Guo Yilin (郭依林) Profile
Guo Yilin(郭依林) was born on October 5, 2002, in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, is a Chinese actress.
Main works include Evil Minds, The Eight Hundred, The Ingenious One, etc.
Basic Info
Stage Name: Guo Yilin
Chinese Name: Guo Yi Lin / 郭依林
Birth Name: Guo Xiaobei / 郭小北
Place of Birth: Nanjing, Jiangsu
Nationality: China
Birthday: October 05, 2002 (Age: 22)
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Height: 168cm (5'6")
Weight: 43kg (94.6 lbs)
Blood Type: -
Instagram: -
Weibo: 郭依林gyl
- 1991Luo Yichun
- 1992Ning Xin
- 1993Guo Yilin
- 1994Wang Qingxiang
- 1995Huang Zi'en
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