Cast of Her Fantastic Adventures CDrama Cast of the Chinese Drama Her Fantastic Adventures Ireine SongQi Chunjiao / Gu QingqiaoMain Role Guo JunchenDuan YuMain Role Li JiulinLu ZizhengSupport Role Jiang ZixinDu RuoyunSupport Role Ma QiyueDuan ShaoyiSupport Role Wen YifanXing SiSupport Role Li MingyuanLu HuahuaSupport Role He YimanDong XiSupport Role Xie ZhuoniRuo YiSupport RoleRelated PostsHer Fantastic Adventures - Ireine Song, Fiction Guo JunchenChinese Dramas Like Her Fantastic AdventuresDoes Angel Zhao Jinmai Have A Boyfriend? Relationship With Edward Lai Guanlin Is A MysteryGuo Junchen Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows ListIreine Song Dramas, Movies, and TV Shows List