2025 Chinese Drama List

Live or Love? Episode 5 Recap

> Live or Love?
> Live or Love? Recap

In the morning, Fang Li woke up from a nightmare. Last night, she dreamed that An Yushen arrogantly reminded her: if this game mission failed, Fang Li would be trapped in the game forever. Fang Li, recalling the terrifying nightmare, panicked and looked at the other side of the room, where An Yushen was sleeping peacefully. She thought to herself that in the game, only one person could return to reality early. She couldn’t be stuck here forever.

An Yushen had already brought the agreement, which stated that they would cooperate based on mutual benefit. Although Fang Li signed the document, she wasn’t convinced. Her true goal was to ruin An Yushen, so how could mutual benefit be possible? As the wife of the An family, An Yushen took Fang Li to attend a meeting. During the meeting, An Xiangyang introduced a project. From the employees’ reactions, Fang Li judged that this project was very difficult to execute.

In order to reach her goal sooner, Fang Li immediately decided to push the project onto An Yushen. He had just gotten married, but he had already rashly spoken up, which irritated An Xiangyang. However, An Yushen openly defended his little wife, introducing her to the employees with great seriousness. He asked everyone to respect her as they would respect him and not to meddle in their matters.

After leaving the meeting, An Yushen couldn’t help but ask Fang Li why she took on such a hot potato. Fang Li explained that by doing this, she could solidify her position in the An family. The first person to take the risk would be the most powerful. The two of them went to Longxing, intending to reorganize the internal affairs, as there had been continuous rumors about the company.

When they arrived at the supermarket, they found the cashier napping at the entrance. The two of them smoothly passed the cashier and entered the supermarket, only to find many employees gathered around the TV, watching a soccer match. An Yushen went to meet the head of Longxing, Zhang Chao. Zhang Chao started by chatting casually, trying to ease the tension.

An Yushen, however, solemnly stated that he had come for a specific purpose: to ask Zhang Chao to bring out the company’s financial books. Zhang Chao claimed that his accountant was on vacation and that he would bring the books once the vacation was over.

Fang Li originally intended to team up with Zhang Chao to deceive An Yushen, but Zhang Chao lewdly pulled out a video of Fang Li from when she was drunk and had tried to take advantage of her. Fang Li, furious upon seeing the video, angrily reminded Zhang Chao that he was like a toad trying to take advantage of a girl while she was drunk.

She threatened to use the video to accuse him of harassment, adding that someone like him wasn’t even worth a single leg hair on An Yushen’s leg. Enraged, Fang Li used a game item, the "Speak the Truth" sticker, and slapped it onto Zhang Chao’s forehead. Immediately, Zhang Chao revealed the location of the financial books. Fang Li successfully obtained the script and found evidence that Longxing had indeed been engaging in low-entry, high-exit operations.

However, An Yushen arrived and immediately reached for the script. Fang Li had no choice but to hand it over obediently. Because Fang Li was the first to discover Longxing’s problems, An Xiangyang was very impressed with An Yushen and encouraged him to keep doing well. An Yushen, unsure of how Fang Li had found the financial books, instructed his assistant to check Zhang Chao’s car camera footage.

They happened to hear the recording of Fang Li angrily scolding Zhang Chao, saying he was inferior to An Yushen’s leg hair, which caused the employees to snicker. In front of the employees, An Yushen went out of his way to defend Fang Li, but when they returned home, An Yushen cautiously asked Fang Li whether her game mission was to destroy the An family. Faced with the evidence, Fang Li couldn’t argue. That evening, in order to avoid potential danger, An Yushen moved to the study to rest.

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