2024 Chinese Drama List

Her Fantastic Adventures Recap, Plot, Synopsis

> Her Fantastic Adventures

Her Fantastic Adventures Synopsis

Discus athlete Qi Chunjiao experiences a series of breakdown events, including the abrupt end of her career, a failed first love confession, and estrangement from her mother. After a head injury, she unexpectedly becomes Gu Qingqiao, the daughter of a wealthy family in ancient times.

At the same time, her secret crush Duan Yu, his nephew Duan Shaoyi, her male confidant Lu Zizeng, and the team doctor Ruan Siqiong also transform into different identities and reconnect with her. During their legendary journey to search for the "Four Spirits" treasures, Qi Chunjiao gradually resolves her inner conflicts, learns to love, and finds a new direction in life.

Her Fantastic Adventures Recap

Episode 1 Recap

Qi Chunjiao was originally a javelin thrower who faced retirement due to a broken arm. Her father’s last wish was for her to stand on the podium, so she wanted to continue competing despite her injury. However, the team doctor told her that her arm hadn’t healed properly and that she would need a long period of rehabilitation before she could compete again.

Chunjiao’s mother, believing that an athlete's prime years are limited and shouldn't be wasted, urged her to return to training and compete. She even asked the team doctor to provide a certificate allowing her to return to training. The doctor refused, saying it was impossible to issue such a certificate. Chunjiao also told her mother not to make things difficult for the doctor and that she had already decided to retire.

Her mother, upon hearing this, accused Chunjiao of how disappointed her father would be if he knew. Angrily, Chunjiao argued with her mother, stating that her father was gone and that her mother should stop using his wishes to guilt-trip her. During their argument, a plaque fell from the door. Chunjiao pushed her mother out of the way and was hit herself. When she woke up, she found herself at Gu Qingqiao's funeral. Qi Chunjiao had transmigrated into Gu Qingqiao's body.

The doctor had already declared that she had no pulse, so the Gu family had dressed her and prepared for the funeral. To everyone's shock, she suddenly sat up from the coffin. Chunjiao thought she was on a film set and asked the maid, Dong Xi, for her phone to call her mother, but Dong Xi had no idea what she was talking about. Realizing that her clothes and surroundings weren't modern, Chunjiao still believed she was on a set.

Her father, Gu Xinglian, told her that he knew she was filial and unwilling to leave him, but she didn’t recognize anyone and thought they were strangers trying to deceive her. It wasn’t until later that she realized she had actually traveled back in time. Struggling with the ancient clothes, she hurriedly changed and tried to go out to see the surroundings. However, many people blocked the door, preventing her from leaving. She sternly scolded them not to obstruct her.

On the street, she noticed there were no cameras or film crews, finally confirming that she had time-traveled into Gu Qingqiao’s body. She searched the mansion for a time tunnel, hoping to return. Because there were no barbecues or beers in ancient times, Gu Qingqiao and Dong Xi grilled meat skewers in the courtyard.

She noticed that the large courtyard was empty, and Dong Xi explained that her father, Gu Xinglian, didn’t want the servants to disturb her while she recovered. Additionally, her sudden resurrection from the coffin and memory loss made people think she was odd, so they avoided her. Gu Qingqiao realized that everyone thought she was mentally unstable, which was why they kept their distance. The housekeeper informed her that Gu Xinglian had suddenly fallen ill.

Gu Qingqiao immediately suggested calling a doctor and dialing 120 but then went to visit him. Gu Xinglian told her that he had wished for her good health and now that she was better, he wanted to fulfill his vow. Seeing his condition, Gu Qingqiao promised to go to the Shangqing Temple to fulfill it on his behalf. At the temple, she learned that burning the first incense on the first day of the month was very effective.

She decided to get the first incense, hoping that the place that granted her miraculous recovery might also help her return. While staying at the temple, she saw someone chasing a fugitive and was thrilled to witness real-life qinggong (a type of martial arts skill). The fugitive, upon seeing her, threw a tile at her. Angrily, she threw a bronze mirror, knocking him out. She rushed into the temple and managed to get the first incense.

She drew a white lot, and a monk named Kong Kong told her that she was from another world. She asked about her mother’s well-being, and Kong Kong assured her that her family was fine, just like her current family. He also told her that she was destined to defy the heavens.

Gu Qingqiao asked how she could return to her world, and Kong Kong told her that if she found the Four Spirits, she could open a portal and return. Duan Yu and his group didn’t manage to get the incense and were beaten up, returning angrily. On the way, they encountered the governor’s daughter, Ruo Yi. Duan Si had feelings for Ruo Yi and gazed at her longingly.

Gu Qingqiao, on her way back to the mansion in a carriage, encountered a checkpoint searching for the fugitive. They asked her to get out for inspection, but someone then took her hostage, demanding she not leave the carriage. The inspectors insisted that as a merchant’s daughter, she had to comply. Gu Qingqiao overpowered the fugitive, realizing it was the same person who had thrown the tile at her.

