The film tells the story of underground workers who risk their lives to deliver information and defend the motherland with their lives after the outbreak of the Comprehensive Anti- Japanese War.
English Title: Hidden Blade Chinese Title: 无名 Genre: Suspense, Thriller, War, Drama Duration: 128 min. Director: Cheng Er Screenwriter: Cheng Er Product Company: BONA Released Date: 2023-01-22 Boradcast Website: -
On December 7, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. The following day, Wang Jingwei’s Puppet Regime followed Japan's declaration of war against Britain and the United States. Japan symbolically occupied all of Shanghai.
With the outbreak of the Pacific War, the war situation in China changed completely.
The Communist Party of China's Special Branch was in Shanghai, maneuvering between Chongqing, Wang, and the Japanese spy agencies, using an intricate system of intelligence to obtain information, kill traitors and build a broader united front until the eve of victory.
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