2025 Chinese Drama List

I Am Nobody: The showdown between Yin & Yang Episode 6 Recap

> I Am Nobody: The showdown between Yin & Yang
> I Am Nobody: The showdown between Yin & Yang Recap

Five years ago, Lao Meng took Chen Duo out of the Yao Xian Hui cave. Liao Zhong was there to assist, and he was surprised that Chen Duo easily trusted Lao Meng. Lao Meng explained that Chen Duo seemed to lack independent thought; she would just do whatever others told her. Therefore, Lao Meng stayed behind to handle the aftermath while Liao Zhong took Chen Duo back to the Dark Fortress.

Some time later, Lao Meng visited Chen Duo at the Dark Fortress. Liao Zhong noticed how much Lao Meng cared for her and teased him about it. Lao Meng replied that Chen Duo was only about sixteen or seventeen, around the same age as his daughter, so it was natural to feel protective.

Liao Zhong informed him that the Yao Xian Hui was quite evil, and aside from teaching Chen Duo foreign techniques, they hadn’t given her any basic education or common sense. When the staff fed Chen Duo, she was uncooperative. Liao Zhong went to her room to feed her himself. Chen Duo mechanically opened her mouth, and thinking she still had no sense of taste, Liao Zhong fed her a spoonful of mustard.

Immediately, Chen Duo choked, tears streaming from her eyes, and her clothes became soaked in blood. Liao Zhong had the clothes sealed for processing and explained that he initially thought Chen Duo was just a poisoned child. Later, he realized she was more like a poison incubator. The founder of the Yao Xian Hui was a madman who believed that controlling the world required a deadly poison, so he collected babies and taught them his twisted beliefs.

Chen Duo suffered massive blood loss and needed surgery. The doctors found that the highest dose of anesthesia couldn’t put her under, so they had no choice but to perform the surgery while she was awake. After some time of testing, Liao Zhong realized that Chen Duo had basic cognitive abilities, but she was constantly resisting with some kind of willpower, refusing to speak or show any emotions.

He then attached a monitoring device to her, with the remote control watch in his possession. Chen Duo was taken to the activity room, where a large monster was playing basketball. A young man, Chen Junyan, entered and was very curious about her. Seeing that she didn’t speak, he poked her face with his finger, which scared the staff, who immediately pulled him away.

Liao Zhong chatted with Feng Boti, a test subject in the Dark Fortress, who asked if Liao Zhong had special feelings for Chen Duo, which made him bring her back for treatment. Suddenly, Liao Zhong noticed the data on the watch fluctuating wildly. He hurried to the activity room, where the large monster, Chen Junyan, was fooling around, and Chen Duo was showing a long-lost smile.

Once Liao Zhong appeared, Chen Duo quickly adjusted her heart rate back to its original values. The doctor analyzed that Chen Duo and Chen Junyan were similar in age. Chen Duo had been suppressing her nature since childhood, while Chen Junyan was carefree, which might have led to Chen Duo feeling some sort of yearning. Chen Junyan then offered Chen Duo a basketball. She sat still, hesitant to accept it.

After Chen Junyan left the activity room, the ball fell to the ground, and once again, Chen Duo's heart rate spiked. The doctor suggested continuing to provide her with strong emotional stimuli, but Liao Zhong thought it would be better to report to headquarters and develop a more reasonable plan. After receiving approval from headquarters, Chen Duo was taken to a park surrounded by children.

The children gathered around her, talking to her as if she had returned to a familiar, locked-up environment and was reunited with old friends. Suddenly, Chen Duo lost control of her emotions and cried for hours. When they returned to the Dark Fortress, the doctor told Liao Zhong that Chen Duo didn’t seem to be consumed by toxins, but rather by an invisible Qi. From then on, Chen Duo seemed like a completely different person, learning languages and life skills.

She became good friends with Chen Junyan. When Feng Boti left the Dark Fortress, she actually seemed reluctant. Because Chen Junyan was not an Outsider in the strictest sense, he had to be sent out of the fortress as well. After Chen Junyan left, Chen Duo was deeply saddened. Liao Zhong told her that to leave like the others, she needed to learn new skills. He arranged for people to train with Chen Duo every day.

Her learning ability and physical strength soon exceeded those of normal people. After two years, she had fully met the standards. When Chen Duo presented her potted flowers for testing, Liao Zhong knew the time had come for her to leave. He was filled with a mix of excitement, reluctance, and countless emotions.

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