Episode 2 Recap

In the modern era, Qi Chunjiao had a childhood friend named Lu Zizheng. They grew up together, practically from infancy. Lu Zizheng told Chunjiao that she didn’t seem like a woman at all, which is why he could remain friends with her for so long. He also advised her not to have feelings for him. Chunjiao assured him that she did have someone she liked, but it wasn’t him. Gu Qingqiao noticed that the fugitive looked exactly like Lu Zizheng.

She thought he had also traveled back in time and told him not to leave the carriage, while she got out for inspection. She argued with the soldiers about social hierarchy, claiming that all people were equal, which earned her applause from the crowd. Duan Yu, noticing her debate with the soldiers, asked who she was and learned that she was the eldest daughter of the Gu family from Qingfeng Tower and the one who got the first incense.

He ordered his men to release her and keep a close eye on her. Gu Qingqiao secretly dragged Lu Zizheng into the Gu family's wine cellar. Seeing him covered in blood with an arrow wound, she was very worried and hurriedly tried to stop the bleeding. She noticed many scars on his body and asked where they came from since she hadn’t seen them before. Lu Zizheng, surprised by her concern, remarked that he didn’t know her.

He asked her to help pull out the arrowhead. Gu Qingqiao, hesitant, wanted to find a doctor, but Lu Zizheng stopped her, saying that if she did, her efforts to save him would be in vain. He asked her to remove the arrowhead herself. After drinking some wine for courage, Gu Qingqiao pulled out the arrowhead and told him he needed to eat something nourishing. She quickly made him a bowl of beef noodles.

After eating, Lu Zizheng said it was the best bowl of noodles he had ever had. Gu Qingqiao was puzzled since it wasn’t his first time eating it, and he kept calling her "Miss Gu. " She asked him how he had traveled back in time, but he didn’t understand what she meant. Gu Qingqiao thought he was pretending and got angry. Lu Zizheng then revealed that he wasn’t Lu Zizheng, leaving Gu Qingqiao feeling very disappointed.

The fugitive then told her to call him Lu Zizheng from now on. Gu Qingqiao asked why he was being pursued by the authorities. He explained that he had stolen a valuable item from the Manduo Sect. Gu Qingqiao asked if he, being a martial artist, knew about the Four Spirits. Lu Zizheng promised to find out and let her know. The governor asked the Changqing Chamber of Commerce to help capture the Manduo Sect members.

Initially, the chamber members were reluctant, believing that capturing sect members was the government's job. However, Duan Yu produced account books proving tax evasion by these merchants, and they immediately agreed to cooperate with the government. Gu Xinglian returned home feeling depressed. Gu Qingqiao asked him why he was troubled. He told her that he had to compete with Chunfeng Tower and help the government capture sect members.

Chunfeng Tower was famous for its vegetarian dishes, which outshone Qingfeng Tower's meat dishes. Gu Qingqiao suggested experiencing it herself to understand the competition. At her own restaurant, she ordered several dishes and found them unsatisfactory, realizing why Chunfeng Tower's vegetarian dishes were superior. Gu Qingqiao proposed organizing a food festival to promote Qingfeng Tower and enhance the chamber’s influence. Gu Xinglian discussed this idea with Duan Yu, who thought it was excellent and feasible.

Gu Xinglian invited him to dinner at their home, instructing the household to keep the prettier maids out of sight. He thought highly of Duan Yu and wanted to match him with Gu Qingqiao. Gu Qingqiao personally cooked a dish of braised pork so delicious it brought tears to Duan Yu's eyes. He wanted to see how it was made and went to the kitchen, where he encountered Gu Qingqiao.

She thought he was the Duan Yu she had a crush on in the modern era. In the modern era, Chunjiao wanted to confess her feelings to Duan Yu, but he told her he was going abroad to study and might not return, so she gave up. Gu Qingqiao, feeling unattractive, turned away and told Duan Yu not to come closer.

She talked about their past, and Duan Yu told her she might have mistaken him for someone else since they had never met. As she turned, she accidentally spilled the newly made braised pork on her feet. Duan Yu picked her up and put her in a water tank. At that moment, Gu Xinglian arrived and questioned why Duan Yu was in the kitchen with his daughter, suggesting they had been intimate.

Duan Si, however, denied any intimacy, and Duan Yu hurriedly left. That night, Gu Qingqiao kept thinking about Duan Yu, feeling it might be fate that they met again in ancient times after being rejected in the modern era. Lu Zizheng interrupted her thoughts, asking her to help him take a hot bath. Reluctantly, Gu Qingqiao agreed.

She thought that the only ones who didn’t mind her resurrection from the coffin were her maid, Dong Xi, and Gu Xinglian, while Lu Zizheng was the only person she knew and didn’t want anything bad to happen to him.

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