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Later, I Laughed Episode 10 Recap

> Later, I Laughed
> Later, I Laughed Recap

In evaluating the success of a shop, it’s not just about the number of customers, but rather the table turnover rate. The turnover rate refers to how frequently a table is reused. The higher the turnover rate, the better the business is doing. One day, Cao Zhiyong noticed that half of the customers in the shop were stand-up comedy fans, likely there for Wu Xiuya.

However, these people would order a bottle of wine and stay for the entire evening, which meant the shop’s turnover rate was low, and as a result, the shop's earnings for the day weren’t good. Cao Zhiyong was worried. On one hand, Xiuya was busy working overtime and didn’t have time to perform, and on the other hand, the business was suffering due to these people coming to watch stand-up.

He asked Xiao Lan to talk to Xiuya and convince her to come to Banghe and perform a set, even if it was just as a guest performer. Xiao Lan agreed to mention it to Xiuya. In fact, Xiuya wasn’t working overtime. The real reason she didn’t go to Banghe was that she probably didn’t want to run into Shi Ye, nor did she want to compete with her good friend Xiao Lan for a man.

She might have just gotten out of a relationship and wasn’t ready to dive into another one so soon. Xiao Lan thought Xiuya wasn’t going because she was afraid, but Xiuya didn’t explain herself. She ended up going to Banghe after work that evening. Cao Zhiyong was overjoyed to see her and Xiuya performed a set on stage. Afterward, she had a private conversation with Shi Ye.

They both agreed that the night in the rain was just an accident, and they shook hands, agreeing to remain good friends. Just then, they overheard someone talking about Xiuya allegedly copying her material. Upon investigating, they discovered that the joke had actually been performed by a comedian named Liu Qi at Crazy Growth Club, where both Xiuya and Shi Ye had heard it. So, Shi Ye and Xiuya went to Crazy Growth Club to watch Liu Qi perform.

The first joke he performed was the same classroom-style stand-up routine that Xiuya had come up with. Liu Qi was the same person who had listened to Xiuya perform her stand-up alone in the bar that night. Shi Ye and Xiuya confronted Liu Qi, hoping he would admit to copying Xiuya’s material. However, Liu Qi was slippery and denied copying the joke. Even though Shi Ye recorded the conversation on his phone, it didn’t capture anything useful.

The incident sparked a lot of discussion within the stand-up comedy community, and there were many who criticized Xiuya. As a result, her invitation to perform at Alpaca was revoked. Shi Ye couldn’t stand by and watch, so he personally confronted Liu Qi. This led everyone to believe that Liu Qi had been beaten by Shi Ye, and the three of them rushed to Banghe to demand an explanation. Shi Ye quickly admitted his mistake.

Not only did Shi Ye admit his mistake, but he also suggested inviting everyone to Binhai Park for a meal, where he would apologize to Liu Qi in person. The incident spread like wildfire in the stand-up community, and many comedians chose to skip Alpaca to attend the event at Binhai Park. Xiuya asked Shi Ye about what happened, and he explained that he hadn’t beaten Liu Qi.

Instead, he had written the word “Plagiarist” on Liu Qi’s forehead with an indelible marker. Liu Qi, feeling guilty, covered the word with a bandage and lied to his friends, claiming that Shi Ye had beaten him. Shi Ye had set up the entire thing, which led to the scene at Binhai Park. Shi Ye planned to have both Liu Qi and Xiuya perform the joke in front of their peers.

The others would be able to see for themselves who truly owned the joke. As long as Xiuya remembered that the joke was hers, that would be enough. Sure enough, Liu Qi, who only knew how to plagiarize, couldn’t grasp the joke’s essence and couldn’t deliver it well. In contrast, Xiuya’s natural delivery and eloquence captivated everyone in the audience.

At that moment, there was no need for further words; it was clear who the true creator was, and who had plagiarized. This established Xiuya’s standing in the stand-up comedy world. A billionaire, Xu Yunfeng, took notice of her and searched for her name online, discovering that she worked at Zhonghe Group.

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