2024 Chinese Drama List

Jade's Fateful Love Episode 4 Recap

> Jade's Fateful Love
> Jade's Fateful Love Recap

Yue Ling disguised herself as a courtesan and danced clumsily among the two whispering officials. She pretended to accidentally fall beside one of them and, while being helped up, stealthily took the account book from his sleeve. She then apologized and left. Just then, a madam arrived at Fengyue Pavilion, mistakenly believing Yue Ling was seducing her husband. She grabbed Yue Ling and demanded an apology.

Worried about exposing her theft, Yue Ling tried to shake off the madam, but the woman refused to let go, causing a commotion. Just as the madam was about to push Yue Ling to the ground, Zhou Shiyu appeared and helped Yue Ling up. Yue Ling, seeing Zhou Shiyu coming to her aid, quickly lied that he was her husband and that she would never seduce another man. Zhou Shiyu played along, claiming he and his wife were deeply in love. Realizing her mistake, the madam left angrily.

Back in the main hall, Yue Ling noticed Xing Yi staring blankly at Su Nian. She advised him to be mindful of his expression, but Xing Yi loudly insisted that Su Nian was the assassin from the journey. The madam of the brothel quickly added that Su Nian had always lived at Fengyue Pavilion and had no time to go out. Su Nian also stated that she was a courtesan who never left the pavilion, and she didn't understand Xing Yi's accusation. Yue Ling had to once again urge Xing Yi to stop making such claims.

Su Nian then toasted the Southern and Northern Kings. Zhou Zhixuan, mesmerized by her beauty, accidentally dropped his wine cup. Originally, he had planned to use the dropped cup as a signal for the assassins to attack Zhou Shiyu, but the cup slipped too early, and the assassins began their action prematurely. One of the assassins, not very sharp-witted, circled Zhou Zhixuan instead. Just as the assassin was about to strike, Zhou Shiyu stepped in and took the arrow meant for Zhou Zhixuan.

The Fengyue Pavilion was thrown into chaos. To prove she wasn’t an assassin, Su Nian coyly asked Xing Yi for help. Yue Ling arranged for Xing Yi to protect Su Nian, but Xing Yi thought Su Nian was acting. He placed his hand in front of Su Nian’s face, covering half of it, further confirming his suspicions. Yue Ling, preparing to sacrifice herself to use the jade pendant to resurrect Zhou Shiyu, was pulled away by Xing Yi, who had no idea what she intended, hastily leaving the pavilion.

Zhou Zhixuan was furious. His plan to injure Zhou Shiyu had backfired, giving Zhou Shiyu an opportunity to display his valor, leaving Zhou Zhixuan indebted and more resentful. However, the chancellor was pleased, as the discord between the Southern and Northern Kings was a perfect tool to control the emperor.

Yue Ling, regretting that she couldn’t save Zhou Shiyu, sought an opportunity to visit the Northern King’s residence. As it was improper for her to meet the Northern King before marriage, she and Xing Yi decided to write a letter to the Northern King. Zhou Shiyu, upon receiving the letter, knew that if he didn’t allow Yue Ling to visit, she would find another way. He agreed to meet her.

Yue Ling entered the Northern King’s residence and spoke with Zhou Shiyu through a screen. When she inquired about the safety of the young officer Wen Yu, Zhou Shiyu informed her that he had died. Yue Ling felt deep remorse, believing that if she had died with Wen Yu, she could have saved him. Realizing that the dead could not be brought back, she asked Qian Qian to prepare a fire basin to burn offerings for Wen Yu, hoping to ease his passing. She burned paper money, images of beauties, and even jade pendant patterns, praying for his peace.

While she was mumbling her prayers, she suddenly heard Wen Yu’s voice behind her. She thought his spirit was restless and turned around to see his face, which scared her so much that she kept retreating.

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