2025 Chinese Drama List

Are You the One Episode 39 Recap

> Are You the One
> Are You the One Recap

Cui Xingzhou’s shadow guards received information that Prince Sui planned to start a rebellion during the Mid-Autumn Festival. If the guards stationed near the capital were breached, the consequences would be dire. Liu Miantang and Cui Xingzhou anticipated Prince Sui’s attack plans and predicted a fierce battle would soon erupt in the capital. The Emperor was also aware of Prince Sui’s plan and had long wanted to confront him decisively.

However, fearing for the safety of the Empress amidst the chaos, he secretly arranged for the shadow guards to protect her diligently and advised her to go to a remote temple to burn incense and pray on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. The Empress, perceptive as ever, noticed the Emperor’s preoccupation with state affairs and his worried demeanor, as well as the unusual request for her to leave the palace for a distant temple.

The Empress’s gift to Sun Yuner was refused. Liu Miantang was also at the Empress's place for tea and overheard Sun Yuner’s maid arrogantly claim that the favored concubine wanted the newly presented headpiece. Shi Xueji looked troubled, as this headpiece was the only one of its kind in the palace, and she was the only one who possessed it.

Seeing that Sun Yuner coveted it, Liu Miantang subtly suggested to the Empress that it would be gracious to grant her request. The Empress gave Sun Yuner the only set of phoenix-themed jewelry in the palace. Sun Yuner eagerly adorned herself with it and went to the palace where the Emperor reviewed official documents, flaunting her elaborate attire. The Emperor, preoccupied with various troubles, was not pleased by Sun Yuner’s ostentatious display and ordered her to remove the headpiece.

Sun Yuner, deeply aggrieved by the reprimand, pleaded with the Emperor for leniency, claiming it was her birthday and hoping for his company. The Emperor remained unmoved and ordered the removal of the headpiece immediately. Feeling dejected and wronged, Sun Yuner dismantled all the jewelry and left in a huff. Sun Yuner intended to return to Prince Sui’s residence to apply some pressure on the Emperor, hoping that the Emperor might reconsider due to his relationship with Prince Sui.

However, Prince Sui avoided meeting her and did not permit her return. Infuriated, Sun Yuner was about to leave when one of her maids received a gift from Prince Sui’s consort. Upon opening it, Sun Yuner found a note carefully hidden beneath a jade bracelet, along with a packet of powder. Prince Sui had learned of Sun Yuner’s fall from favor but was too occupied with planning the rebellion for the Mid-Autumn Festival to pay her much attention.

He hoped for no further disturbances in the meantime. Sun Yuner, mistakenly believing the powder was a message from Prince Sui, decided to use it at the Emperor’s feast the following day after testing its toxicity. At the imperial banquet, where the Empress Dowager was present, both the Emperor and the Empress fell unconscious and vomited blood after drinking a cup of wine. The Empress Dowager immediately ordered all palace doors to be sealed.

Experienced in such matters, she directed the court physician to administer an antidote to the Emperor and the Empress while having the wine cups inspected. It was found that only the Emperor’s and the Empress’s cups contained poison. The court physician discovered that the poison was made from pulverized ebony vine mixed with heat to enhance its potency. The Empress Dowager questioned who was responsible for the banquet.

A palace servant from the Kitchen Department claimed that the wine pot was brought by Liu Miantang, who had previously been known to craft such porcelain. The servant then threw herself against the wall in distress. Sun Yuner quickly shifted the blame to Liu Miantang, alleging that the Emperor, having a past affection for her, might be seeking revenge on the Empress out of jealousy. The Empress Dowager, not easily fooled, interrogated Liu Miantang and summoned the court physician.

The physician confirmed that the poison turned yellow upon contact with water and could not be washed off with soap. The Empress Dowager ordered each person present to have their hands tested with water. The results exposed Sun Yuner’s guilt. The physician reported that Shi Xueji had died, and Sun Yuner, sneering, was dragged away. Upon hearing that the Empress was dead and the Emperor poisoned, Prince Sui was pleased, thinking the Emperor’s demise was only a matter of days.

He abandoned his original plan for rebellion and prepared to rightfully claim the throne after the Emperor’s death. Prince Sui cautiously had his subordinates inquire about Cui Xingzhou, learning that he had hurriedly returned to Qingzhou, mistakenly believing that Cui Xingzhou had fled to seek reinforcements.

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