] Use the correct he or she when translating. When translating using pinyin, please be careful to use the correct pinyin. Don't forget to use the translation glossary.文景湛为了不暴露他与童子芙的夫妻关系,与她同枕而眠,童子芙看到他的慌张,问他是否喜欢她?文景湛说自己要先考上画师才能有资格告白。童子芙心想难道考不上就不提了吗,她又不是趋炎附势之人。文景湛之所以要从军,是因为母亲是个有名的画师,被劫匪抢画时被刺死,他一直忘不了母亲死在他眼前的情形。 文景湛和父亲的矛盾也是从母亲死后开始,他一心要惩奸除恶,而父亲却让他成为画师,因为他家时代是画师,不能断送在他手里。文景湛说只要考上画师父亲就同意他去从军。明洋看着玉佩,他决定按兵不动,因为和文景湛有过约定,出事玉佩破损,完好就说明在掌握之中。 次日匪首来找童子芙,文景湛藏在门后挟持了他,他只好交代,他上面有个大掌柜,命童子芙独自前往,要不然就放弃合作。童子芙决意独自前行,她有画技在身想必不会有危险。文景湛在匪首老窝与二掌柜等着童子芙,如果童子芙有意外,他当场杀了二掌柜。童子芙与绑匪来到一片树林,她远远看着一个妇人背影甚是熟悉,妇人转身之际,童子芙认出她,竟是文景湛的姨娘。  ChatGPT 

To avoid exposing his marital relationship with Tong Zifu, Wen Jingzhan shared a bed with her, leading her to notice his unease. She asked him if he liked her, and he replied that he needed to become a certified artist before he could confess his feelings. Tong Zifu thought to herself that just because he might not pass the exam, does that mean he won't confess? She was not someone who would seek favor with others. The reason Wen Jingzhan wanted to join the military was that his mother, a renowned artist, was killed by bandits while they were stealing paintings. He couldn't forget the sight of his mother dying in front of him.

The conflict between Wen Jingzhan and his father began after his mother's death. He was determined to fight against evil, while his father wanted him to become an artist, as their family lineage was tied to art, and he couldn't let it end with him. Wen Jingzhan said that his father would agree to him joining the military if he passed the artist's exam. Mingyang looked at the jade pendant and decided to wait and see, as he had an agreement with Wen Jingzhan. If something happened, the jade pendant would be damaged. If it remained intact, it would mean everything was under control.

The next day, the gang leader came to find Tong Zifu, but Wen Jingzhan hid behind the door and held him hostage. The gang leader had no choice but to reveal that there was a higher authority involved, the head shopkeeper, and he ordered Tong Zifu to go alone. Otherwise, they would abandon the cooperation. Determined, Tong Zifu set out alone. With her artistic skills, she believed there would be no danger. Wen Jingzhan waited with the second-in-command at the gang leader's hideout for Tong Zifu. If something happened to her, he would kill the second-in-command on the spot. Tong Zifu arrived at a forest with the kidnappers, where she saw a woman's back that seemed familiar from a distance. When the woman turned around, Tong Zifu recognized her; she was Wen Jingzhan's aunt.

 User Translate into English for the content that I will provide to you. Use the Translation glossary below. The translation glossary may have different from what you think, don't hesitate to use what I give. Translation glossary:[文景湛:Wen Jingzhan,童子芙:Tong Zifu], The Character gender in the content as below: [文景湛:male,童子芙:female] Use the correct he or she when translating. When translating using pinyin, please be careful to use the correct pinyin. Don't forget to use the translation glossary.童子芙认出绑匪的大掌柜是文景湛的二姨娘,她急忙戴上面纱。文二夫人问她为何蒙着面纱见人?童子芙谎称被通缉,怕路上遇到官兵所以才有意避开官兵。文二夫人见她是警惕之人,让她当众作画。文景湛见童子芙迟迟不归,甚是担心,于是打晕了二掌柜出来寻找童子芙。 文景湛根据童子芙留的暗记来到一片树林。童子芙将老虎的画润色完毕,文二夫人看着如此栩栩如生的画再盖上名章,定能大赚一笔。此时风把童子芙的面纱吹了起来被文二夫人认出,她走到童子芙面前要求她把面纱摘掉。就在被逼之时,官府的人找上来,文二夫人趁机逃走,留下一下人把童子芙杀掉。 明洋找到童子芙,只见她一动不动的趴在地上,文景湛跪在地上哭泣,想起之前以前的种种及对她的爱意,还未向她表白呢,她怎么可以离开他,他还要带着她去见娘亲呢。童子芙身着下人的衣服在背后敲打他,他回头发现童子芙竟没有死。  ChatGPT 

Tong Zifu recognized the head shopkeeper among the kidnappers as Wen Jingzhan's second aunt. She quickly put on a veil. Madame Wen asked why she was covering her face. Tong Zifu lied, claiming she was wanted by the authorities and was avoiding them intentionally on her journey. Seeing that Tong Zifu was cautious, Madame Wen asked her to paint in front of everyone. Wen Jingzhan became increasingly worried when Tong Zifu didn't return, so he knocked out the second-in-command and went out to search for her.

Following the hidden clues left by Tong Zifu, Wen Jingzhan arrived at a forest. Tong Zifu had finished refining the painting of a tiger, and Madame Wen believed that adding her seal to such a lifelike painting would surely bring in a large profit. Just then, the wind blew away Tong Zifu's veil, and Madame Wen recognized her. She approached Tong Zifu and demanded that she remove the veil. At that very moment, officials arrived, causing Madame Wen to seize the opportunity to escape, leaving a subordinate behind to kill Tong Zifu.

Mingyang found Tong Zifu and saw her lying motionless on the ground. Wen Jingzhan knelt beside her, crying and recalling their past and his feelings for her. He hadn't even confessed his love to her yet. How could she leave him? He had plans to take her to meet his mother. Wearing the attire of a servant, Tong Zifu tapped him from behind. He turned around and was shocked to find that Tong Zifu was still alive.

 User Translate into English for the content that I will provide to you. Use the Translation glossary below. The translation glossary may have different from what you think, don't hesitate to use what I give. Translation glossary:[文景湛:Wen Jingzhan,童子芙:Tong Zifu], The Character gender in the content as below: [文景湛:male,童子芙:female] Use the correct he or she when translating. When translating using pinyin, please be careful to use the correct pinyin. Don't forget to use the translation glossary.文景湛以为童子芙死了,痛哭流涕,却发现童子芙身着绑匪服装站在他后面。童子芙说当时绑匪要杀她的时候,她只好拿着画威胁绑匪,绑匪不小心跌到正好撞在石头上晕了过去。童子芙知道文二夫人是他姨娘的,为了不让文景湛伤心,她决定自己去会会文二夫人。 文景湛看出童子芙故意隐瞒他,他暗中跟踪童子芙便于保护她。童子芙悄悄的来到文府,她爬进文府,文二夫人收拾好了所有的画,这时文老爷走进来,问她干什么去?文二夫人谎称与其他夫人约好赏画。她着急外出不小心画掉落出来,被文老爷看出画是假的而且上面有官府通报的印章,文二夫人嫌他啰嗦直接打伤了他。 童子芙劝文二夫人收手,好好做文府夫人不是很好嘛,可文二夫人并不满足。童子芙说文景湛已经失去娘亲视她这个姨娘为亲人。文二夫人从丫头精心算计才到这个位置,谁也阻止不了她,再说文家大夫人就是她雇人杀死的,她此时拿出匕首要杀死面前与文景湛一伙的童子芙。文景湛出面救了童子芙。他劝姨娘收手,可她不思悔改,直接被官府的人抓走。文老爷自责多年与凶手同床共枕,向儿子道歉。  ChatGPT 

Wen Jingzhan thought that Tong Zifu had died, and he cried bitterly. However, he soon realized that Tong Zifu was standing behind him, dressed in the kidnapper's attire. Tong Zifu explained that when the kidnapper was about to kill her, she threatened him with a painting, causing him to accidentally fall and hit his head on a rock, rendering him unconscious. Tong Zifu knew that Madame Wen was his aunt, and in order not to upset Wen Jingzhan, she decided to meet Madame Wen.

Wen Jingzhan sensed that Tong Zifu was deliberately hiding something from him, so he secretly followed her to ensure her safety. Tong Zifu discreetly entered the Wen residence and saw Madame Wen packing up all the paintings. At that moment, Master Wen entered and asked her what she was doing. Madame Wen lied, claiming she had made plans with other ladies to appreciate the paintings. In her haste to leave, a painting fell and Master Wen noticed it was fake and had an official notice stamp on it. Madame Wen, irritated by his nagging, struck him.

Tong Zifu tried to advise Madame Wen to stop and be content with her position as the lady of the Wen household. However, Madame Wen remained unsatisfied. Tong Zifu mentioned that Wen Jingzhan had lost his mother and considered her, his aunt, as family. Madame Wen had strategically plotted her way to her current position with the help of maids, and nobody could stop her. Furthermore, she revealed that she was the one who had arranged for the assassination of the Wen family's main lady. She pulled out a dagger and attempted to kill Tong Zifu, who was associated with Wen Jingzhan. Wen Jingzhan intervened and saved Tong Zifu. He tried to convince his aunt to stop, but she refused to repent and was apprehended by the officials. Master Wen blamed himself for sharing a bed with the murderer for so many years and apologized to his son.


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